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Chu Yan suddenly remembered the other person’s words, and he seemed to have the Spirit God seal.

When he was in Mad Sword Supreme’s Cave Mansion, Mad Sword Supreme gave himself a Spiritual God seal.

According to Mad Sword Supreme, his Spiritual God seal is still the main seal!

Compared to the Spiritual God seal of ordinary, it is much stronger.

When the reverse Divine flame was obtained at that time, the inheritor had warned Chu Yan that the reverse Divine flame should never be revealed in front of Spirit Race. This may be the reason.

Will lead to a huge disaster! !

“Chu Yan, what’s wrong with you !?” Hei Yao Mozun asked with some surprise.

“Help me first, take them all out, I will try it all by myself!”

After thinking about it, Chu Yan decided to give it a try, and at the same time, it was not visible to the people of Spirit Race.

If it is correct, the so-called Spirit Race may be the Spirit Race.

They call themselves Divine Race, but the outside world calls them the Spirit Race. It is very likely that they are Spirit Race themselves. The so-called gods are nothing but self-proclaimed.

Hei Yao Mo Zun was a bit surprised by several people, but said nothing, and drove a dozen people out of Secret Realm.

When those people left, they looked at Chu Yan with some surprise.

This black robed youth, what to do! ?

He is not the clansman of Spirit Race. What is the use of fart to stay here alone.

After watching these people leave, Chu Yan was uneasy and laid a few more restraints before facing the forest and urging the Spirit Seal.

At this moment, Chu Yan’s mood suddenly began to get excited.

According to the guys in Spirit Race, it takes half a month to use Spirit God seal, which is too long.

If you own the main Spirit Seal, the effect is the same, then this time Chu Yan can not afford.

Among the deserted Realm, Chu Yan breathes deeply and True Qi runs slowly.

Soon, his within the body a Spirit Seal, which had been silent for a long time, released dazzling rays of light, and a large amount of Spirit Seal’s light surged into all directions in four directions like ripples.

These Spirit Seal lights swept through the towering trees all around, and the Soul Flame and the Spirit Crystal were all shrouded.

In an instant, the rays of light in the entire Secret Realm were like tide.

Each piece of Soul Flame and Spirit Crystal, as if opening their eyes, swallowed the Spirit Seal aura all around, like a long drought swallowing the water in the air.

Immortal Intent, like the tide, surging in Secret Realm.

Chu Yan looked at this scene and suddenly looked stunned.

The effect is there, but how much time does it take! ?

After a full time of 3 hundred breaths, Chu Yan Divine Consciousness has been covering every pole of Soul Flame and Spirit Crystal all around, feeling that their Spirit Power is multiplying and multiplying tenfold.

“Sure enough, it is still the main seal. This effect is very good! If they were 2 or 1 people before, it would take half a month to display. In my opinion, it takes about half stick of incense!”

Chu Yan’s face was full of joy, and he immediately understood that Mad Sword Supreme had given it to himself, and it was indeed a good thing.

After all, it’s Supreme or Antiquity Supreme, and you can’t get anything out of the ordinary!

didn’t expect played such a big role at this critical time.

As for not allowing Spirit Race to discover, compared to the resurrection of Yue Linglong, Chu Yan does not consider it for the time being.

Moreover, if you find the semifinished product in the 2nd and 3rd positions later, you can use this method to get it all.

Next, Chu Yan began to urge the main seal with all his might.

After 5 minutes of time, all pole Soul Flame and Spirit Crystal matured, and Chu Yan charged them all out of Secret Realm.

“What’s the matter !?” Black Yaomo respected and cared with curiosity.

Not only the Black Demon Venerable, but also a few people in Fanchen’s optional equipment gathered around, looking at Chu Yan.

Chu Yan smiled slightly and glanced at the people not far from Spirit Race, then Divine Consciousness sound transmission told Hei Yao Mozun.

Suddenly, Hei Yao Mo Zun several people, all with a look of joy.

The Spirit Race looked at each other a few times, and the browser tightly knit was all incomprehensible.

Why are they so happy! ?

At the next breath, Chu Yan turned their heads towards a group of people looking towards Spirit Race at the same time.

The next step is to force them to issue the Heavenly Might vow to collect all the things from the 2 people before letting them go.

Considering Yue Linglong, Chu Yan did not kill them for the time being.

“Next, you go to the 2nd and 3rd positions, I will go to the place on this map!”

Chu Yan told everyone.

According to the people of Spirit Race, the map is a treasure!

There will never be a small number of places to grow.

According to the estimated Soul Flame and Spirit Crystal in the forest in front of you, the number will not be less than 1000 at least.

“Okay, break up!”

Hei Yao Mo Zun and the others nodded know that time is important, and no one knows the mutation of Forbidden Land in Pantian, and when it will completely break out.

So, the sooner the better.

The crowd flew out separately, moved towards different directions.

Chu Yan flew all the way, and arrived at the location shown on the map after 3 hours.

This mountain range is completely hidden in the clouds and fog. If flying over the sky, Divine Consciousness is not easy to detect, it is really not easy to find.

Falling into the mountain range, Chu Yan glanced and found that the trees around all were almost crystal clear and near-transparent.

“En!? There is also Spirit Array and Prohibition !?”

Chu Yan flew to the top of the mountain, and found that all around was equipped with various defenses, and his five-eye lightning suddenly broke out.

bang! bang! Bang Bang!

Where the gaze passed, a path of gas burst exploded.

One after another, the Spirit Array and the prohibition kept breaking up and turned into a violent Spirit Qi 4 scattered.

A crystal tree also shattered, turning into a breath of dust.

Next moment, after the disillusionment in front of him disappeared, a huge cave appeared, and Chu Yan flashed in.

Less than 10000 steps into the cave, a strong aura burst out of the cave.

“There is Monster Beast guarding here ??”

Chu Yan went deeper, and soon saw a monster monster-like Monster Beast, sleeping in the cave.

Those auras just came from it.

“No wonder it is not taken. It turns out that there are 2 head guard Monster Beast, one is Earth Venerable Realm 9th Layer, and the other is Earth Venerable Realm Peak cultivation base, they can’t beat it at all!”

Slightly hesitated for a moment, Chu Yan’s eyes glanced over the guardian Monster Beast, while looking towards the walls all around the cave, the complexion changed suddenly.

I saw that the whole cave is full of Soul Flame and Spirit Crystal, like a warehouse, piled up.

Compared with the forest in the first position before, it is at least ten times larger.

“I’m afraid there are more than 10000 plants!”

Roar! roar! roar!

At this moment, three beast roars exploded deep inside the cave, causing 3 sleeping Monster Beasts to roar together.

“5 heads !?”

Chu Yan suddenly complexion changed, didn’t expect cave, Monster Beast also exists.

This time, the number of Monster Beast in the hole suddenly became 5 heads.

The next breath, 5 pairs of copper-bell-like blood eyes, simultaneously shua shua looked towards Chu Yan, the anger in his eyes was like tide.

Without any hesitation, 5 Monster Beast burst into humans at the same time, it seems that the human who broke into the cave will be scattered directly into fragments in the next breath.

However, not waiting for them to react at all. Behind Chu Yan, five huge monster-like illusory shadows came out at the same time.

roar! roar! roar …!

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