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Several people, Chu Yan and Hei Yao Mozun, have rushed to the bridgehead of Xuan Emperor Bridge.

However, the Vatican Divine King behind them, the Immortal God and the others, have been getting closer.

It only takes about 2 breaths to rush up, exert the power of Divine King, and confine all around the void, leaving Chu Yan with nowhere to escape.

“This Chu Yan is really courting death, offended so many forces Divine King, God is really helping me!”

Shen Gongxi chased all the way, his smiling eyes narrowed.

His purpose is simple, is to kill Chu Yan, no matter what these Divine King is chasing down Chu Yan, anyway, as long as Chu Yan is trapped, he has absolute confidence to kill Chu Yan.

“The fierce ghost, take action!” Chu Yan shouted at the fierce ghost king.

“If you want me to shoot, there must be huge benefits! I have already said …”

The Hades did not want to answer Chu Yan, but after a while, he continued.

“However, for the benefit of the last time, I will take one shot this time. Infused immortal strength …!”

With a word, Tianwen Furnace rushed out of Chu Yan within the body and floated in front of several people.

Chu Yan and Hei Yao Demon Venerable and the others, without any hesitation, poured the dignity into the Heavenly Furnace.

At the next moment, a tall body appeared in the heavenly furnace, and the eyes of black red suddenly opened.

Suddenly, a strong and powerful magic power swept Heaven and Earth.


Fanxu Divine King and You Immortal God and the others, their faces changed.

Although before, when they heard Hu Ying and the others report the situation in the white jade palace, they heard that there was such a monster in the end, which defeated everyone.

But when they really saw this ghost, they still let them startled.

Asking what happened to the furnace this day, there was such a horrible monster hidden! ?

“Vicious sea, now!”

The fierce Hades roared, his hands flat, 10,000 li black cloud tide rising into the sky, countless monsters roared roaring in the sea of ​​black clouds.

“This … not good!”

Fanxu Divine King and the others Seeing this scene, the scalp exploded all over his body, and the Divine Strength broke out, ready to resist.

But when the sea of ​​black clouds smashed over, it made all Divine King’s faces startled at the same time.

This … general!

It looks amazing, but the result is a huge gap, as if looking at the mountains, but the fall is cotton.

Of course, if it is Heavenly Venerable Realm of ordinary, under this move, I am afraid it will have scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, but here is God King Realm, and it is still a dozen God King Realm powerhouse teamed up.

This is really a tickle against Heavenly Venerable Realm cultivation base.

“Fuck, what the hell are you doing !?”

Seeing the ignorant Divine Kings, Hei Yao Mozun suddenly yelled.

“Aren’t you the old king of Antiquity Demon Beast 2 !? No, Xuan Tian said that you are now a Boss, so what’s the effect !?”

This roar made the fierce Hades suddenly look depressed.

“My fleshy body is broken, only the Divine Soul body, and I was asked to suppress the furnace, and you have too little dignity …”

The fierce Pluto, who was full of grievances, also blushed a bit, and then drilled back to the Heaven Furnace.

However, this looks amazing, but it is a surprise move. Although it did not cause any damage to Divine Kings, the effect of scaring people is still achieved.

A group of Divine Kings froze a little, and suddenly let the distance open for a few more breaths.

Taking advantage of this time, Chu Yan did not hesitate, rushed directly to Xuan Emperor Bridge, and drove forward quickly, flying all the way, and directly entered Pantian Forbidden Land.

“This kid is lucky!”

“That’s right. In the Forbidden Land of Pantian, aura ganglie, although it’s only the outer circle area, but these Divine Kings, they can’t shoot at will.”

“This made him run away!”

“No show, let it go!”

“Go! Go!”

These cultivators gathered in front of Xuan Emperor Bridge, as well as the divine sense that all around in the sky followed, discussed spiritedly.

Heaven Sealing Xuan withdrew his gaze, his mouth lightly raised, and as expected, Chu Yan was fine.

This natural disaster, even if it is dead, must die in its own hands.

“However, he just said that he is not a natural disaster, is it true !? This can escape, and looking at what he explained, it does not seem to deliberately deceive himself. The sword of impossible is totally accidental !?

Heaven Sealing Xuan looked at the entrance of Forbidden Land at the end of Xuan Emperor Bridge, but there was a suspicious look in his eyes.

On the other side, a few people from Wen Hao, not far away, saw this scene with pity and surprise in their eyes.

“This Chu Yan, this can’t die !? This is a dozen Divine King ah!”

The landing of this sentence attracted the attention of Heaven Sealing Xuan who was not far from them.

“Whoever! Come here, cut me!”

Wen Hao pointed at his nose, his face was unbelievable, and the flame burst into flames in his eyes.

Not only himself, but all the other cultivators all around were all envious and envious.

I was fortunate enough to meet the Young Palace Lord of Tianxuan Earth Palace, and it was so intimate for the first time …

“Really … really cut !?”

Wen Hao ran forward to Heaven Sealing Xuan, nodded for a while, and then confirmed.

“Don’t talk nonsense, hurry, if you can hit me, reward!”

When this sentence hit the ground, Wen Hao’s eyes suddenly flashed with light.

Cracking a joke !

Tianxuan Earth Palace Young Palace Lord said, reward, you can get it again! ?

2 Not to mention, Wen Hao’s True Qi broke out in his body. When he turned it over, he was a purple sword. When he swung the sword, he moved towards Heaven Sealing.

This is an extremely rare opportunity.

Sword-cut Tianxuan Earth Palace Young Palace Lord, this is the moment of Duoguang Zong Yaozu!

Wen Hao was completely excited, even in order to let more people notice his Supreme glorious image, he also ran all Divine Strength roar

“Wen Hao, shatter the sky!”

This roar, like thunder cloud rolling through the audience, really caught the attention of all practitioners within a 100 li radius.

In an instant, countless pairs of eyes came over, and a large number of them were covered with blood light.

“Courting death! Dare to shoot my Young Master !? Die!”

Bang bang bang !

A path of Qi wave rises from the crowd, dozens of silhouettes, such as mad thunder, struck Wen Hao at the same time.


In the scream, the purple knife in Wen Hao’s hand was only a few hairs away from Heaven Sealing’s nose, but was forcibly tossed to the sky and instantly turned into a small black spot.

In the void, only the mournful scream echoed, and at the same time there was a clear blood-colored trajectory, across the sky.

“Useless guy!”

Heaven Sealing Xuan did n’t even lift his head, from behind to the end, hands behind ones back, calm and composed, very good for everyone ’s expert style.

“Hmph! Chu Yan, I know!”

This sentence landed, Heaven Sealing Xuan turned his head again, looked towards the entrance of Forbidden Land in Pantian, and his eyes kept blinking.

“Just a liar!”

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