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Just as a few people walked towards the light gate, Hei Yao Mo Zun suddenly stopped, turned his head to look at the suppressed Dark Moon Demon Ox, with a smirk on his face.

“Lang Yi, come and talk with it!”

Chu Yan Several people heard this, and they all started together, what is this Black Yao Mozun doing again! ?

“Old facetious, get away! When I cut open seal, I must have eaten you raw!” Darkmoon Demon Ox growled loudly.

Langyi originally didn’t want to bother about the Black Demon Lord, but when he heard the words of Dark Moon Demon Ox, he was suddenly unhappy.

“Watchdog, call a fart, see the true body and do not call the master, it seems that you want to ah!”

This sentence fell to the ground, the dark moon Demon Ox’s thick nostrils, suddenly burst out two thick flames.

“Bold! I … I will kill you!”

Darkmoon Demon Ox was struggling constantly with a word of excitement, and madly struck the seal above his head.

“Kill this fairy !? With your rotten teeth as a janitor, it looks so ugly and so weak, so you look at the door. As a result, so many people come in and out, what use do you say to raise you! A bulldog! Nibble the kind! “

Lang Yi saw that Dark Moon Demon Ox was constantly struggling, suddenly interested, and continued to shell.

“Roar roar….”

This time Dark Moon Demon Ox’s entire face turned purple black, his chest undulated violently, a pair of bulls’ eyes were full of flames, staring at Lang Yi, and the roaring louder and louder.

A little deity, dare to desecrate a Monster King of God King Realm! ?

heavens cannot tolerate, the world is not fair ah!

“Hehe… Monster King Sir, you must know, the opportunity and inheritance in this light door, where is it !?”

Hei Yao Mozun suddenly inserted, and asked with a smile on his face.

“Fuck off! This king will not tell you when he dies!”

Darkmoon Demon Ox has been mad, almost subconsciously blurted out.

“The 10000 Moon Breaking Pavillion by the Jinghu Lake is Forbidden Land. As long as you dare to enter, this king must kill you … ah !?”

Before the roar was finished, the Dark Moon Demon Ox reacted suddenly, and then he wilted.



“Ha ha ha, Lang Yi, nice job!”

At this point, Hei Yao Mozun looked at Lang Yi with a big smile on his face, and praised loudly.

“Hehe, there and there …”

Langyi is also twitching his mouth, speechless, embarrassed said with a smile.

What’s special, it seems that I’m also trapped!

Just now, he really thought that Hei Yao Mozun just let himself talk to this cow and report his revenge.

didn’t expect, this Heiyao still has such bad thoughts!

I just didn’t find it, just used it! ?

However, this result seems to be good, all rely on the true power of Benxian!

“Good job!”

Chu Yan walked over, pats the shoulders of Lang Yi, a look of relief.

“Not bad!”

Mo Wu Di Zun passed by, also nodded at Lang Yi.


Langyi wanted to boast a few words, but when he talked to his mouth, he couldn’t say anything. He simply lowered his head and sullenly headed towards the light door.

Just in Chu Yan entire group, just after entering the light gate, in the Forbidden Land on the other side, there is a big lake.

As a piece of 5 colorful clouds fell to the ground, Shen Gongxi and the others came down from the clouds, all with dark faces.

“They didn’t chase it!”

When Shen Gongxi said this, his face was even redder.

Dignified a group of Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse, even chased by several deities to be scared witless, this is going to spread, it is absolutely shameful and dead.

“Shen Senior Brother, why not just show that …”

A purple robe Heavenly Venerate looked at Shen Gongxi with a puzzled face and asked.

This sentence landed, a few purple robe Heavenly Venerate all gathered around, looking at Shen Gongxi together.

To be honest, none of them understand!

Although the strength of the Chu Yan team is indeed very strong, if Shen Gongxi displays such a thing, the result must not be like this.

“Shen Gongxi, if you don’t make an explanation about this, don’t blame me for going to Master, Yujie Supreme!”

Several purple robe Heavenly Venerate, all looked at Shengongxi with a cold face.

After all, this time hurt their faces, and the task has not been completed yet, this is how to explain to Sect! ?

hearing this Shen Gongxi smiled softly, and said, “Everyone, 2 peerless genius, plus an Antiquity demonic cultivator, you think I can really deal with them by using that treasure !? Kill them directly !?”

This sentence fell to the ground, several purple robe people froze at the same time, browse slightly wrinkle.

It seems that this is really hard to say!

Shen Gongxi specially emphasized that it was two peerless genius, not the Earth Venerable Realm cultivators of ordinary.

This is not just a question of strength, that peerless genius is not a good luck, so it is easy to lose! ?

Without has several points of luck, I am afraid that it will not become a peerless genius!

Therefore, before Shen Gongxi used words to persuade him, he wanted to differentiate Chu Yan and Fan Chen to reduce the influence of air transportation, but the result was not satisfactory.

“So what do you mean by killing them as you say?” Purple robe Heavenly Venerate suddenly became more angry.

To put it bluntly, it turned into a sore pain, I ran like this to kill Chu Yan! ?

It seems angry on the surface, but in fact, in the hearts of several purple robe Heavenly Venerate, they already understand something!

“I have told Supreme Sir of Jade Realm that he is coming to Forbidden Land in Pantian. Before that, we should still try harder, when the time comes is also very good, right?”

Speaking of Shen Gongxi here, he looked up towards several people and then said with a slight smile.

“I have another way, look!”

After finishing talking, Shen Gongxi turned over his hand, and a small black mirror wrapped in a thick mist, appeared in front of everyone.

Several people stared at the same time and looked into the black mist mirror, but they only saw …

The picture inside is exactly the scene where Chu Yan was hiding on the cliff, then jumped off and appeared in front of the light gate.


Several purple robe Heavenly Venerate looked at Shengongxi with a puzzled look.

What use is this! ?

“This mirror is called the extension God mirror, and it can record all the past. Now I will distribute the picture in this mirror to Dawang Island, 9th layer building, Immortal Ascension Sect, Ba tribe, Barbarian Race, Yue tribe. And Spirit Race and the others, think about it, what will happen? “

Speaking of which, Shen Gongxi’s face was filled with a cold smile, and several purple robe Heavenly Venerate shivered.

This Shen Senior Brother, it’s good to count ah!

In this way, the movements of Great Influence understood Chu Yan, it was not all swarming towards here.

Although the Supreme and the 9 Domain Supremes of these forces have all entered the depths of Forbidden Land, impossible came back specifically for a Chu Yan.

However, even if it came to more than a dozen Heavenly Venerate, Chu Yan could be killed.

“However, with the right time, we can’t waste time, we must act quickly!”

This sentence landed, and several of the present Heavenly Venerate were all nodded.

“Okay, then act separately, we will go to different forces and pass the news as soon as possible!”

As the words landed, a group of Heavenly Venerate rose into the sky at the same time, arrived in midair and flew in different directions.

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