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On the other side, inside Forbidden Land.

After Chu Yan and the others entered, the entire space was distorted, and after a sufficient breaths time, all around the void gradually stabilized.

This is an ancient city, revealing the old and long-lasting aura, which makes people feel very sad.

The whole city seems to be built with some kind of special spar, and living in it gives a very slaughter and bloody aura.

On the 4 Main Street 2 of ancient city, there are towering palace buildings all over the place, connected together, it looks extremely magnificent.

These palaces, some murderous aura, some immortal spirit dream, some vitality.

Obviously, these palaces are very different, divided into good and evil categories.

But what surprised Chu Yan and the others was that those cultivators who had just entered the Gate of Light were all surrounded by murderous aura monstrous palaces all around, fighting each other as if they were robbing something.

“Look, Chu Yan is here!”

“Chu Yan Fellow Daoist, Fanchen Master, join me soon.”

“I just found a great opportunity, how about going to explore together !?”

“I found it….”


Those cultivators saw Chu Yan and the others coming, they were all alert, but some cultivators quickly heard the Divine Consciousness sound, and most of the content was similar.

All are inviting Chu Yan and the others to join hands to explore Secret Realm and the like.

“10000 Jinghu !?”

Hei Yao Mo Zun and the others 4 spread out, and when looking around for opportunities, they soon discovered a large lake outside the city.

“Everyone, have the opportunity to join forces again in the future!”

Facing all around the cultivators who were full of expectations, Chu Yan bowed his hand, and he flew away with the Black Demon Venerable and the others moved towards 10000 Jinghu.

When I reached the lake, I looked up and saw that on the huge lake surface, in the rising mist, there was a tendency to gather together, and a lot of vague spirit characters evolved.

“Xuan … die … long …”

Both Hei Yao Mo Zun and Fan Chen operate their pupils, carefully recognizing these spirit characters, but they cannot see at all.

“I’ll try!”

Hei Yao Mo Zun stepped forward, raised a large wave of magic breath, and rushed to the lake.

Buzz …!

The magic breath entered the lake, which caused the lake water to boil suddenly, and a large wave of waves was lifted. Countless spirit fog rose, and a huge spiritual cloud evolved, floating above the lake.

This scene suddenly attracted some cultivators all around, all stunned.

“That’s an opportunity!”

Some cultivators also discovered the existence of 10000 Jinghu before, but when they saw that the spirit of the lake surface was blurred, they went to the city to find corresponding clues.

But it was didn’t expect, Chu Yan, they came over and broke it directly with brute force.

This method and boldness actually let all cultivators didn’t expect and also opened their eyes.

“You don’t want to die if you don’t want to die!”

Hei Yao Mozun turned his head towards towards all around, and the cultivators around him, shouted with a cold face.

Immediately, Chu Yan entire group rushed forward, skimmed over the lake, and drilled directly into the spiritual cloud.

As before, Lingyun is just a entrance to the tunnel. When it first enters, it should be all around. It is blurry and dazzling.

After they stabilized, they looked towards all around, but found that it was like a scene in the ocean.

Into the eyes, there is seawater everywhere, and various blue flowing water 4 overflows.

In the sea! ?

Chu Yan and the others felt the powerful spirit of all around, and all of them looked stunned.

“This is not the spiritual breath of ordinary!”

Fan Chen’s face was slightly stunned, constantly turning the hand seal, sensing the spirit of all around, eyes shining.

“Yes! Simply is not a spiritual breath, it is a special aura bred by Heaven and Earth. As long as this aura is refining, it has a very strong role in enhancing all the strength of the cultivator.”

Speaking of which, Hei Yao Mo Zun grinned, raised a finger and said, “Attention! It is all power!”

When this sentence hit the ground, Chu Yan and the others’ face suddenly changed.

All power! ?

Is it not just True Qi cultivation base! ?

Liu Piaopiao didn’t wait for other people to react, and immediately began to sway Divine Consciousness, engulfing all the Heaven and Earth spirits all around.

“Very strong! If you are in this cultivation, any aura can make a Heavenly Venerable Realm 1st Layer cultivator break through to Heavenly Venerable Realm Peak!”

The Pluto is also looking around in four places, looking at the piece of Heaven and Earth aura, full of envy.

If he had not sacrificed himself in the Heavenly Furnace, as long as he stayed in this place for a period of time, he would be able to recover completely.

It’s a pity that now he can only watch, and he can’t swallow even the slightest bit.

“Ha ha ha, very good! True body is here to restore Heavenly Venerable Realm!”

Black Yaomo respected his face with excitement, and quickly sat cross-legged and started to run the magic breath, pulling Heaven and Earth aura all around.

He has been stuck in Earth Venerable Realm Peak for too long.

I have recovered some things before, but the occasions of life and death are destroyed once and I need to re-cultivation.

His road to resurrection was full of blood and tears.

Now seeing this piece of Heaven and Earth aura, it is like crazy wolf seeing meat, completely crazy.

After all, those Heaven and Earth breaths can only restore True Qi cultivation base, so his Divine Soul has very little damage, often only 2/3 of the effect of ordinary cultivator cultivation.

But now, these Heaven and Earth aura can enhance all power, of course, including his damaged God Soul Power.

In this way, his recovery speed can finally be compared with the cultivation speed of the cultivator of ordinary.

This opportunity is definitely a great opportunity for those who need to be reborn.

Therefore, even Royal Capital is envious, but has no choice but to help.

After all, the path to resurrection of the fierce Hades is completely different from that of the black Yao Mozun.

The Hades chose a more stable route, as long as the sky furnace is not damaged, he can keep Divine Soul immortal.

However, if you want to completely destroy it, such as top-level Taobao like Heavenly Furnace, even the 9-domain Supreme is difficult to do.

In this way, the fierce Hades can only recover slowly, and the speed and chance are much slower than the black Yao Mozun.

“Fast speed! The gatekeeper has a few more hours to break free, when the time comes….”

When Fan Chen said this, she glanced at Lang Yi, and she was suddenly terrified.

What did i do! ?

Lang Yi started, and fiercely glared with excitement, and he didn’t care about the black Yao Mozun.

“Quickly refining, how much can be refining!”

Chu Yan naturally understood the meaning of Fan Chen, and sat cross-legged, starting to refining all around blue aura.

Now, he is one step away from Heavenly Venerable Realm. If these blue auras are used to bring cultivation base breakthrough to Heavenly Venerable Realm, even if facing the Dark Moon Demon Ox, it will also have a fight.

Otherwise, this light gate Forbidden Land is easy to come in. I’m afraid it will be troublesome when I go out next time.

Buzz …!

Chu Yan sat cross-legged, and the whole person quickly immersed in cultivation.

The reverse Divine flame in Qi Sea instantly ignited, and began to release the reverse Divine flame, burning all the blue aura around.

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