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After several consecutive outrages, even Liu Piaopiao, who was afraid of life, began to shine.

Fan Chen, as a Taoist, explained to little girl with a blush and a heartless heart, this is called enforce Justice on behalf of the Heaven!

The entire group continued to move forward in this way, and it didn’t take long to find the strange thing.


I saw 5 bright golden beams in the distance.

These five golden beams of light, after exploding in the sky, evolved 5 natural phenomena, such as 10000 tree blossoms, and they looked like carp swimming in the sky.

Obviously, these are the five kinds of opportunities just born, and they happened to be met.

Moreover, judging from the natural phenomenon that appears, these 5 chances are not ordinary.

“Haha, true body this luck …”

The black Yao Mo was excited, and said to Chu Yan, “Chu Yan, you will be one step closer to Heavenly Venerate, go in and see with the true body !?”

“If this is really good luck, the breakthrough reaches Heavenly Venerable Realm, and I go back into the depths of Forbidden Land, and I have one more self-protection force!”

That’s right, of course!

In the current Forbidden Land, there are cultivators everywhere, Divine King walks all over the place, and Heavenly Venerable Realm is even more hairy.

Among them, the battle strength of Chu Yan and Fanchen is okay, but they dare not guarantee that there is a risk of not being damaged.

“Also! Enter that one !?”

Chu Yan pondered slightly, nodded, and glanced at the five golden lights in front of him.

Logically speaking, Pantian Forbidden Land has just opened, and those cultivators haven’t entered for a long time, and now there is a 9-region Supreme chance of loss.

“Look at the natural phenomenon of 10000 tree blossoms, which fits the eyes of true body!”

Hei Yao Mozun hasn’t finished a sentence yet, Fan Fan directly shook his head against

“You’re so lucky to say luck, stand aside and let me choose!”

Fanchen stepped out in one step, his hands were directly printed, and a special small spell was cast, flying into the sky

“The great prophecy of this cultivation can deduce a trace of cause and effect …”

With that, he was infused with all his energy, and began to urge the small spell, 5 golden lights moved towards the sky and flew away.

Chu Yan and the others were extremely curious when they saw this scene.

As the so-called Heavenly Dao is impermanent, the cause and effect are unpredictable. Didn’t expect Pfazong is so powerful, and there is this magical mystery that can predict cause and effect.

If there is such a method, it is definitely a great benefit for the practitioners to try out abroad.

“Everything is rested in 10000, without Heaven, the law turns into cause and effect, and everything is impermanent …”

Fan Chen whispered, a thin layer of Dao light appeared on his body, as if a holy light wrapped the whole body, it seemed to have some ways of getting expert.


Drinking a word, raising your hand is a point, the small charm is flying like an arrow, but it bypasses 5 golden lights, moved towards the southern sky, and quickly disappeared.

“Run south !? What happened?”

Several people in Chu Yan started at the same time, turning their heads together looking towards Fanchen.

“Old facetious, you are totally unreliable, isn’t it one of 5 !? This is 108,000 li, and all flew to the sky!”

Hei Yao Mozun looked at Fan Chen and opened the mouth and said directly.

“This is wrong! It is correct to go south!”

Fan Chen carefully turned over and looked up towards the 5 golden beams, very sure to Chu Yan

“OK! Then let’s go!”

Nodded, Chu Yan did not say much, and flew south when he got up.

A few people did not hesitate, they all followed Chu Yan and rushed all the way south.

Time lapsed, and after running for an hour, Chu Yan gradually stopped.

Not far in front of them, a huge earth fissure appeared, and countless fairy lights emerged above the fissure, and clouds and waves were surging.

This is obviously an Inheritance Land!

Chu Yan and the others Divine Consciousness emanates, lifting body protection gang yuan, moved towards the crack close to.

Only the fierce, the bottom of this huge crack, the two sides are cliffs, various messy Immortal Intent aura 2 scattered shots, and there are some bony bones that can be seen at the bottom.

This is obviously that there was a fight not long ago, and the immortal strength at the bottom has gathered in front of a light gate, and there are dozens of cultivators standing.

Most of these cultivators are Loose Cultivator, and they can’t see the Sect forces. All the cultivators are above Earth Venerable Realm, and some of them are Heavenly Venerable Realm.

“Shen Gongxi people!”

Mo Wu’s eyes flashed, and he saw a few cultivators wearing purple robe, his eyes were cold.

He was very impressed by the people of Shengongxi. The blood feud between the two was almost at the level of meeting.

“This is a bit of a coincidence! It turned out to be Shen Gongxi!” Chu Yan was also cold-eyed.

“Spirit Race !?”

At the next glance, Chu Yan found a familiar silhouette again.

It was the last daytime statement that claimed to be Young Master that was mixed in the crowd.

Soon, a bronze-skinned beauty in the light door came out, and the weeds and wildflowers on the ground continued to grow and open.

At this scene, Chu Yan’s eyes were suddenly taken together.

“This woman is not simple!” Chu Yan secretly said in one’s heart.

Spirit Race innate talent is the birth of heavenly materials earthly treasures, and what this woman has been through can actually grow 10000 things, showing that her strength and status in Spirit Race are not weak.

This woman’s cultivation base, like him, is also an Earth Venerable Realm Peak cultivation base, but in her within the body, it seems to be silent with an extremely powerful ancient force.

“Liu Qingyi, this Little Lass, is getting more and more watery! At the Sect banquet last time, I really should have a good talk!”

Fan Chen’s eyes glowed, staring at each other’s eyes without blinking.

When Hei Yao Mozun heard this, several people turned their heads together, looked at Fan Chen’s face, and twitched together.

This argument says that this is the case! ?

“Liu Qingyi !?” Chu Yan suspiciously.

“Good! It’s her! Spirit Race’s peerless genius is a little bit worse than this one. I’ve seen it a few times and heard what a 10000 spirit body is. It’s scary to break through!”

Fanchen heard Chu Yan’s doubts and explained.

Spirit Race… 10000 Spirit Body! ?

Peerless genius of Ancient Race, is it possible that stronger than ordinary Sect forces, it is stronger! ?

Otherwise, Fan Chen is also peerless genius, how could she say that when she broke through, the scene was scary! ?

This means that each peerless genius is quite different.

“Fanchen, having said that, this big causal technique you are looking for is this place !?”

Hei Yao Mozun was not interested in women, and pointed to the light door in front of those practitioners and asked Fan Chen.

“These guys are Shengong Creek on one side and Spirit Race just beaten by us on the other. Are you sure you are not taking us to death !?”

Several people were stunned when this sentence landed.

“Hei Yao, you are getting more good-for-nothing! These few rubbish, you are afraid of this !?”

Lang Yi looked at the person below with disdain and continued to open the mouth and said

“Whether he is Shen Gongxi or Spirit Race, in front of this fairy, all rubbish!”

Hei Yao Mo Zun glanced at Lang Yi, and his mouth twitched twice, and finally he held back and did not carry him.

At this moment, a silver bell sounded in the crowd below.

“The ones above are all here, let’s get to know them!”

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