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“Did you kill enough !? Now, it’s our turn!”

This sentence fell to the ground, Sword Qi, soaring into the sky, swept the sky.


Clear Sky Sword comes out of the sheath, black and white sword glow, such as sun and moon Ssangyong.


Heavenly Sword is broken out of the sheath. In the black lightning, there is no battle intent in the world, like thunderbolt like the sea.

The already broken Lan Hai boundary wall, the all split up and in pieces that shattered instantly, could not withstand such a powerful Sword Intent storm.

At this moment, holding two swords, Chu Yan standing in the sky, in the eyes of all cultivators, like a respect for peerless Killing God, showing his fangs, the next breath will slaughter the world and kill the world.

The lord is furious, more than 1000000 dead body! ?


Duan Yilang’s scalp is numb, and Divine Soul is frozen like an ice sculpture in his heart. His eyes tremble under his eyes. Turning around is an escape technique, and his body is transformed into a streamer, shooting directly at the sky.

Shen Gongxi and the other cultivators present watched Duan Yilang run away, and suddenly his body shook, all reacted together, and turned to escape.

Heavenly Venerable Realm ah!

World Yan’s First Zun Chu Yan, with an enemy of 100 genius, is back!

Moreover, instead of breaking through to Heavenly Venerable Realm 1st Layer, he rushed directly to Heavenly Venerable Realm 5th Layer!

What is this concept! ?

This is 100 times the battle strength!

You know, they all know very well, even Chu Yan of Heavenly Venerable Realm 1st Layer is not something they can deal with.

Now Chu Yan rushes directly to Heavenly Venerable Realm 5th Layer, which is too scary!

“Roaming Dragon World!”

Chu Yan directly urged the method of 2 Dawen Dao Dao, instantaneously soaring the battle strength to the extreme, instantaneously turning into a golden dragon shadow, tearing the horizontal claws, and the half-empty voids all shattered directly.

A large group of cultivators, the various escape methods used are like fish diving. Without the support of water, the secret skill of any great power becomes meaningless.

In an instant, a cultivator seemed to be driven out of the water, and was instantly twisted into a powder by a powerful sword wave.

The flesh and blood flew all over the sky, as if a rain of flesh and blood had started.

“Vault of Heaven Sword!”

Chu Yan’s silhouette flashed again, this time the void moved, but it was directly behind Duan Yilang, and when he raised his hand, the cold blade fell straight.

“Heaven and Earth!”

Duan Yilang’s entire Divine Soul almost burst out, and his whole body was like an ice cellar. In a blink of an eye, he urged his hole card and instantly moved several Heavenly Venerable Realm in Dawang Island to the front.

This is his most important life-saving method as Elder of King Island, in order to prevent Elder from being damaged.

“Duan Elder, you …”

A few Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouses, didn’t expect Duan Yilang to do so, and had no time to growl, he was directly dropped by the sword light, cut into flesh and blood powder, all life was cut off.

Duan Yilang took advantage of this time difference to make full use of the Heaven and Earth Profound Gap. Under the change of movement art, Yuli 1000 dashed out of the distance of 100 li.

“A good Elder of Kings Island, even after blocking the sword with same sect !?”

Chu Yan sneered was even more ashamed of Duan Yilang’s person.

“Zhantian Yujian!”

Under shouted loudly, the power of War God urged, 10,000 li clear sky flashed 1000 thunderbolt instantaneously, the might of war was like tide, one sword was 10,000 li.


Duan Yilang didn’t expect at all, Chu Yan still has no power to show it, only feels the vest is cold, as if locked by 10000000 Divine Weapon blade, on the body protection gang yuan behind him, all kinds of cutting back and forth.


There was a muffled sound, and Duan Yilang resisted this War God sword, and was immediately cut to the point that the fleshy body collapsed, the whole body was bathed in blood, and the entire body moved towards and fell below.

With a bang, we are about to fall on the city ground, and a giant pit appears.

It’s just that the magic in the pit overflowed, obviously still alive, not dead.

“Shen Gongxi, it’s your turn!”

As soon as Chu Yan turned his head, he saw that Shen Gongxi displayed his secret skill. He had escaped with only a black spot, and it was about to disappear on the horizon.

In the next moment, Shen Gongxi clearly sensed that a terrifying extreme coercion was fiercely suppressed from above.


Even if it urged the whole body to resist, it was only in the blink of an eye, it crashed into the sky, hit the city ground, and fell near Duan Yilang.

The whole body of True Qi was almost destroyed and destroyed. The injuries inside the body were extremely serious and the skeleton of the whole body was shattered.


In a word, Chu Yan held a long sword and struck in the air. Every time he cut it out, it was a Heavenly Venerate powerhouse damage.

Throughout the sky, Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse dropped like dumplings.

“Big … Sir Rao ah!”

A group of Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse, everyone trembles, the whole body is trembling, and the eyes are full of fear.

“Forgive you !? When you tried to kill my friend before, you can think of now !?”

Chu Yan heard these sounds of begging for mercy, and his face was even colder. Once the long sword was thrown in his hand, Clear Sky turned into a spirit, like a little aura of light, shooting into the void and disappearing instantly.

When it reappears, it will be a group of flesh-and-blood fireworks, blooming in the sky.

“You must die!”

The figure flashed again, and Chu Yan landed on the city street, looking at Duan Yilang and Shengong Creek, who had climbed out of the pit, with a cold voice.

“Chu Yan, give you the last chance to tell the secret, otherwise … die!”

Liu Qingyi couldn’t wait any longer. With a wave of jade hand, Spirit Race cultivators rushed up together.


These Spirit Race cultivators are obviously much stronger than the Loose Cultivator just now. At least they know that they are not invincible with Chu Yan, but none of them are timid and escape, all waving Spirit Armament Taobao, rushing to Chu Yan.

A group of people, each with a Spirit Seal flashing on their chests, a large piece of spiritual light gathered together, like a wave of spiritual breath, mighty shocking.

“Good job, kill Chu Yan!”

Seeing that the people of Spirit Race launched the offensive, the desperate Duan Yilang and Shengong River suddenly appeared in the eyes of hope.

“Ga ga, Spirit Race’s junior, dare to be arrogant in front of this king, is this trying to die !?”

Not waiting for Chu Yan to turn around, in the midair in the distance, the golden light shimmering in the heavenly furnace, a towering silhouette has been completely solidified, and the body stepped out of the scope of the golden light.

“Ha … comfortable!”

The body of the fierce Hades has enough zhang high degree, this stretched waist, as if Heaven and Earth are all dark.

“So many years! The king finally made his own choice!”

“Now, use your blood for a celebration!”

Roar towards the sky, the majestic body strode out, and went directly to the people in Spirit Race. Raising his hand was a palm, and it fell down from the sky.

This palm is like a black mountain, and it is like a sky falling down.


Spirit Race practitioners present, all look pale, terrified pupils shrink.

This King of Antiquity Demon Beast, comes out! ?

“Innate 10000 things, nourished by the source of the spirit, I am the spiritual messenger, to protect the ordinary life, the spirits of the world, with my life …”

Not far away, Liu Qingyi’s white clothes looked like clouds, her jade lips lightly murmured, and Xuan Yue sang a fairy-like voice.

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