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The export of purple robe Divine King immediately attracted all the practitioners all around and watched it together.

It seems that this Divine King will probably pay a higher price.

“Fellow Daoist, bidding for 3 pieces of Taoist, 3 Immortal Medicines, plus helping you get shot once, what do you think !?”

This sentence is exported, but it makes the cultivators of all around very envious.

Although the value is similar, but God King Realm once shot, it is a chance to save lives.

This benefit is not available every day.

“Sorry, 2 seniors, now only need Fiendgod fruit!”

Chu Yan thought about it, but directly picked up the Fiendgod fruit and earned it in Rakshasa Space.

“What !? It doesn’t change !?”

Skinny Divine King was disappointed, and took the head and turned away.

But the purple robe Divine King glanced at Divine King’s stall owner, a flash of alien color flashed in his eyes, and also left.

Looking at him, I’m afraid I will go back and trouble this Divine King stall owner.

This is typical, and it is a sin.

However, these have nothing to do with Chu Yan. The Fiendgod fruit has already arrived. When Chu Yan was about to leave, he was stopped by the Divine King stall owner.

“This little friend, I don’t lie to you. The four Heaven and Earth statues are worth out of the ordinary. I will make up another Jade Talisman for you.

After speaking, throwing a Jade Talisman, the Divine King stall owner rolled up the stall with a wave of his hand, and disappeared on the spot.

After catching Jade Talisman, Chu Yan Divine Consciousness swept into it, which even had a Divine King will.

It seems that this Divine King is quite good, which is equal to the addition of a life-saving Jade Talisman.

“Little friends!”

Chu Yan put away Jade Talisman and heard the old poisonous Old Ancestor looking at himself while Divine Consciousness sound transmission said

“This Fiendgod fruit is extremely important to the old man, I wonder if it can be transferred! Of course, I will never let you lose!”

“In addition, the old man promised to owe you a favor! How !?”

Chu Yan who just hooked the head, repeated “No matter what price you open, I will not transfer this Fiendgod, sorry!”

“Boy, do you think that the Young Palace Lord can really protect you !? I can remind you that this is the Forbidden Land in Pantian, even the Supreme will be damaged, you can think about it!”

This sentence, even the fool can hear it, is obviously a threat.

But when Chu Yan heard this, he didn’t take it seriously, and his face was as usual.

“Oh! Since that’s the case, try it!”

After finishing this sentence, Chu Yan glanced at Heaven Sealing Xuan, nodded, and the two turned around and moved towards the street.

The appearance of 4 Heaven and Earth statues will definitely cause shock. If you do not leave as soon as possible, when the time comes will attract the attention of Ancient Race and the big brothers.

“good very good!”

The old Ancestor looked at Chu Yan’s background, killing intent in his eyes, raised his hand and waved a black qi, but it evolved into a crow, and moved towards Chu Yan background.

The crow flew to Chu Yan at a distance of 10000 steps, disappeared instantly, and merged into all around void.

In this way, as long as he encounters Chu Yan again next time, the blighted Old Ancestor will immediately know.

This secret technique is a method he specifically targets the person to be killed to prevent the other party from changing the aura and appearance.

Before long, Chu Yan followed Heaven Sealing to the largest restaurant in the city and opened a private room.

It is worthy of Tianxuan Earth Palace, the largest restaurant in Tian City, and also the industry of Xuan Heaven and Earth Palace.

“Chu Yan, your Heaven and Earth image will not be in the map I gave you …”

Heaven Sealing Xuan did not wait for the tea and wine to come up and asked the impatient.

“If it’s really in the map I gave you, then it’s a good calculation, at least it must be divided into 3 …

Hearing this, Chu Yan didn’t raise his head, and closed his eyes. Divine Consciousness entered the Sea of ​​Consciousness World, and the sound transmission contacted Empress Xuantian.

“Senior, all Immortal Medicine has been collected, can Yue Linglong be resurrected now !?”

Emperor Xuantian said before that as long as all Immortal Medicine is collected, she can help with the resurrection.

Moreover, Chu Yan is pregnant with green lotus, and the resurrection is originally heaven defying. If there is any mutation, I am afraid that it will be a little trouble.

“Chu Yan, what corpse of cultivation base realm are you going to use !?” Emperor Xuantian replied.

“Corpse !?” Chu Yan startled.

“Yes, when Yue Linglong was damaged before, it was in Ten Directions Star Domain. The cultivation base is very weak. If you find a corpse now, even if it is Divine King’s corpse, maybe the cultivation base gap between you, or even The difference between her and this Divine Realm cultivator will be huge! “

This sentence landed, and suddenly made Chu Yan suddenly.

Until now, he was eager to resurrect Yue Linglong, but he ignored this matter.

corpse is still very important!

This is like Hei Yao Mozun. In order to restore the cultivation base, he searched for corpse for a long time, which shows the importance of this corpse.

“That’s best to use … 9 Domain Supreme!” Chu Yan directly opened the mouth and said.

“9 Domain Supreme is certainly good, but it is very difficult to wait!” Empress Xuan Tian said.


Chu Yan startled, followed by tightly knit.

Of course, he knew that this was the help of Emperor Xuantian. Otherwise, with his power, he wanted to kill a 9-domain Supreme, which was simply impossible.

However, even if Empress Xuantian shot, I am afraid it will not be an easy task.

After all, Emperor Xuantian just just broke into Supreme, and now, she may defeat some weak 9 domain Supreme, it is still possible.

But that is by no means the same concept as killing each other.

“I can’t wait!”

After a long silence, Chu Yan said to Empress Xuantian.

“There is a way!”

Emperor Xuantian seemed to have expected it, and at the moment Chu Yan answered, she said

“At this time, the Forbidden Land mutation occurred, it is very likely that there will be 9 domains of Supreme damage. You should go deeper! Maybe there is a chance!”

Emperor Xuantian’s voice was cold, as always.

“Yeah!” Chu Yan heard this, and his eyes suddenly shined.

Forbidden Land mutation this day, just in these 2 days or so, when the time comes If there are really 9 domain Supreme losses, maybe there is a chance to get one.

It’s just that the place where Supreme 9 goes is extremely dangerous.

However, this method is extremely safe, even if when the time comes can not get 9 domain Supreme corpse, you can also find other.

After all, the place where Supreme 9 goes to must have a great opportunity. I am afraid that place will be like a trap, constantly engulfing the big powerhouses who have gone in.

“Relax, the mutation of Forbidden Land at this time is beyond imagination, at least there will be 2 3 9 Supreme Supreme losses!”

The Empress Xuantian thought for a while and said, “You better bring that newly collected earth spirit, maybe it will be useful!”

“I have put a will in the white jade palace, when the time comes to get the corpse, you can go to the white jade palace to find me! I will help you complete the resurrection!”

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