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Chu Yan and several others entered the cultivation state without wasting any time.

Among the few, the speed of devouring blue aura was not as good as Liu Piao Piao.

This celestial blessing of the earth, the speed at which this Heaven and Earth breath is consumed, is terrifying and exists like a black hole.

Time passed quickly, and soon an hour passed.

Chu Yan in cultivation suddenly looked awkward.

Just now, he was in the body 9 and the Dao Jing in the star map of the domain suddenly worked.

The majestic Daoist idea flooded the whole body.

Moreover, the 8 Yuxuanhuangjing and the code of warfare in Sea of ​​Consciousness are also running at the same time, constantly evolving on the Sea of ​​Consciousness sky.

It seems that these two methods of asking are constantly tempering and improving, just like Chu Yan they are cultivating.

Asking the law can also cultivate! ?

Of course not!

Nothing without spirit wisdom can cultivate, and even if there is spirit wisdom, not all spirit wisdom can cultivate.

Like spirit wisdom like Liu Piao Piao, because the entity is dead, it cannot be cultivated.

“Dao Jing and 2 gates asked the law !?” Chu Yan was stunned.

From human respect to Earth Venerable Realm, and then to Heavenly Venerable Realm, there is not much True Qi change, just constant tempering of dignity.

As far as formidable power is concerned, each Heaven and Earth Realm’s promotion, the tempering of the dignity is a 100-fold improvement.

Now, this kind of tempering of the crystal and the method of asking seems to be developing in this direction.

In this way, this is probably a great thing.

As if a door was opened, it will lead to an endless sky in the future.

“But there are also some troubles. These three food eaters eat more than I do, it seems that more blue aura is needed!”

Chu Yan marveled at the blue aura’s horror, which can enhance all the powers, and also lamented that this power is more, and the blue aura needed naturally increases with it.

“Wait, putting it that way, can the Blue Armor Soul of War also improve !?”

Chu Yan suddenly thought that his biggest card now was the Qingjia War Soul.

This kind of existence, similar to 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul, seems to be able to continue to devour Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi after being fully fused with his body, and slowly improve.

Moreover, the Qingjia War Soul, like Qilin Martial Soul, has the role of guarding Divine Soul.

This is extremely important!

Among all the cultivator powers, the God Soul Power is the most vulnerable.

The more cultivation base is promoted, the more realm is promoted, and in the end will be in the direction of Divine Soul.

There will even be peerless genius like Fanchen who specializes in Soul Power. Once grown up, it will be extremely terrifying existence.

“Blue Armored War Soul, come out!”

After Chu Yan wanted to understand this, a light shout summoned the blue armored war spirit directly.

In an instant, the majestic azure light surged violently, sweeping through Heaven and Earth like a tide, and the endless powerful coercion suppressed the entire void.

In this alien space, all the blue aura seas are all taken by this mighty, rushing shiver coldly.

Even if they were just a piece of Spirit Power bred by Heaven and Earth, they could not escape the deterrent of War God’s coercion.


Suddenly, the fierce Hades, Hei Yao Mozun, Fan Chen, Liu Piao Piao and the others, while complexion greatly changed, exclaimed.

Boom … rumbling!

At this time, Chu Yan did not converge at all, and all asked aura and war soul aura were released.

The powerful coercion is getting more and more terrifying. A large amount of blue aura seems to be summoned by the summon, actively moved towards Chu Yan to come together and keep pouring into his within the body.

When burning against the Divine flame, the flame’s prestige is getting stronger and stronger. There is a little oil-imposing manner, which causes the speed of incineration of blue aura to double.

Putting these things together quickly turned into a cycle.

The coercion of the Soul of War continues to increase, and the speed of attracting blue aura is getting faster and faster. There are a large number of blue auras against the Divine flame. The burning speed continues to increase, generating more power, making the war of Divine Soul more terrifying.

This cycle has grown exponentially …

As a true body, Chu Yan, with the body respect, presents a rocket-like speed and is madly improving.

“Really strong’s prestige of fighting soul, at this speed, at most 2 hours, I can impact Heavenly Venerable Realm bottleneck!”

Chu Yan’s face was full of joy, and his mind was instantly immersed.

“I … what’s special … what did you see !?”

“That’s … won’t it, Divine Soul, one of the gods !?”

“Fuck, this coercion is more terrifying than Heavenly Dao’s, and even Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi directly suppress it, which is too strong!”


The fierce Hades, Hei Yao Demon Venerable, Fan Chen and the others, all opened their mouths wide, looking at the towering silhouette behind Chu Yan, with a look of shock on his face.

Ten people of the gods, that is Supreme ten people!

According to rumors, the first 4 of the gods all broke through the god realm and reached the existence of the Supreme realm.

And the fifth person of the gods, half foot on the gods realm, half foot on the Supreme realm, can be said to be the number one person of the world gods!

“Bad guy! The master is too bad, obviously no one is fast, now this is the case !?”

Liu Piaopiao just glanced at the soul of War God, but he looked aggrieved towards Chu Yan.

For her, she was just a land trapped in the white jade palace for a long time, and she didn’t know anything about the outside world.

Of course I do n’t know, what are the ten gods, what the soul of War God.

She only knows that in this alien space, most of the blue aura went to Chu Yan, let her cultivation speed, a big drop.

Okay, help others improve the cultivation base!

“Yeah! This guy actually …”

“Fuck, this is just like Kunpeng, one bite at a time, who can match this!”

“He has too much suction, we can’t touch him at all, all the blue spirits have gone to him!”

“Mao, this is also cultivating wool !?”

“No, wait a minute to settle with him!”


When Hei Yao Mozun heard Liu Piao Piao’s words, they suddenly reacted, and his tempering almost fell by 70 to 80%. His face was dark for a moment.

“Hurry up!”

Several people gritted their teeth, looked at Chu Yan with a sad face, and quickly stepped up their cultivation.

Time passes quickly …

After 2 hours, Chu Yan went all over his body, a large amount of Immortal Intent shrouded in flames, and his dignity and morality all broke through to a bottleneck state.

Even the void all around his body became unstable.

Now is the time to impact bottleneck and breakthrough Heavenly Venerate!

On the other side, outside Pantian ancient city, before the big crack.

A group of cultivators, experts, flew from the direction of Pantian ancient city and fell before the big crack.

The cultivation bases of these people include Heavenly Venerable Realm and Earth Venerable Realm. The cultivation bases of Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse are in 2nd Layer to 4th Layer.

“God King Realm Monster Beast !?”

A group of cultivators looked at the dark moon Demon Ox, which was suppressed to unable to move even a little bit, in front of the light gate.

“Chu Yan They just went in from here!”

Among the practitioners, the head was a young man, glancing at all around, his eyes looked towards the light door.

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