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Chapter 3213

“Old facetious, fierce, what unique skill do you have, don’t hide it, now it’s all on display!”

“As long as Chu Yan breakthrough Heavenly Venerable Realm, we will win!”

After the black Yao Mo Zun roared, he grabbed a black chalcedony with his teeth, and opened his mouth with a spit of blood.

Suddenly vast demonic path will, like a storm.

This is the magic essence he has cherished for a long time. One drop is worth 100 years of cultivation base, and the formable power is monstrous.

Seeing this scene, Fan Chen did not hesitate anymore, all kinds of Taobao, spiritual charms, and shua shua shua digging out.

In an instant, all around, all kinds of Spirit Treasure devices, many 100 pieces, were shocked by the black Yao Mozun and the others mouth closed.

“Dead old facetious, there are so many good things hidden!”

Hei Yao Mozun looked at Fan Chen’s collection, his red eyes trembling.

This peerless genius is truly extraordinary.

Not to mention the strength of innate talent and cultivation base, just the pressure box bottom treasure on this body is at least ten times more than the Martial Artist of the same rank.

The Hades is very embarrassing, it has no fleshy body, only a ray of Divine Soul is sent in the Heavenly Furnace.

Even if he is willing to dig, there is no place to dig ah! ?


With a roar, the fierce Hades made a fiercely glance at Liu Piaofei.

The little girl is so clever, the little hand flips quickly, and the Lan Hai aura that he just attracted is taken out and poured into the Wentian furnace.

This time, the king of Demon Beast in the fierce Hades imposing manner, like a raging sea, swept Heaven and Earth.

The majestic body stepped out of the moment to ask the heavenly furnace, and the whole piece of Heaven and Earth fiercely shuddered.

“really strong !”

Seeing this scene, Shen Gongxi and the others suddenly changed their faces.

I didn’t expect, the people around Chu Yan were so strong.

“Liu … girl, Chu Yan and you have a grudge against Spirit Race. If you don’t take advantage of his breakthrough opportunity now, he will be your enemy of Spirit Race in the future!”

“Not equal to me, let’s join together and get rid of it!”

Now, Shen Gongxi suddenly felt a bit bottomless, so quickly find Liu Qingyi, a ready-made helper.

Moreover, in the Heavenly Venerable Realm on the scene, there is only the peerless genius of Liu Qingyi, with the strongest strength.

Hearing Shen Gongxi’s words, Liu Qingyi was looking at the black robe silhouette sitting in the wall of the void world for a long time without saying a word.

After almost ten breaths, she opened her lips lightly and said

“I’m responsible for breaking this boundary wall, you can do your best! But Chu Yan wants to catch it alive! I am useful!”

“Okay! Then it’s done!”

Hearing Liu Piaopiao’s words, Shen Gongxi’s face suddenly rejoiced, and he didn’t hesitate anymore.

This wave of attack is not small. Dozens of Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse shot together, coupled with Liu Qingyi ’s attack, Lan Hai’s boundary wall was basically unable to support and burst into burst.

A large number of Lan Hai aura 4 scattered and merged between Heaven and Earth.

“Devil Fury Nine Heavens!”

“Tao Law 10000 Seas, Immesurable Heavenly Venerable Tree!”

Fan Chen and Hei Yao Mo Zun, who have been gathering for a long time, shoot the attack at the same time, and the mighty magic power and Dao Wei, such as 2 pieces of rage burst at the same time

In particular, Fanchen ’s Taobao tree, the moment it burst out, all branches tremble, and countless Taoist Heavenly Venerate silhouettes emerged. With a wave of hand, the entire sky was filled with holy light in the Taoist realm.

Follow closely from behind, there are 100 Taoist charms of various Taoisms, each a is like a flaming meteor, just looking at the might they blow through the void, you know that it is no less than a Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse attack.


Shen Gongxi’s pupils were trembling, but the arrow was on the string, and he had to send it. With a big hand, he took the Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse behind him and launched a charge.

Although Fan Chen and Hei Yao Mo Zun both used the strongest tricks, after all, there were only 2 people.

And Shen Gongxi, Duan Yilang, Liu Qingyi added together, dozens of Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse shot together, the attack was also like a mighty wave, fiercely hit.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Under the impact of the shocking Heaven and Earth, the mortal Daowei and the black demon Venerable Demon Gang shattered together.

“Netherworld finger!”

Not far away, the fierce Hades, eyes suddenly burst into light, and a cold voice resounded through the clouds.

He waited for this time, so not at all shot with Fan Chen and Hei Yao Mozun, but instead chose the time when the 2nd team’s first attack, the old force has gone and the new force has not been born.

Ask the heaven furnace to rise into the sky, suspended in the direction behind the Xeros, a large amount of Daobao’s light gushed out, and merged with the magic power of the Xeros.

In an instant, Shen Gongxi and Duan Yilang and the others, only felt the dark clouds rolling in the sky, Heaven and Earth instantly became dark, all the light disappeared.

As if the entire World is going to be hell, countless evil spirits will rush out of this World.

Although at this time the attack of the fierce Hades, only Lang Yi, Mo Wu and Liu Piao Piao infused the Injecting Spirit power, but Liu Piao Piao’s output was extremely huge.

In addition, the fierce Pluto laid down the blood and directly mobilized the power stored in the Heavenly Furnace.

Therefore, this wave of attack is almost the strongest attack that the fierce Hades has awakened.


Duan Yilang’s complexion greatly changed, he didn’t dare to hesitate, and suddenly took out a small purple black seal and threw it into the sky.


Xiaoyin soared to the size of a house in an instant, releasing a monstrous aura.

In an instant, above the sky and deep in the earth, countless evil spirits screamed through the sky.

That kind of yawning ghost scream is extremely sad, and people have one’s hair stand on end.

“Spirit Sect Town 8 Wild!”

Shen Gongxi did not dare to be indifferent, the hand seal was flying, his eyes were golden light, and the body of True Qi broke out at the same time.

Any cultivator uses the banned spell, double kills and double losses, kills the enemy and kills, damages the cultivation base and damages life essence.

It can be said that if you hurt the enemy by one point, you will lose 3 times your skill.

So in Divine Realm, very few practitioners use the spell of Sanskrit, and now Shen Gongxi is obviously anxious.

After all, he is very clear that his current cultivation base is Heavenly Venerable Realm. If Chu Yan reaches Heavenly Venerable Realm, with his innate talent and background, he will no longer have the opportunity to start Chu Yan.

Therefore, this is his last chance. For this opportunity, he does not use the spell of prohibition.


In one word, countless ancient auras emerged between Heaven and Earth, and the whole sky was covered with Spirit Mark, flashing endless aura like inescapable net.

The fierce realm of the fierce Hades was instantly firmly suppressed.

“this is….!?”

The face of the fierce Hades changed instantly, and he didn’t expect to use such a powerful unique skill himself, but he was still suppressed by the other party.

Is this guy crazy for cursing! ?

“Everyone, this furnace spirit is handed over to me and Fellow Daoist Duan, you quickly kill them!”

Shen Gongxi roared loudly and gave orders to all Heavenly Venerable Realm companions.

“Okay! Kill …”

“Rush, this is a good opportunity!”

“kill him!”

“Roar roar roar …!”


The eyes of a large group of cultivators are bright, and of course they know that this is an excellent opportunity to blast out a powerful unique skill and storm up.

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