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Chu Yan at this moment, a pair of eyes staring at the young azure robe in front of him, all eyes were ice.

Dare to threaten me! ?

Also threatened with family and friends! ?

“Boy, you have a big heart ah!”

Hei Yao Mo Zun came over with a smile and said to Chu Yan

“Since you don’t want to kill them, let me deal with it. I have a way to make him cool!”

Hearing the demon King Hei Yao, Chu Yan nodded and stepped aside.

The current Chu Yan is no longer the former Chu Yan. As his cultivation base continues to improve, his will grow stronger and stronger.

That kind of motivation and stimulation have little effect on him.

Of course, if you do n’t consider Yue Linglong ’s dark temple, it has something to do with this god Spirit Race.

But now that he is resurrecting Yue Linglong, he didn’t want to put this hatred to death for the time being.

It’s not that Chu Yan cares about anything, but does not want to embarrass Yue Linglong.

“You … who are you !? What do you want to do !?”

azure robe The young man saw the person coming over with a smile on his face, and his mouth was all grinning, and his heart was cold.

“Hehe, make you happy, Young Master!”

This sentence landed, Hei Yao Mozun raised his hand and waved.

“Ah, … ahh …”

The mournful scream sounds throughout the Secret Realm, which sounds exceptionally have one’s hair stand on end.

This is the Black Yao Demon Venerable, the demonic path Supreme of the Antiquity era, what kind of background.

Although the current battle strength is weak, even Chu Yan can’t compare with it, but in terms of means such as secret skill, ten Chu Yan can’t compare with the accumulated amount of Black Yao Mozun.

“Uh … that, I said it’s almost done!”

Fan Chen brows slightly wrinkle, looking at the other party’s hovered between life and death, and persuaded.

“Ha, that’s all there, I still have more than 80 methods that are useless. I think about it, which one should I use now ….. Refining pulp extraction !?

In the hands of Hei Yao Mozun, a big needle will condense in a moment, and a scrape of Bone Blade will be transformed in a while, so that the entire face of azure robe youth is screwed together.

“Don’t … don’t, please, a killing blade got me!”

The vigorous Hei Yaozun playing, hook the head, doesn’t mean to stop.

At this time, the youth of azure robe had blood on his body, there was no good flesh on his body, his eyes were all meant to die, and there was the proud color just there.

“Wait, your identity, I am afraid there are many good things!”

As soon as he thought about it, Black Yao Mozun swiped his hand and directly copied Jade Talisman’s storage.

Seeing that piece of Purple Gold, half-foot-sized Jade Talisman, Chu Yan and the others’ eyes were all bright.

This Jade Talisman is really rare!

I’m afraid it’s 9 Domain Supreme who personally worked on refining, which is by no means ordinary.

For Chu Yan, what he thought of was that this young man came after Chae Soul Flame and Spirit Crystal, maybe they had collected some before.

In that case, it saves a lot of effort.

“By the way, the two treasures of Soul Flame and Spirit Crystal are produced in Forbidden Land, where people are everywhere in Forbidden Land …”

Chu Yan thought suddenly, suddenly enlightened.

If you want to find something, you do n’t have to collect it yourself. If someone else has something, just take it or not.

“Chu Yan, what do you mean … robbery !?”

Fan Chen turned around towards Chu Yan, suddenly covered his face, and then turned his head to look towards towards the Black Demon Lord, fiercely glared at each other.

Look, all Chu Yan is broken!

“I rely on it, Young Master of the fart, the poor looks like nothing, even the Soul Flame and the Spirit Crystal are not there, just a few magic spells, and the hair is now available !?”

Hei Yao Mo Zun looked for Jade Talisman, but his face was unhappy.

“What !? No money !?”

Even Fan Chen is blindfolded, how can such a status person be so poor.

There is no fart harvest, immediately let Fan Chen’s hope, directly missed.

“Hei Yao, don’t stop, keep him cool!”

With a rush of breath, Fanchen shouted.

Hearing Fan Chen’s words, the azure robe cried on the spot.

The only one who spoke for himself turned out too! ?

This is completely dead!

“I … I just came to find Soul Flame and Spirit Crystal. They stole it out and brought nothing!”

azure robe the youth desperately explained.

“Come on !? Then I ask you, who of your clansman has Soul Flame and Spirit Crystal, how many !?”

Hei Yao Mozun looked at each other, and all of them came around.

“You think …”

Seeing this scene, the youth of azure robe suddenly understood, and a glance of arrogance flashed in his eyes.

“I advise you to forget it. I came to Divine Race this time, 2 Divine Kings, plus a 9-domain Supreme!”

This sentence fell to the ground, the black Yao Mozun was blinded on the spot.

What the hell! ?

Dig an herbal medicine and dispatch 9 Domain Supreme! ?

Spirit God Race, are you too busy! ?

9 Domain Supreme, this is to borrow his courage, and dare not grab ah!

“As long as you let me go, you can get the Soul Flame and Spirit Crystal, I promise! In the name of God!”

azure robe The youth saw a few people’s faces, as if seeing a glimmer of hope, and said quickly.

“You mean, exchange with you !?” Black Yao Mozun looked up, looking towards Chu Yan.

“No, you don’t want us to take the initiative to die !?” Fan Chen pinched his chin and looked at each other with harboring malicious intentions.

Dare to use this little trick! ?

Could it be that this kid really has the potential to express himself! ?

“This map is the map there?”

Black Demon Lord found a leather map from the storage Jade Talisman and asked the other party.

“This is the map of Soul Flame and Spirit Crystal, a place where I clansman found growing, it is said that there are a lot of them, I just visited!”

“That, all in its infancy, cannot be picked!”

This sentence fell to the ground, and the hope that Chu Yan had just risen was instantly lost.

It’s the same again!

“Forget it, let’s quickly go to two other places!” Chu Yan didn’t want to waste time with this guy.

Now, it’s all about luck!

I hope Heaven Sealing Xuan’s other two locations will be rewarded.

“You listen!”

Hei Yao Mo Zun turned around and waved his hands to the spirit god Clansman who pretended to be dead.

“If you don’t want to die, use money to save your life! There is money, life, no money … die!”

This sentence fell to the ground, eleven god Spirit Race cultivator, instantly turned into a bitter gourd face.

This is too bad!

It was beaten first, but now it is still robbed! ?

“Front … Senior, or should we join forces to display the Spiritual God seal and ripen the soul Soul Flame and Spirit Crystal here ?? As long as half a month at most, it is enough!”

“Half a month !? Who has the time to wait for you, don’t you know that Forbidden Land is mutating?”

Black Yao Mo Zun rolled his eyes.

“Wait, Spiritual God Seal !?” Chu Yan suddenly had eyes shined.

“Yes .. Yes! Our God Spirit Race Heaven and Earth is conceived, and within the body has Spiritual God and bloodline, which can urge all heavenly materials earthly treasures in the world, just need … time!”

The god Spirit Race is a genius, quickly replied.

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