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Chu Yan’s words moved Chu Yan very much.

This time, thanks to Emperor Xuantian, not only use the relationship, help yourself prepare a lot of spirit medicine, but also help yourself to consider many details in advance.

You know, Emperor Xuantian has just broken through Supreme and is challenging in 4 places, proving Supreme and consolidating the foundation.

At this time, Chu Yan, who is also a cultivator, of course knew that this period was extremely important for Emperor Xuantian.

But that’s it. Emperor Xuantian still spends time to help herself. This person’s feelings are really lacking.

“Senior, many thanks!”

Chu Yan bowed his hand and opened the mouth and said “When Linglong is resurrected, I will definitely grill ten fish, thank you very much!”

Actually, I don’t know how to repay the Empress Xuan Tian. The only thing Chu Yan can do is grilled fish.

“No! Just owe one more relationship!”

Emperor Xuantian’s voice seemed to be cold again.

“Uh, why …” Chu Yan looked dazed.

Just now, how to mention grilled fish, Emperor Xuantian seemed a little angry! ?

Does it mean that grilled fish is annoying! ?

“This woman’s heart is really a seabed needle!”

Chu Yan was speechless and did n’t think much about the head. Divine Consciousness looked towards Heaven Sealing Xuan who was still chanting in front of him.

“Young Palace Lord, according to your estimate, how long will the Forbidden Land mutation take place?”

Tianxuan Earth Palace opened a lot of markets in Forbidden Land, so no one should know better than them. When will Forbidden Land be a big mutation?

“According to the information we received, the depth of Forbidden Land this time, the number of mutations is increasing, and many forces have begun to send the main battle strength to enter.”

After thinking about it, Heaven Sealing Xuan then said, “Do you want to go in and try it !?”

Chu Yan hearing this, nodded, “Yes! You don’t want to!”

This big mutation may not be simple, and Chu Yan’s goal is 9 domain Supreme. If Heaven Sealing can be persuaded to enter with himself, the chance will be much higher.

“Our Tianxuan Earth Palace is a Chamber of Commerce force, and we are never involved in this kind of fight!”

Heaven Sealing Xuan Yi raised his head and saw Chu Yan staring at himself, and quickly added another sentence


Hearing this, Chu Yan was faintly smiled and said “Really !?”

At this time, Heaven Sealing Xuan did not speak, so he looked at Chu Yan, but the rays of light in his eyes flickered constantly.

As a cultivator, if this kind of great opportunity event is not desired, it is absolutely false.

However, Heaven Sealing Xuan knew that his identity was special, so he dared not speak casually.

Seeing this gaze, Chu Yan didn’t say much, and immediately sat cross-legged, running the spirit of cultivation, and began to wait patiently.

The Heaven Sealing Xuan on the opposite side is staring at Chu Yan.

Originally, his biggest goal this time was to find Chu Yan to play well, but now, it seems not appropriate.

After half stick of incense time again, Heaven Sealing Xuan, who was so full of purple, finally got up and left.

Chu Yan while cultivation, while Divine Consciousness communicates with the willow fluttering …

For Chu Yan’s decision, Liu Piaopiao was silent for a while, and then nodded.

Chu Yan, half of the owner, wants to die by herself, what can she do? ?

Time is passing, and half a day has passed in the blink of an eye.

At this time, the cultivators in the entire Tian City can feel that Heaven and Earth Might in the direction of Xuan Emperor Bridge is getting stronger and stronger.

After another hour, the big mutation of Forbidden Land in Pantian finally broke out.

I saw that in the majestic mountain range at the end of Xuan Emperor Bridge, a dazzling golden beam of light rose into the sky, dyeing all the sky in a radius of 1000 miles into a golden one.

Various Fiendgod illusory shadows roam above the sky, roaring, roar …

The Dragon River, which entangled the entire Forbidden Land in Pantian, also seemed to be influenced by the powerful Heaven and Earth Might.

Terrified by this terrifying Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon, the cultivators who gathered around Forbidden Land all around were all the Divine Soul tremors.

Chu Yan rushed out of the restaurant and looked up. At this time, the pan in Tian City almost exploded and boiled thoroughly.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Suddenly, several silhouettes of the center of Pan Tian City rose into the sky, enveloping the mighty night, urging the dazzling fairy light, like a light of a meteor, rushing towards the Xuan Emperor Bridge, and instantly disappeared into Pantian Forbidden Land.

“Really … 9 Domain Supreme!”

“Terrifying, there are 9 domains Supreme entered Pantian Forbidden Land!”

“Yeah, I saw it, at least has 7 bits, and there should be more!”

“There must be, I heard that there are at least ten 9-domain Supreme!”


The city’s cultivators were shocked by the shattering lights just now, cheering loudly.

9 Domain Supreme, that is definitely the existence of the top of the Divine Realm pyramid, usually in its own Sect Master door, are extremely rare.

Not to mention, here you can see the 7-bit and 9-domain Supreme appear at the same time.

The next moment, a path of majestic aura, broke out continuously in the Tian City, causing the entire ancient city to continually shake.

All kinds of fairy light, Divine Strength, Daobao intercepted a powerhouse gangster, like a piece of tide flowing into the Xuan Emperor Bridge.

“The pupil of Qilin, Kai!”

Chu Yan’s eyes were like thunder, and the pupil light was like flames, sweeping across the sky, and suddenly found each and everyone in the streamer, those familiar silhouettes.

The Vatican Divine King, the Immortal God King, the Old Ancestor, etc., all entered the Forbidden Land of Pantian in Supreme 9 of the domain, immediately followed into it.

“Barbarian Race, Ba Race, Spirit Race, Moon Race, and Clansman of Cang Race!”

“Great King Island, 9th layer building, Immortal Ascension Sect, Pfazong, extreme demonic path are here!”

“There are 7 Ancient Races, plus others that haven’t appeared yet, this time big mutation, it’s really lively!”

Various alarms constantly sounded in ancient city, which aroused everyone’s excitement.

Even Chu Yan’s eyes were hot and his breath was heavy.

This time Pantian Forbidden Land’s big mutation is not like the ancient Battlefield, who will come.

Only the giants of Great Influence participated in the war, so this time became the first Divine Realm continent that Chu Yan participated in, the real Martial Dao Peak event.

“The battle of the storm, it seems that at this time, Xuanyuan Sword is about to come out!”

Chu Yan looked up at the Vault of Heaven, long hair flying upwards, his eyes were like fire, his whole body Sword Intent was like a tide, and the waves were rolling.

ding! ding! Dingding ding!

At this moment, a strange voice suddenly sounded above the sky, followed by a group of people wearing strange clothes.

These people were dressed in bloody long robe covered with golden marks, holding bone rods, and hanging small bone bells, and there were clanging sounds during walking.

“Xuetian Ancient Sect!”

“What !? How come the people of Blood Scient Ancient Sect come !?”

“No way, this mutation of Forbidden Land, even the Blood Scient Ancient Sect has attracted !?”

“Must, must go in and see, must not be missed!”

“Yes, there must be a major event!”

The cultivators in the city were all surprised when they saw the blood-stained long robe.

“Xuetian Ancient Sect !?”

Chu Yan slightly startedled. Although he had heard of this ancient Sect in Divine Realm, it was the first time he met.

Moreover, in the 9-domain star map, the 2 2 Dao Lineage’s method of asking the question is two different. One of them is the ancient blood Sect.

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