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Bang! Bang! Bang!

As soon as the fierce Pluto appeared, his eyes swept the scene, and he shot directly without saying anything.

“Hmph! You dare to stand in front of this king !?”

The violent tide of Mosha blasted out, the black Yao Mozun and Fan Chen and the others were so shrewd, quickly took advantage of the offensive of the Hades and launched the attack together.

In an instant, countless violent sounds resounded through the sky.

The cultivators all around didn’t expect that these two sentences were not finished, why did they fight! ?

“Since you persist in your own wrong doings, I’m sorry!”

Liu Qingyi looked at Chu Yan in the battle. Qianying soared into the sky. Behind her, a group of Spirit Race cultivators also rushed into the sky, releasing monstrous aura, and attacking Chu Yan.

According to Liu Qingyi’s estimation, among these people, the peerless genius, Fanchen, is slightly stronger, and the others are average.

After all, the Chu Yan Dao Foundation was destroyed, and it was embarrassing to use only one treasure.

However, simply relying on a Taobao plus Peerless genius, compared to their Spirit Race, a dozen Heavenly Venerate, and more than 20 Di Zun shots at the same time, simply is a level.

It shouldn’t be difficult to force Chu Yan to tell a secret.

“Ha ha ha, beat him, beat him, hit death … let you move me!” The daytime words looked at the battle and laughed endlessly.

He is waiting here. As long as Chu Yan and Hei Yao Mozun defeat these people, he will definitely take action in person to let these people be the same as his last time, not have the will to live, unable to ask for death.

Only in this way can he relieve his hatred.

“Dragon swims the world!”

Chu fire in midair, body flashed, Divine Dragon remnant, pulled out, even facing Spirit Race 2 Heavenly Venerable Realm clansman, hit in front.

“A trifling Earth Venerable Realm, so bold! Courting death!”

Two Spirit Race Heavenly Venerable Realm cultivators watched Chu Yan rush and smiled suddenly.

However, the smile on the faces of the next two people freezes instantly.

“What !? This …”

Under complexion greatly changed, the two Spirit Race cultivators did not hesitate at the same time, at the same time burst out the strongest power, waved a god character Spirit Mark, and stood in front of them.


When the dragon line ran in the sky, when the black dragon shadow came over, the two Spirit Marks were also destroyed by them to the extreme.

However, only in the moment of contact, 2 Spirit Words, Spirit Mark, shattered instantly, exploding the golden light, and 4 collapsed.

Long Ying didn’t stop at all. After breaking through the shield, he threw heavily on the chest of 2 people and knocked it into the cliff not far away.

Bang! Bang!

2 The muffled sound came, and there were 2 large humanoid holes in the cliff, which could not be seen in the end.


Liu Qingyi and a group of Spirit Race god powerhouses were stunned when they saw this scene.

That Chu Yan, is n’t Earth Venerable Realm Peak! ?

How is it possible to bump 2 Heavenly Venerable Realm all at once! ?

“Fellow Daoist Liu, this child has recast the Dao Foundation, has extremely strong battle strength, 10000000 attention!”

Shen Gongxi spoke directly to remind Liu Qingyi Road.

“What !? He … recasted the Dao Foundation !?”

Even Liu Qingyi, who is superior in mind, hears this sentence and changes Yurong.

“This … impossible !?”

“Recast Dao Foundation !? So easy !?”

“World’s First Venerable! Dao Foundation recast! Then he is still … World’s First Venerable !?”

“Too terrifying! I heard that when he was respected at first, he was an enemy of 100 genius!”

“No wonder so strong!”


Those of Ancient Race seldom walked outside, and were proud of themselves, disdain for the outside world, and the news was naturally blocked.

Hearing Shen Gongxi’s words, all of them were greatly surprised by the complexion greatly changed.

“Peerless genius! Another peerless genius!”

Those Heavenly Venerate cultivators reacted, and then looked towards Chu Yan’s gaze, all changed.

“Okay! Okay! No wonder Chu Yan Fellow Daoist, so confident, turned out to be the Dao Foundation!”

Liu Qingyi quickly regained his composure, looking at Chu Yan’s beautiful eyes, all flashing cold light

“However, Earth Venerable Realm is always Earth Venerable Realm, even if you recast the Dao Foundation, how?”

Chu Yan heard this remark, but he was speechless and directly said the head.

“No! I’m just wondering, how long ago it was, you Spirit Race only know now !? Blind !?”

This sentence fell to the ground, Liu Qingyi suddenly angry.

“Chu Yan, die for me!”

Behind Liu Qingyi, a Spirit Race old man wearing Baiyun long robe stormed out with a long sword in his hand.

The monstrous anger turned into Jiangang Nuyuan, and fiercely moved towards Chu Yan.

This is a Spirit Race cultivator of Heavenly Venerable Realm 9th Layer.

Some things are like this. Like Lang Yi who looks down on anyone’s map cannon, it is often clear in his heart.

But those who said nothing in their mouths, but regarded everyone as rubbish in their hearts, the most unseen are those who despised him, and suddenly exceeded themselves.

One is cheap, the other is cheap, the difference between Heaven and Earth.

Therefore, I am also the reason why Chu Yan could bear the sorrow, but could not bear these nostrils guys.

“Vicious Underworld!”

Chu Yan shouted directly.

“Here! Here! Isn’t the king here!”

The reluctant Hades looked at Chu Yan with disgust, and his eyes were full of sorrow.

It ’s no good to say yes. The rule that you do n’t take action. Since you followed Chu Yan, you have n’t realized it once.

I’m so hard! But there is no way!

The next moment, the fierce Pluto with the face of resentment qi, fiercely raised his head, his bloodshot eyes stared directly at Spirit Race Heavenly Venerate.

“This is what you hit yourself!”

The fierce Hades of a belly resentment qi can be regarded as a punching bag.

2 Not to mention, a roar of tremors, the breath of Mosha is like a violent wind and a huge wave, and it is trembling.


When Bai Yunlong robe old man saw the fierce Hades, he only felt cold all over his body. He quickly waved a big hand and summoned a Daobao to block him.


Dao Bao had just emerged, the fierce Hades’ fist hit his eyes, and with a loud noise, Dao Bao all split up and in pieces.

The powerful force broke through the road and threw it on Baiyun long robe old man, blasting it back and forth for more than ten steps, and even spit a few big mouths of blood.

Under this move, it was obviously hit hard!

Although the fierce Pluto uses Chu Yan’s True Qi, the formidable power is quite a bit different from its own.

But it can’t deal with Divine King, it is more than enough to deal with a Heavenly Venerable Realm.

“Really strong spirit of Taobao!”

A group of cultivators of Spirit Race, all looked at each other in blank dismay.

“It’s now!”

Seeing the attack of Spirit Race, Hei Yao Mozun several people infused into True Tao into the Taobao, aura was weak, and Shen Gongxi’s eyes were instantly bright.

“You True Qi … so few !? I’ll borrow you a little!”

Liu Piaopiao, who has been hiding behind several people, always feels what she should do. After all, she is also a gang.

So, after thinking about it, she extended a small hand and waved a path of Spirit Qi, pouring into Chu Yan several people within the body.

Although she is just a heavenly paradise spirit, she has no cultivation base, including battle strength, and can only be used within the Heavenly Paradise area with the help of Heavenly Paradise.

That is to say, she is now Heavenly Paradise, basically no battle strength.

However, she has a breath of life, which almost contains Heavenly Paradise’s Heaven and Earth spirit wave, and the number is not a cracking a joke.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Liu Qi Piao’s Spirit Qi entered Chu Yan with several people within the body, and suddenly made their aura, like a volcanic eruption, rise to the sky, and the imposing manner skyrocketed several times.

“Ha ha ha, cool ah! Drifting well!”

Hei Yao Mo Zun several people with red light on his face, True Qi like a tide all over his body, a big hand waved, a magic knife flashed, raised his hands and moved towards the Spirit Race opposite the person.

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