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Not only the Black Demon Lord, but even the few people in the world, they are all in awe.

“Dai Yuanzun!”

Under the abundance of spirits, how could Fan Chen succumb to the Black Demon Venerable Master, suddenly waved his big hand, and was instantly enveloped by Daoguang within a radius of 100 li.


The face of Shen Gongxi and the others suddenly became dark, and he could only shoot with all his strength to resist the attack.

The original good opportunity was just lost, and I wanted to defeat Chu Yan in a short time. It was simply impossible.

“Chu Yan Fellow Daoist, although your treasure spirit is out of the ordinary, but I want to rely on it, it is still not enough!”

Liu Qingyi while speaking, imposing manner like sky, like a cut under her control.

“You follow me to suppress the Taobao! Others go together and deal with Chu Yan!”

Bai Yun long robe old man flew back, directly ordered with an angry face.

Suddenly, four Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouses flew out, and moved towards the fierce Hades with him.


The remaining group of Spirit Race cultivators, take out Spirit Armament Spirit Treasure, turned into a tsunami tide and attacked several people in Chu Yan.

“Chu Yan, the situation is not good, do you want to withdraw first !?”

Hei Yao Mo Zun complexion slightly changed, Divine Consciousness sound transmission said.

“Vault of Heaven Sword!”

Not answering the Black Demon Venerable at all, Chu Yan is like Roaming Dragon, rushing into the spirit clansman group, and the sword is like Roaming Dragon, cutting out a path of sword like a divine light, sweeping all directions.

clang! Dang clang!

Sword slash Spirit Armament, broken!

The sword cuts the treasure and destroys it!

Sword slasher, flying!

Under the intensive series of explosive sounds, Chu Yan has gone through nowhere, as if he had entered a land of no one.

Amidst the sky and the majesty, it is like a War God, and it is invincible.

“This … is too strong!”

“Respect World’s First, really the name is not in vain!”

“However, if such a battle continues, he will not be able to persevere just for a long time!”

“Not bad!”

The cultivators all around were all excited when they saw this fierce battle.

“Hmph! How about being strong !? Dare to move this Young Master, even if you are a peerless genius, World’s First Venerable, you have to give me …”

During the day, the words were crowded before the crowd, and his face was still proud and disdainful.

There are now many Spirit Race powerhouses present, and his status is the highest, restoring his state without fear.

“War God Green Armor!”

Amidst the raging waves, Chu Yan roared, a large body of azure light surged over his body, a bloody tiger’s head was covered, and the azure bronze seal Battle Armor appeared in full.

A battle of prestige, like a surging tide, keeps skyrocketing.

Moreover, this is just the beginning.

“War God Code, 8 Yu Xuanhuang asked, Kai!”

In Chu Yan’s eyes, the flames are like thunder, and the two ways of asking are running at the same time, and the violent gang power breaks out like Heavenly Sword.

“2… 2 ways to ask !?”

All of a sudden, Liu Qingyi, the Spirit Race, Clansman, and all the cultivators all around were shocked by the complexion greatly changed.

In Divine Realm, two methods of cultivation are not uncommon, but this way of cultivation of doing two things at the same time is by no means the right way.

Most of these cultivators sacrificed Dao Road for a long time for battle strength.

Any cultivator will despise it when they see it.

But now, the two methods of questioning by Chu Yan simply do not exist at the time of two things at the same time, there seems to be a mysterious fusion between the two.

“8 Yu Xuanhuang, Jianba world!”

Chu Yan’s sword was chopped up into the sky, Sword Intent was like a tide, and it turned into a sky of tide. Every sword fell like a turbulent river.

“Body protection, open!”

Seeing such a scene, the practitioners present all showed their unique skills and constantly urged the body to gang.

bang! bang bang bang!

Heaven and Earth shakes, all directions cloud surge.

Chu Yan, who was just at the bottom, in this brief moment reversed the situation in an instant, and under the mighty sweep, all the enemies were instantly suppressed.

“God … World’s First!”

Among the crowd, a Heavenly Venerable Realm cultivator saw this scene, and suddenly the expression was dull and murmured.

Not only this cultivator, but the cultivator present, was shocked by Chu Yan’s powerful imposing manner and Divine Soul shuddered.

“Chu Yan Fellow Daoist, it seems that you are still very strong!”

Among the beautiful eyes of Liu Qingyi, a touch of different colors emerged, and a pair of jade hands lifted lightly, condensing a brilliant Spirit Seal in front of him.

At this point in the fight, she must shoot!

However, at this moment, the light gate not far behind everyone shuddered suddenly.

“The light door is now!”

“The passage opened, hurry in!”


The cultivators who had originally watched the war all awakened and moved towards the light gate.

It ’s important to watch the excitement, but it ’s definitely not as important as inheritance in Forbidden Land.

Even Liu Qingyi was graceful eyebrows, twisted her head, looked towards the light door, and looked at Chu Yan again.

As she pondered, whether to continue the fight or to enter the light gate, suddenly, an extremely powerful demon breath rushed out of the light gate.

a Sounds like metal, resounding through the cliff.

“Trifling ants, be bold!”

Hearing this voice, all the people present at the complexion greatly changed.

Because, among the raging demons, there is obviously a demonic breath of God King Realm cultivation base.

In an instant, all the fighting in front of the whole gate stopped.

Everyone looked at the light gate with a wary face, their faces dignified.


a The sound of Void Fragment sounded, a tall, mountain-like monster with a black horn, like a Demon Ox, came out of the light door.

A pair of demon eyes swept across the audience, and all the bodies shook as they swept across.

“Dark Moon Demon Ox !?”

The fierce Hades stared at the tall silhouette in front of the light door, his expression was slightly stunned, and he turned directly to the sound.

“Demon Ox, the gatekeeper that bastard raises here, won’t there be great opportunities here?”

Chu Yan hearing this, suddenly the corner of his mouth twitched.

Gatekeeper … Cow! ?

Such a big monster Beast, you call the janitor! ?

“All must die!”

The Dark Moon Demon Ox has just stood firm, and roared directly, with a large black tide spouting out of its mouth, and rushed to all the practitioners in the audience.

“Not good !”

“Flee away ah!”

“It’s over!”


A group of cultivators suddenly blasted the pot, especially those Earth Venerable Realm cultivators, facing God King Realm’s Monster Beast, they could hardly resist even a single move, and all used the secret skill to escape, fleeing wildly.


Among the crowd, Chu Yan’s eyes turned 5 thunder, staring at the demon cow, but the pupil light changed slightly.

This move attack, might not reach God King Realm at all, Heavenly Venerable Realm Peak is just the top of the sky.

“What are you afraid of? A wounded bull demon only! Join forces together and destroy it!”

Liu Qingyi glanced across Chu Yan and Shen Gongxi, opened the mouth and said

“Chu Yan Fellow Daoist, a few, let’s temporarily truce, and join forces to deal with this Monster Beast, how !?”

Chu Yan did not hesitate, and nodded directly.

Shen Gongxi glanced at Chu Yan, hesitantly, but nodded agreed.

You know, this bull demon is an indiscriminate attack. If you continue to attack Chu Yan, you may not know who is bad luck.

“Go ahead!”

Liu light clothing a light shout, and at the same time, pupil light looked towards Chu Yan and Shen Gongxi, like immortals, rushed straight out.

Less than 100 steps away, her jade hand waved lightly, with a snow-colored long sword in her hand, and she chopped it with a sword.

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