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Qilin Martial Soul brought 4 Divine Beasts around him, guarding Chu Yan’s body all around, 5 pairs of eyes simultaneously shua shua stared at the 5 Monster Beasts rushing in.

“Woo … wu wu …”

5 The two beast claws rushed to the ground and plowed out 5 deep grooves, just like a ghost, and turned around and ran away.

5 Divine Beast Martial Soul, suppress Myriad Realms Monster King!

Those guarding Monster Beast will not take their own demon life for some heavenly materials earthly treasures.

It’s not just the five Divine Beasts, the aura on the black robed youth, that makes them feel a trace of danger in themselves.

This is where Monster Beast is stronger than Human Race. After keenly feeling the danger, it will never be a provocation to death.

“Master seal, get up!”

Chu Yan doesn’t waste time chasing those Monster Beasts at all, it doesn’t make sense at all, but immediately urges the main Spirit Seal.

In an instant, the light of the Spirit Seal rushed to all around, and all the pole Soul Flame and the Spirit Crystal were blazing at the same time.

The astringent spirit rests in the entire within cave.

Chu Yan did not hesitate and urged the main Spirit Seal to cover all Soul Flame and Spirit Crystal.

After an hour, all Soul Flame and Spirit Crystal were bred successfully, and Chu Yan was fully included in Rakshasa Space.

“More than 10000 strains of Soul Flame and Spirit Crystal should be enough for Fiendgod fruit! I also forgot to ask …”

Chu Yan pondered, in order not to waste time running back and forth, simply collect more Soul Flame and Spirit Crystal and return to ancient city.


Just as Chu Yan was about to leave the cave, he suddenly felt a special aura in the sky.

It is a very secret pattern, because the time is long, even if it is covered with dust, aura is very weak.

If it is not Chu Yan Divine Consciousness is powerful, even God King Realm may not be able to feel it.

“This is not artificially arranged, this is … Innate Spirit Array !?”

Chu Yan took a closer look and suddenly the complexion slightly changed.

Innate Lingzhen, born of Heaven and Earth, is extremely rare.

With a wave of hand, the wind was like a tide, and all the dust and moss on the mountain wall were swept away, and a complete Innate spirit array was exposed.


a Dignity wrapped in Divine Consciousness, into the Innate Spirit Array, suddenly caused the Innate Spirit Array to shake suddenly.


The whole cave was trembling, and the aura of a followed by a light from the Innate Spirit Array.


In the next moment, under Chu Yan ’s intense gaze, the Innate Spirit Array even exploded a Space-Time crack directly.

“this is…”

Chu Yan had long hair on his forehead, and the wind rushed out of the cracks fluttered.

“There is even a Space-Time channel here !? Is this the way to there !?”

Staring at the crack of Space-Time, Chu Yan suddenly became frowned.

“Look at it!”

Chu Yan hesitated for a moment, raised his hand and left a aura in the inside cave, and his body rushed into the Space-Time channel.

According to the estimates of several people in Chu Yan, Forbidden Land should still have one or two days to go.


As soon as he entered the crack of Space-Time, he did not go far. Chu Yan felt the power of Space-Time all around suppressing it, and directly suppressed his cultivation base to Earth Venerable Realm 1st Layer.

In the chaotic Space-Time ahead, a huge palace appeared.

In the direction of the 4 corners of the palace, there are 4 huge altars.

In the great hall, there is a row of statues, like a petrified cultivator, with a clear face and a lively look.

Originally, if it was only the secret realm land of ordinary, Chu Yan would not be so surprised.

The main thing is that the four altars and the rows of statues of cultivators were all made of Soul Flame and Spirit Crystal.

The Spirit Power contained in it, when added together, is definitely more than the more than 10000 Soul Flame and Spirit Crystal that I have just harvested.

“How could this be !? Wasn’t the Innate Spirit Formation bred by Heaven and Earth !? How could it get to this place !?”

“Does it mean that the altars and statues here are also bred by Innate, this book is impossible!”

Chu Yan looked at the scene with a stunned face.

In Forbidden Land, it was normal to find an Innate Spirit Array.

After all, Forbidden Land is famous for its prestige, and even Supreme and Supreme 9 are in person, which is enough to show that it is extremely precious.

However, in this passage of the Innate Spirit Array, it might not be good luck to find such a palace.

After all, Pantian Forbidden Land is not only famous for its heaven defying opportunities, but also famous for the danger of Supreme and Supreme of the 9 domains.

“No need to guess, these are all Innate treasure, not made by man!”

At this moment, the fierce Hades suddenly said.

‘You said this was born from Heaven and Earth! ? ‘Chu Yan asked in disbelief.

If the treasure bred by Heaven and Earth can directly bring out some realistic statues, I am afraid that there are amazing secrets hidden in it.

“Don’t worry about it so much, just accept it first!”

After a moment of meditation, Chu Yan disinclined to pay attention to, anyway, both Soul Flame and Spirit Crystal, I will say it later.

A wave of astral qi poured out, bringing all Soul Flame and Spirit Crystal into the Rakshasa Space, Chu Yan silhouette was like electricity, and turned to the Space-Time crack.

“En!? Nothing !?”

When Chu Yan rushed back to the cave, he found silence and simply nothing happened.

After waiting for a while, and seeing that there was still no change in the cave, Chu Yan was relaxed and flew out of the cave to find the Black Yao Mozun and they merged.

Time is like water, and it is slowly passing.

On the morning of 2nd day, Chu Yan went to the 2nd and 3rd locations on the Heaven Sealing Xuan map, one of which was simply it’s empty, and the 3rd site harvested more than 200 poles of Soul Flame and Spirit Crystal.

Several people discussed it and decided that Chu Yan would go to the ancient city and look for Divine King booth.

After all, every Great Influence is now looking for a few people in Chu Yan, and they are still a bit dangerous to run around.

“Wait for the big mutation outbreak in Forbidden Land, when the time comes, there will be more people in Forbidden Land, maybe it will be more convenient!”

Chu Yan flew to the Xuan Emperor Bridge and saw many cultivators walking in and out of the bridge, which was very lively.

After running a secret technique to change appearance and aura, Chu Yan moved towards ancient city and flew away.

Just as Chu Yan crossed the Emperor Xuan Emperor Bridge, in front of Spirit Race 12 who was abused by Black Yao Mozun, a beautiful woman with bronze skin was standing.

“Sister 2, I …”

The azure robe Spirit Race Young Master, looking at the bronze-skinned beauty in front of him, seemed to be aggrieved, and tears came down.

This bronze beauty has a very hot figure, a thin waist like a willow, a delicate and pretty eyebrow, with a heroic temperament, and also has a divine imprint on her clothes.

“During the day, you are my grandson of Ancient Spirit Race 2 Elder, don’t cry!”

With a trace of a spoiled beauty, gently touched the tearful sword during the day, lightly

“Relax, I will be angry for you!”

Beside the beauty, there are several ancient Spirit Race cultivators. Seeing this scene, they are all brows slightly wrinkle.

In the ancient Spirit Race, the Elder Position is extremely heavy, the deputy Sect Master of the equivalent to ordinary Sect force, and it also inherits the qualifying position of the Sect Master Position.

However, this white Young Master is really …. hard to say!

“By the way, Secret Realm, where Soul Flame and Spirit Crystal are born, is going to check it out!”

While speaking, Bai Young Master turned around and flew in the direction of Secret Realm who first encountered Chu Yan.

The beauties and a group of ancient Spirit Race cultivators shook their heads at the same glance, all leaned forward to keep up.

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