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On the Emperor Xuan Emperor’s Bridge, the Vatican Divine King was black and extremely depressed.

A group of Divine King was shocked by the black guy’s bluff! ?

This is too shameful!

The point is that Chu Yan just fled under his eyelids.

“Pantian Forbidden Land, even if we rushed in and caught their chance, less than 30%!”

“Also, there have been more and more mutations in Forbidden Land in recent days!”

“Those Supreme and 9 Domain Supremes seem to be coming, some have already entered!”

“I think it’s a long-term plan!”


Fanxu Divine King and a dozen other Divine Kings do not want to chase into Forbidden Land and negotiate.

“Let’s wait!”

Seeing the ideas of Divine King, You Immortal God finally opened the mouth and said.

“Please 9th layer building and Divine King of Dawang Island, pay close attention to the movement of 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect, if Supreme comes, please notify us immediately!”

The export of these words immediately attracted all Divine King, all nodded.

For 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect, one of the ten 2 Dao Lineage, we still need to pay enough attention to it.

To know the previous Chu Yan, the Dao Foundation was destroyed, 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect may ignore him.

But now, Chu Yan’s identity is peerless genius, and this class of discipline is the absolute core in that Sect force.

If these Divine Kings really chase Chu Yan, I am afraid that 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect will definitely intervene.

Apart from the Divine King nodded, they all rose into the sky and moved towards the ancient city in the distance.


Although Shen Gongxi was a bit disappointed, he still told several Heavenly Venerate around him.

On the other side, in Forbidden Land.

Chu Yan just entered the Forbidden Land in Pantian, they felt all around in the sky, full of coercion, and dumped it down.

Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness and Pupil Force were instantly suppressed into thehundred zhang, and it could not be reached any further.

“This … not bad!”

For this Forbidden Land coercion, Chu Yan they are very welcome.

After all, if they are chased by Divine King, it is much easier to escape under such pressure.

“Green Lotus …”

Chu Yan subconsciously’s Divine Consciousness entered the body, sensing the green lotus in the sea of ​​spirit clouds, and it seemed to be completely unresponsive.

This is completely different from the situation before Chu Yan entered into other Forbidden Land.

Buzz …!

Just when Chu Yan was surprised, the green lotus in the Lingyun sea suddenly became a masterpiece of rays of light, releasing a lot of golden light, which dyed the entire Lingyun sea into a golden ocean.

What’s the matter! ?

Chu Yan looked at the green lotus in the sea of ​​cloud with a dazed face, and had no idea what it was going to do.

In the past, it was to release aura to affect all around Forbidden Land.

At this time, as soon as it said that it didn’t move, it made such a big move! ?

However, nothing happened next! ?

“Forget it, don’t care!” Chu Yan looked at it for a while and determined that nothing happened, only the head could be hooked.

“Look for information from Heaven Sealing Xuan’s Jade Talisman!”

Chu Yan took out Jade Talisman and started Divine Consciousness into it.

Seeing Chu Yan pulling out Jade Talisman, the eyes of Hei Yao Mozun instantly turned on.

In this Forbidden Land, there are maps and no maps, that is totally two concepts.

Sure enough, Chu Yan is a good boy!

What appears in Jade Talisman is a complete map, which also includes the entrance to Xuan Emperor Bridge and Forbidden Land in Pantian.

In this way, with these two references as a reference, it is easy to distinguish the direction of the map.

Chu Yan quickly scanned and found that there are 3 locations marked on the Jade Talisman map, all in the outer circle area of ​​Forbidden Land in Pantian.

“This direction …”

Raising his hand, Chu Yan was like an electric figure and flew straight out.

Hei Yao Mo Zun several people did not hesitate, quickly followed along.

This prestige Forbidden Land is well-known, even Supreme and 9-area Supreme have the risk of damage here, Chu Yan they naturally dare not care.

The flight speed is not fast, and Divine Consciousness will fly forward after sweeping.

The time less than one hour is already closer to the first place.

The black Yao Mo was excited and his eyes were bright.

This is Pantian Forbidden Land!

Even 9 Domain Supreme is running here. If Chu Yan makes a fortune, if he can’t recover to the Supreme state, he can break through to the 9 Domain Supreme state, which is really cool.

On the ground along the way, some jade bones can be seen sporadically out of the ground, and the jade bones turn into dust. This is the corpse of the Heavenly Venerable Realm.

Randomly count, there are more than a dozen, all are Heavenly Venerate.

This is just the outer perimeter of Forbidden Land, which has damaged so much Heavenly Venerate! ?

“right here!”

Chu Yan stopped and looked up towards the front.

I saw that in front of a stone forest, Gundam hundred zhang, densely packed.

“This … no ah!”

Glancing at these Stone Pillars, the Black Demon Lord looked stunned, saying good treasures and good heaven defying opportunities.

Is it these broken stones! ?


Not waiting for Chu Yan to speak at all, the ordinary dust around him stepped out one step, his hands were sealed, and he raised his hand and waved.

A large piece of Daoguang waved out and poured into Stone Pillar within the body.

The next moment, a faint aura rushed out of Stone Pillar within the body, gathered in midair, smashed the void, and pulled a huge void crack.

This is obviously an extremely special Array!

“I’ll come to dangerous things, let me go ahead!”

Seeing that the hole opened, Hei Yao Mozun stepped directly into it.

Chu Yan didn’t take it seriously either, and followed the Black Yao Mozun to the crack of Space-Time.

However, Chu Yan had just lifted his foot in, and heard the screams of Hei Yao Mo Zun in front of him

“Oh, what kind of garbage is this?”

Chu Yan hearing this, quickly urged dignity, and quickly rushed into it.

When I looked up, I saw that this was a forest, and the ground was full of thick grass, which was dotted with wild flames and floating like wandering fire.

This is … pole Soul Flame!

But on the bark of those towering trees, there is a very special chip, like the scales of a tree.

Spirit Crystal!

However, judging from the appearance of these things, and the records in Jade Talisman, these things seem to have just formed, not at all mature.

If you pick it by force, the result will be dissipation of nothingness.

It’s no wonder that Heiyao Mo’s solemn jumping feet just opened his mouth and scolded.

Chu Yan’s complexion was also low.

The Soul Flame and Spirit Crystal on this first point can’t be charged. I don’t know if the next two will be finished products.

If it is also a semifinished product! ?

“That Heaven Sealing Xuan, wouldn’t it be intentional !?”

Chu Yan pondered, thinking of the things on the street before, and had a headache.

“Ha ha ha, this is it, I said that the entrance is hidden, don’t you think it’s open !? Hey, who are you !?”

At this moment, a silhouette appeared behind and someone came in.

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