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In the process of promotion to Heavenly Venerate, it is not the greatest benefit from the reverse Divine flame.

The entire reverse Divine flame has completely degenerated. Compared with the original Huowei, it has more than doubled.

Boom …!

A pop sound came from Sea of ​​Consciousness, but it asked the heavenly furnace was shaking.

“Good boy, breakthrough Heavenly Venerable Realm, so that if you ask Heavenly Furnace to go further, I can recover a lot!”

The voice of the Hades is full of surprises.

He now puts all his hopes on Chu Yan, but every time Chu Yan improves by one point, ask Heavenly Furnace to raise one point.

And he has great benefits for his recovery.

Therefore, his current situation is tied to Wentian Furnace, which is affected by Chu Yan’s cultivation base realm.

“Breakthrough Heavenly Venerate !? This kid …”

Hei Yao Mozun looked at the altar in front of Chu Yan, and it was almost destroyed. They all turned around and looked envious and envious.

Especially is Martial Demon, he ca n’t imagine how long Chu Yan will be before Divine Realm! ?

“What the hell are these flames !? I haven’t seen Chu Yan show ah! Really strong formidable power!”

Fan Chen has been distractingly staring at Chu Yan, seeing the might against Divine flame from beginning to end, involuntarily browsing slightly wrinkle, and secretly thought.

It seems to be aura of the gods, but it is not very similar! ?

what exactly is it! ?

“You don’t know, when this kid was destroyed by Dao Foundation, Great Destiny was added and was taken by that …”

Hei Yao Mozun has completely given up. The blue aura in the whole space is nothing left. He wants to restore Heavenly Venerable Realm.

So now, he is focusing on Chu Yan anyway, and at the same time start chatting with several others.

The situation of several other people is also similar to that of Hei Yao Mo Zun. He simply gave up cultivation and listened to Hei Yao Mo Zun telling stories.

Next, Hei Yao Mozun told Chu Yan to Mad Sword Supreme Cave Mansion.

Of course, it’s inevitable for a while to add oil and vinegar.

“In this way, is this flame the one among the gods …”

Fan Chen listened to the explanation of Hei Yao Mo Zun, and immediately clear comprehension in his heart.

“What!? What are you talking about??”

But Fan Chen’s words scared Hei Yao Mozun several people, all of them were full of surprise.

“You mean … otherwise, let’s try, maybe we can attract something !?”

The export of Fan Chen’s sentence suddenly attracted several people to twitch at the same time.

“You’re not afraid, whoever brings that, when the time comes… ..”

When Hei Yao Mozun thought of the scene when the Emperor Xuan Tian appeared last time, she felt her neck cold.

Hearing the black Yao Mozun’s words, Fan Fa’s complexion instantly paled and shut up.

The last time he died, he provoked the Empress Xuantian, and his heart still doesn’t beat very much.


At this moment, a huge explosion sounded, and the whole small world shuddered suddenly, so that everyone almost jumped up.

“what happened!?”

The eyes of Hei Yao Mo Zun and Fan Chen and the others all became fierce.

Then, the sound became louder and louder, and the sound of Vault of Heaven sounded like heaven falls and earth rends.

Just as everyone got up and looked up, suddenly the popping sound of a heaven shaking earth shattering exploded a circle of air waves and swept the audience.

ka cha! ka cha!

Even Liu Piaopiao can hear it, as if something is cracking in the void, the sound of a followed by a, followed by a very rapid sound.

The sound resounded through Heaven and Earth, the breakthrough wall, and sounded throughout Forbidden Land.

Including Secret Realm World outside, ancient city, everyone heard the sound of bursting.

Over the ancient city, the entire Secret Realm World lifted an incredibly powerful gang wind and swept across the whole territory. All the practitioners passed by were Divine Soul trembling, looking up at the sky in surprise.

“What happened!?”

All cultivators Divine Consciousness spread out and instantly sensed something, turned their heads together towards towards 10000 Jinghu direction.

At this moment, a mass of voids suddenly exploded over 10000 Jinghu Lake, and several silhouettes appeared.

“I depend, it’s Chu Yan!”

“God, inheritance and opportunity, come on!”

“Really strong spirit is definitely the top inheritance!”


All the cultivators were crazy, and simultaneously shua shua rushed towards the direction of 10000 Jinghu.

As Chu Yan’s blue space exploded, the entire 10000 clear lakes were exposed. Inheritance Land and Small Secret Realm were all exposed.

“En !? Shengong Stream !?”

“Duan Yilang of Dawang Island !?”

Hei Yao Mozun and Fan Chen saw a few familiar silhouettes as soon as they turned their heads, and suddenly a bad hunch rose in their hearts.

“This … what is this doing !? Chu Yan !?”

Liu Qingyi, who brought the Spirit Race, rushed from the direction of the ancient city, and saw Chu Yan, suddenly Yurong started.

She can clearly see that the inheritance and Small Secret Realm exploded on the 10000 Jinghu Lake are all around the people of Chu Yan, and the one sitting in Chu Yan in the sky, in front of a 7-color altar, Only a thin layer of foundation remained.

“Sure enough, it hit! Yi!? This is …”

Duan Yilang and Shen Gongxi were all happy when they first saw Chu Yan, but when they recognized the altar in front of Chu Yan and so on, their entire faces changed.

After all, at this time, the manpower they found, that is, more than 30 Heavenly Venerate, according to the previous situation, there was no problem in suppressing Chu Yan.

But now, if Chu Yan breakthrough succeeds, it is Heavenly Venerable Realm!

Before this kid in Earth Venerable Realm, can fight against nearly ten Heavenly Venerate, if breakthrough to Heavenly Venerable Realm, the battle strength can be increased by 100 times.

“Quick! Hurry up and break the void, you can’t let him break through!”

The roaring sounds of Duan Yilang and Shengongxi were only half a breath apart. When he woke up and suddenly ordered, the whole body of True Qi exploded directly, blasting a path of powerful killing moves.

“Everyone, as I said just now, as long as you take action, the reward will be doubled!”

When Shen Gongxi shot, he turned his head towards towards all around. Those Loose Cultivators who he was talking about just broke the sky.

“This … okay!”

“OK, do it!”

“That’s it, ha ha ha!”


A group of Loose Cultivator hearing this suddenly filled with cheers and eyes glowing.

However, among these people, there are only two Heavenly Venerable Realm, most of them are only Earth Venerable Realm.

After all, before they all saw that Chu Yan was great, and the two peerless genius were not cracking a joke.

bang! bang bang bang!

A path of attack explodes, the void on the 10000 clear lake continues to tremble, and a path of crack emerges.

“A good Shen Gongxi, it must be the one he recruited!”

Hei Yao Mozun looked at Shen Gongxi and suddenly understood why Chu Yan hadn’t entered the light gate before, and he had to kill this guy first.

This person is too vicious!

In such a short period of time, recruiting so many forces and Heavenly Venerable Realm shows that he did it deliberately.

“Brothers, come on!”

Hei Yao Mozun turned his head back to Chu Yan, cleared the teeth and said to Fan Chen

“Chu Yan is only the last step and must not let them destroy!”

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