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Ten silhouettes appeared. The person headed was wearing an azure long robe with a “God” word on his chest, dark skin, cultivation base Earth Venerable Realm 2th Layer.

The person stared at Chu Yan with a stunned expression on his face, which seemed a little unbelievable.

The remaining ten or so people are not very old, but it is obvious that the cultivation base is higher than the first youth, which is basically Heavenly Venerable Realm 8th Layer.

Among these followers, there are even two genius-level ones.

“Azure robe Divine Seal, this is Spirit Race in Ancient Race! They call themselves Divine Race!”

Hei Yao Mozun looked at each other while Divine Consciousness sound transmission told Chu Yan.

“God Spirit Race is located in the 2nd continent and is said to be ranked among the top 100 in Ancient Race, ranking top 20!”

“Top 20 !?” Chu Yan startled.

Putting it that way, Spirit Race is almost the same as Divine Realm’s 2 1 Dao Lineage.

At this point, Chu Yan has been to Divine Realm for so long and knows a little.

Moreover, because it is the reason of the Antiquity racial power, if we talk about the bottom line, I am afraid that it is much stronger than the 2 1 Dao Lineage.

“God Spirit Race !? I remember Yue Linglong’s dark temple, as if I were also calling myself Divine Race, it seems to have some special relationship with them !?”

Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle, thinking deeply in my heart.

The Dark Temple is the force of Ten Directions Star Domain, and the Peak force of Ten Directions Star Domain is somewhat related to Divine Realm.

“You are simply our Divine Race !? How could you know this place !?”

The azure robe headed by the young people looked at Chu Yan and raised their brows with a proud look on their faces.

“Ben Young Master is in a good mood today, so I won’t kill you, get out!”

This sentence fell to the ground, Hei Yao Mozun and Chu Yan a few of them, and his face suddenly sank.

“It seems that we came first !?” Chu Yan looked at each other.

“You guys come first !? ha ha ha….”

azure robe The young man smiled suddenly, shouting loudly at Chu Yan’s nose

“My God Spirit Race is the Lord of Heaven and Earth. Everything is owned by my family. It is usually given to you mortal. It ’s all you do n’t have to think about, but now you dare to commit it!”

Speaking of which, the azure robe youth seems to be obviously upset, coldly snorted again

“Hmph! Since fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness, then die!”

When he said this, a group of cultivators behind him sneered with a sneer, and aura broke out like a flood.

As for the cultivation base of several people in Chu Yan, some of them have been detected.

Three Earth Venerable Realm Peaks only, a dozen of them joined forces and they can definitely suppress it.

“You go aside, I will deal with it!”

Chu Yan was already in a bad mood, but now I meet this group of goods, just right.


Dozens of cultivators heard Chu Yan’s words and suddenly smiled.

One person, want to deal with ten or two of them, cracking a joke! ?

These people are just ordinary Inner Sect disciple, not a core disciple, but they have never lost to anyone other than Ancient Race.


“Kill him!”

“1000 in 10000 must be cut!”


The silhouette of the eleven people was rioting, and the sky was full of majesty, and they all rushed to Chu Yan.

The mighty gang threatened, and the entire Small Secret Realm hummed.

“Boy, you are crazy, then I want to see how you can take one of our eleven!”

The first youth did not shoot, holding his hands and smiling, watching Chu Yan’s eyes full of contempt.

Before he finished talking, Chu Yan’s eyes suddenly quenched, and he didn’t talk nonsense with him. Raising his hand was punched out.


Thunder sounds like a storm, with 10000 Tings, and torrents of torrential power. All the Gangwei attacks that passed by were instantly bombarded.

The powerful fist has no stagnation, turning into a golden Thunder Dragon, roaring Vault of Heaven, sweeping forward.


Eleven God Spirit Race cultivators, all complexion greatly changed.

This is an expert! ?

“Quick, you show the Great Array of Gods of Protection, I will take the Young Master away!”

One of the world’s genius roared loudly, and at the same time pulled up the azure robe who was completely stupid, turned around and wanted to go out.

“Want to get lost !?” Chu Yan’s eyes were blazing with flames, and his mighty dignity was endless. Raising his hand was a Gang Yuan Mountain, completely flooding the entire Small Secret Realm, and moved towards the opposite side to suppress it.

Boom … rumbling!

The sky was violent and shocking, and the earth was shaking.

Eleven screamers all screamed, the body protection gang yuan on his body were all shattered, and a big mouth of blood was spewing out.

Chu Yan has left his hand, not at all want to kill to the last one.

Otherwise, a living is impossible.

“you you you….”

Headed by azure robe youth, his face is ashamed.

How can this black robed youth become this way! ?

This is almost the same order of existence of invincible, even God King Realm is merely this.

At this time, Chu Yan looked cold and looked at the young azure robe, and walked up.

“Don’t … don’t come, my family has 9 domains … Supreme! 9 domains Supreme! And the 2 Elder of Divine Race is my dad! If you dare …”

azure robe The youth was completely flustered, and their voices were knotting.

“Fuck, the baby of God Spirit Race 2 Elder, no wonder so arrogant, there are 9 domain Supreme !?”

Hei Yao Mo Zun several people heard each other’s words, all complexion slightly changed.

No wonder, Forbidden Land is still so arrogant when it comes to Pantian. It turns out that the family has a background.

The general powerhouse, even if it is the powerhouse of the Supreme environment, I am afraid to be afraid of 30% when hearing the background power of this kid.

After all, the 9-domain Supreme in this Divine Realm represents the Peak military force, but not everyone provokes it.

If you get up to him, you do n’t need 9 domain Supreme at all, as long as you say hello to your forces, I am afraid that the big brothers in the forces will abandon you cultivation base and send them to the eyes of others.

That consequence, don’t even think about what it will be!

However, Chu Yan walked in front of each other in a few steps, and in the astonished eyes of Hei Yao Mozun several people, raised his palm and fanned.


The sound of crisp slaps sounded, and the azure robe youth was directly drawn and rotated 180 degrees to the ground.

“Ah … dare you hit me !?”

The azure robe young man covering his face, his face full of disbelief, was full of anger in his eyes, staring at Chu Yan.

“I … I don’t dare to beat me grandfather, you dare …

“You are dead, I must sue grandfather, let him kill your whole family, destroy your whole family, pump souls, practise eternal torture! As long as it is someone you know, no one can run!”

Hearing this sentence, the face of Hei Yao Mo Zun and Lang Yi and the others changed instantly.

Several people looked at the azure robe youth with convulsions, shaking their heads together, with a sad expression on their faces.

This Tebi Bilangyi this map cannon is still ah!

“Not saved, not saved!”

This guy has absolutely no idea what identity and background Chu Yan is.

All he knew would die! ?

Including Emperor Xuantian! ?

It’s the big beauty who is looking for 9 Domain Supreme single chains with swords, and has cut the top 9 1 Domain Supreme in a few months! ?

If your grandfather knows that you have provoked that 9-area Supreme star, I’m afraid it will be a surprise!

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