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Mo Wu Di Zun followed Chu Yan and he was arguably the least visible one along the way.

However, Chu Yan they share his benefits, but not at all less than any.

When this battle happened, he was just like Lang Yi and Liu Piao Piao, who could only take a long view and infuse some True Qi into the Heavenly Furnace.

Mo Wu Di Zun is very clear that he is farther and farther away from Chu Yan, and he can never even catch up.

However, he is very happy!

Looking at Chu Yan’s rapid growth every day is like seeing the closest and hopeful descendants rise.

And now, because of his enemy, Shen Gongxi’s continuous pursuit and killing, Chu Yan is in a state of loss.

It can be said that if it were not for itself, Chu Yan was simply impossible and Shen Gongxi caused such a situation.

Whenever Shen Gongxi appeared, under the danger again and again, Chu Yan not at all because of this slight change in his face, he still treated him as Senior.

Now, it’s time to reward him!

At the very least, keep Chu Yan and keep this hope of growing up with your own eyes.

For this fleshy body, just block it for him!

“You … Since !?”

Shen Gongxi looked at this extremely familiar person in front of him. Divine Soul was so shocked that he couldn’t react at all for a while.

“Useless! Chu Yan must die today!”

At the next breath, Shen Gongxi roared, and True Qi broke out again. Fiercely flew Mo Wu Di Zun holding the purple sword and rushed towards Chu Yan.

The purple knife, stained with blood, cut through the sky, and the blade was like a thunder, straight down.

“Ha ha ha, Shen Gongxi, are you afraid of death !? Are you afraid … ha ha ha …”

Mo Wu Di Zun, who flew into the air, shed blood for a long time, laughed loudly, and saw less and less life in his eyes.

However, the sloppy blood did not fall, but solidified in midair, quickly all gathered together and merged into a blood man.

Demon Blood Soul Technique!

This move is a forbidden technique discovered by Di Martial Demon in early years!

There is no limitation of cultivation base, there is only one condition, at the expense of already.

Outbreak of Qi Sea and whole body blood essence, at the cost of fleshy body, great Self-destruction technique!

Although for Shen Gongxi, impossible made him damaged or seriously damaged, after all, Mo Wu Di Zun’s cultivation base is weak.

However, it should be enough to block the interest rate!

“Are you crazy! For this Chu Yan … Do you think you can protect him by Self-destruction !?”

Shen Gongxi was puzzled and disdainful.

But when he finished this sentence and turned to look towards Chu Yan, his entire face instantly coagulated.

I saw that Chu Yan, the altar in the sky in front of him, including the foundation, had all disappeared.

On Chu Yan, all natural phenomena and Spirit Qi disappeared.

It’s like an ordinary person sitting in the void.

Silent … terrifying!


The next moment, facing everyone’s eyes, the crazy and violent divine might rush like a frenzy.

Just like the same peerless madman who had fallen asleep in millions and millions of years, in this brief moment, he woke up suddenly.

The whole sky was trembling, the gang power between Heaven and Earth, crazy ascension, the pressure of Heaven and Earth Might fell like a mountain.

Ka cha !

a light sound, the sky furnace suspended above the fierce Pluto’s head, suddenly exploded a burst sound.

The sound was like the heavy and ancient sound of Gate of Hell when it opened.

“This … this is …”

Liu Qingyin, Shen Gongxi and Duan Yilang suddenly turned their heads towards the top of the head of the fierce Pluto, full of blood, but the corners of his mouth were raised.

At this moment, they can clearly feel that the aura of Taobao has completely changed.

“Dead! Die for me!”

Shen Gongxi has been completely crazy, fiercely gritted his teeth, regardless of the purple knife in his hand, moved towards the black robe silhouette in front of him, fiercely cut off.

This blade must die, this is the only chance!


However, the moment the knife fell, there was only a piece of air, and the black robe silhouette disappeared!

“Mowu Senior, don’t have to!”

When it reappeared, the silhouette was already in front of Mo Wu Di Zun. Raising his hand was a Divine Pill, which was stuffed into Mo Wu Di Zun’s mouth.

At the same time, Chu Yan pressed on Mo Wu Di Zun with one hand, under the infusion of majestic dignity, Mo Wu Di Zun’s forbidden technique and forcibly were suppressed.

“Then … that’s 7 turns to Divine Pill !?”

The people present, who did not see the medicine pill that Chu Yan just stuffed into Mo Wudi Zun’s mouth! ?

That is why even Supreme Realm regards it as a transfer of Diva Pill of treasure!

Chu Yan is here! ?

The point is, he actually ate more than that Mo Wu! ?

This is the Divine Pill of dozens of top Heavenly Paradise, just eat it! ?

“Chu Yan, you succeeded !?”

Mo Wu Di Zun’s face was full of ecstasy, just struggling to stand up, but suddenly his eyes were suddenly black, and the whole person was unconscious.

Chu Yan raised his hand and waved, True Qi wrapped the body of Mo Wu Di Zun, and flew to Hei Yao Mo Zun 3 people.

“Chu Yan!”

Fan Chen, Hei Yao Mo Zun, Lang Yi and the others all looked at Chu Yan with a shocked expression. Their eyes were full of excitement, excitement, ecstasy and other complex emotions.

But the most is still hatred and anger!

“Next, leave it to me!” Chu Yan looked at a few people gently nodded.

At the next moment, Chu Yan slowly turned around, a pair of bright flame eyes, looking towards a large group of practitioners opposite.

“hu …”

With a long spit out of True Qi, Chu Yan’s face grew darker and deeper, all around in the sky, all the Heaven and Earth spirits exploded into a turbulent flow at the same time.

Just now, he forcibly increased the breakthrough speed. Although he broke the bottleneck, it was True Qi within the body of him, which was extremely confusing.

From just waking up to now, he has been adjusting and consolidating with all his strength.


Drinking a word, True Qi swept through the body like a gust of wind, and rushed away 7 tornado around him, quickly dissipating it.

After that, True Qi within his body finally calmed down slowly.

next moment, a terrifying fairy light, bursting out of him with the body, like a golden thunder and lightning beam of light, straight into the cloud night.

bang! bang bang bang!

The Void Blast, thunderbolt 10000 average, Heaven and Earth vibrated like a heart tremor, one after another Qi wave continuously rushed out of Chu Yan.

Heavenly Venerable Realm 1st Layer!

Heavenly Venerable Realm 2nd Layer!

Heavenly Venerable Realm 3rd Layer!

Heavenly Venerable Realm 4th Layer!

Heavenly Venerable Realm 5th Layer!

… ..

imposing manner like rainbow, mighty monstrous True Qi, madly rushing, constantly breaking through each and everyone cultivation base bottleneck, rushing directly to Heavenly Venerable Realm 5th Layer!

Earth Venerable Realm Peak, to Heavenly Venerable Realm 5th Layer, 6 Layer realm is completed in an instant!

At this time, Chu Yan, among the pupils of flames, 2 rich 7-color lighting, just like the pupil of God, shot into the void.

Just looking at Shen Gongxi, Duan Yilang and Liu Qingyi in front of him, his will is constantly gathering.

Cultivation base has risen, and naturally great changes have taken place.

This is the breakthrough from Earth Venerable Realm to Heavenly Venerable Realm. Among Divine Realm, Heavenly Venerable Realm is one of the powerhouse.

However, Chu Yan did not go to check what was different from before, but kept staring at the group of people in front of him.

A fierce dragon-like anger burned in his body within the body!

The next moment is about to break out completely!

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