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Without any hesitation, Chu Yan rose into the sky, merged into the crowd, and moved towards Xuan Emperor Bridge.

Like Chu Yan, the entire city of Tian City is full of silhouettes rising from the sky. Like a scene of a fish leaping over the dragon gate, all the cultivators are flying towards Xuan Emperor Bridge.

Such a chaotic scene, after Chu Yan changed aura and appearance, no one could probe each and everyone.

In that case, even Supreme would have to die alive.

After all, most of the people here are like Chu Yan, changing aura and appearance, the purpose is to prevent some accidents and hatreds.

Therefore, Chu Yan does not have to worry, those Divine Kings come to find their own trouble.

However, Chu Yan never imagined that this time on the top floor of a restaurant in Pan City …

At the window, a peerless beauty also looked up at the crowd in the sky, her eyes flashing slightly.

Her within both eyes, immortal light like electricity, quickly swept the silhouette of Chu Yan when she swept the sky, and the playful corners of her mouth rose gently.

“Lang Jun, running around day by day, your servant is looking hard!”

On the other side, Pantian Forbidden Land, outer circle area鈥?

Forbidden Land in Pantian is no longer as desolate as when Chu Yan came last time.

There are densely packed people everywhere, just like an ordinary person-like city, with the same scene as the market.

Most of these people are cultivation bases, or Earth Venerable Realm and Heavenly Venerable Realm. God King Realm practitioners can occasionally see it.

Of course, no one stayed there, all moved towards the depths of Forbidden Land in Pantian.

At this time, a big mutation occurred at Forbidden Land in Pantian, mainly at the powerhouse above Supreme to find great opportunities. For ordinary practitioners, the depth is extremely dangerous.

However, they are not willing to stay in the outer circle area, at least they have to go to the Central Region.

Pantian Forbidden Land, countless Secret Realm and inheritance, is well-known and can not be missed.

After Chu Yan entered, he raised his hand and summoned Liu Piaopiao.

Little girl was suddenly sighted by the sight, extremely excited, small face flushed, big eyes flickered around.

But soon, she reacted and rushed to Chu Yan with a hand, reaching for Chu Yan’s clothes with her hand, and she wouldn’t give it away.

After all, she was out for the first time to see the world. Although she was surprised, she was a little afraid of life.

Soon, Chu Yan Divine Consciousness sound transmission contacted Hei Yao Mozun, and Divine Consciousness quickly met.

“Chu Yan! You are here!”

When Hei Yao Mozun saw Chu Yan, he looked bitter.

Before, they stayed in Pantian Forbidden Land. When a big mutation occurred, the entire Pantian Forbidden Land was shaken, heaven falls and earth rends, so that their livers were shaking, but they dared not leave. Carrying the dead.

Now seeing Chu Yan, it is naturally a sad face.

“The situation has changed! Now I am ready to go deep!” Chu Yan looked at several people and said.

A few people discussed before that when Chu Yan got the Fiendgod fruit, they went back to the white jade palace and continued to grind their legendary Taobao, while Chu Yan went to resurrect Yue Linglong.

But now, Chu Yan actually said that he would go to the depths of Forbidden Land in Pantian! ?

You know, they can see with their own eyes just now, a group of Supreme rushes to the depths, followed by a large wave of Divine King.

Among these people, half of them have hatred against Chu Yan.

“Relax! We are brother, if you say go, then go there! I will not say more in half a word!”

Fan Chen glanced at the somewhat sluggish Black Yao Mozun and quickly patted her chest.

This sentence landed, Hei Yao Mozun several people reacted, and suddenly looked dark towards the world.

This old facetious is too kind!

There is a bunch of gangsters from you Pfazong, among them there is a person 9 Domain Supreme, of course you are not afraid!

But for these people, the highest cultivation base is Heavenly Venerable Realm, which may be damaged at any time.

“Let’s go inside first, and go deeper if you have a chance!”

Mo Wu thought about it and said to Chu Yan.

“it is good!”

Chu Yan nodded, glanced at the unspoken Hei Yaozun and Lang Yi, and flew forward.

Although it is a joint effort, they get along well along the way. Now when faced with this danger, Chu Yan will not force them.

If you want, keep up, and if you are afraid of danger, move in the middle area.

Several people left and followed Chu Yan to fly towards the middle area.

Time is like a gap, and in an instant, 2 hours have passed.

In the Forbidden Land of Pantian, the so-called outer, central, and deep areas, which is a rough statement, naturally have no clear boundaries.

But as Chu Yan and others continued to move forward, they could feel that Heaven and Earth Might in the sky was obviously increasing.

This should belong to the Central Region!

The Divine Consciousness of several people was suppressed by the rich Heaven and Earth Might, and it was impossible to explore too far.

However, in this way, the other big brothers Divine Consciousness will also be suppressed, unable to detect.

For Chu Yan, they should be considered a good thing.

However, the same disadvantages are also obvious. In this Forbidden Land, there are crises everywhere. If you do not find it touched, the probability of damage is greatly increased.

“Attention! The big mutation is about to start again!”

The Hades appeared suddenly, appeared in front of everyone, and looked up into the deep direction.

“A big mutation is about to happen again !?” Chu Yan and the others hearing this, all started together, all looked down on the eyes of the fierce Hades.

I saw that above the sky in the distance, a large cloud of flames suspended in the sky burning the sky.

A path of Spirit Mark of different colors, constantly rushing out of the cloud of flames, moved towards all around Void spread.

“These are Taoist charms!”

Everyone’s eyes flashed, watching those Spirit Marks speaking.

Hei Yao Mo Zun raised his hand, that is, a magic breath waved out, shooting those charms directly.

However, without waiting for the magic breath to approach, the cloud’s formidable power directly burned the magic breath into nothingness.

“I rely on! So strong !?”

Hei Yao Mozun’s scalp suddenly exploded, saying, “This can’t pass, if this is forced to enter, it will be annihilated in an instant! How does the true body pass !?”

These magic symbols obviously completely seal the sky, like a giant wall connecting Heaven and Earth.

“Hmph! Garbage, I am sorry to call myself true body !? In my opinion, the entire sky of Forbidden Land should be blocked, and no one can go!”

Chu Yan was nodded and didn’t think much, and continued to go deeper.

Next, along the way, they came to various kinds of prohibitions and crises, and broke out constantly, but fortunately, with the pupil of Chu Yan’s Qilin, they are basically in a panic.

At the same time, Hei Yao Mozun respected them. In the broken prohibition, there are still many gains, all of which are Antiquity treasure.

In the process, they also met many trapped cultivators. There was no accident. Black Yao Mozun, Fanchen, and Langyi rushed up and directly stripped each other before leaving others.

The tacit understanding of cooperation made Chu Yan speechless.

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