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As Liu Qingyi sang, her aura continued to rise, all around in the sky gathered Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi, the more spirits.

As a peerless genius of Spirit Race, she has never been afraid of Chu Yan.

Because, Spirit Race is the biggest reliance, but as long as there are trees and creatures all around, she is invincible.

“Get me lost!”

Chu Yan long hair flying upwards, the tiger roar cloak is like a flag, the omnidirectional power will burst out, and raising the hand is punched out.

Boom … rumbling!

10000 The vigorous dragon gang’s vitality, like a flood, burst out with 100 gold Dragon Boxing gangs, sweeping out.


Liu Qingyi ’s jade face changed color instantly, one after another cold death rose inside her, without any hesitation, she took out a Taobao and blocked it in front of her.

However, when the force she didn’t dare to imagine rushed over, she directly blasted her Daobao into nothing.


Together with her body, she flew back in an instant.

Chu Yan, who was not far away, didn’t even see it. He interrupted Heavenly Sword and threw it away. Fiercely pierced Duan Yilang’s arm with a sword.

“Shen Gongxi, die!”

Chu Yan stepped into the air, punched out.

“Ah …! Sorcery!”

An iceberg-like death rushed within the body, Shen Gongxi’s eyes were red, and his teeth showed his secret skill that he didn’t want to show in his life.


In front of Chu Yan, the whole body was directly fried into a flower of flesh and blood.

The power of mysterious rushed, wrapped his Divine Soul and will power, rushed into the ground, disappear without a trace.

“Good escape!”

Chu Yan looked at the ground, brows slightly wrinkle.

These secret skills are already similar to the secret skills that the Black Demon Venerable showed before it was damaged.

Abandoning the Fleshy body and saving Divine Soul is generally difficult to crack.

Moreover, Divine Soul is difficult to attack, unless a cultivator specializing in cultivation Divine Soul like Fanchen can deal with it.

However, at this time, Fan Chen was seriously injured, and naturally could not kill Divine Soul and will power that escaped from Shengong Stream.

“Let’s put you on the horse today, and if you go back and kill the 3 Hejiao, you will surely destroy you!”

Chu Yan coldly shouted, then turned to look towards Duan Yilang.

Duan Yilang is the core of Dawang Island, Elder, and an old film powerhouse, but when he saw Shen Gongxi before his self-destruction, his will completely collapsed.

“Chu … Chu Yan, don’t kill me, I …”


Raising his hand and breaking Heavenly Sword back to the palm, Chu Yan’s eyes were like ice, he didn’t listen to what he said at all, long sword held high.

Enemies like mad dogs like Shen Gongxi must kill.

Otherwise, he will definitely be chasing behind, holding on to death.

This person has a narrow mind and can’t wear it.

However, at the moment Chu Yan long sword was about to be cut off, a streamer suddenly shot above the sky, turned out to be two Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse.

The powerhouse cultivation base led by reached Heavenly Venerable Realm 8th Layer, a Heavenly Venerable Realm 4th Layer next to it, and the rest are Earth Venerable Realm powerhouse.

These people were the second batch of forces from Dawang Island that Duan Yilang had ordered to gather from Pantian Forbidden Land.

“Duan Elder!”

Seeing the situation of Duan Yilang, the Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse headed suddenly looked shocked, looked towards Chu Yan, and shouted directly

“Chu Yan is bold, let go immediately!”

Drinking this sentence, his movement art skyrocketed and came straight.

“Duan Elder is my father and son of King 2 of King Island. If you dare to kill him, you will be the enemy of King King Island!”

Dawang Island’s three 3-domain Supremes all claim to be kings. Among them, the 9 kings and 2 kings are 3-domain Supremes. Their power is among the top in Divine Realm.

“Save me quickly!” Duan Yilang was full of joy.

My own people finally arrived, and these people, plus their father is 9 domain Supreme, do not believe this Chu Yan dare to start! ?

However, as soon as he said this, his entire face instantly became ashamed.

“Great King Island !? What about that?”

Without any hesitation, the long sword went straight down, the head tossed and splashed 3 feet.

With a scream, Duan Yilang was extinguished on the spot and lost his life.

In order to drop a marrow, this paragraph Yilang chased himself for so long, just wanted to kill himself, then collect his blood, and refining the marrow.

Under such greed, even if Chu Yan let him go today, I am afraid it will only cause more trouble.

For people like Duan Yilang, Chu Yan sees too much.

Even if his body is special, the damn person is damn!

“You … you … dare …”

The people of Dawang Island looked at the ground and broke into two corpse, suddenly dumbfounded.

I didn’t think about it, he said Duan Yilang’s identity, and even used Dawang Island as the bargaining chip, this Chu Yan dare to start! ?

All the practitioners saw this scene and were all shocked.

“The kid … I like it, hehe …”

Hei Yao, the deity, stared at Chu Yan’s nodded, and smiled.

In his view, Martial Artist should be like this, happy to hate, if you want to kill, then kill, why bother so much.

If you are impressed by common things, it is possible to break through to Supreme Martial Dao.

“Like a fart! Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, Brother Chu this sword, is enforce Justice on behalf of the Heaven, you are indiscriminate killing innocent, the difference between Heaven and Earth! Understand !?”

Fan Chen glared at Hei Yao Mozun and sang a track number.

Lang Yi and Mo Wu, still looking at Chu Yan in Liu Piao Piao, were all in amazement.


This sword was cut off, and Chu Yan let out a long muffled voice, and his mood suddenly eased a lot.

As the Black Yao Mozun said, if you want to kill then kill, why bother so much.

But Chu Yan is just like everyone, and will never kill innocents indiscriminately.

Just think that now, King Island has offended and died, then fight!

Kill as many as you want, that’s it!

“Piao Piao … how about borrowing Spirit Qi?” Hei Yao Mozun suddenly turned his head, watching Liu Piao Biao rubbing his hands with a smile on his face.

“What are you doing !?” Liu Piaopiao a face of doubt.

Now that Chu Yan has suppressed all influence, he doesn’t need to shoot with Hei Yao at all, and he still uses Spirit Power to do what! ?

“Such a good opportunity, of course, grabs the limelight, otherwise, Chu Yan, this kid is very beautiful, it’s too unpleasant!”

What the Hei Yao Mo Zun said, it is direct.

On the other side, the monks of Dawang Island froze there as if they were petrified.

So staring at Duan Yilang’s decapitated corpse, all kinds of different lights flickered in the eyes, and finally, the Heavenly Venerable Realm 8th Layer powerhouse led by, suddenly woke up.

“Chu Yan, you are courting death! Give me all, kill him! Revenge Duan Elder!”

With a roar, Heavenly Venerable Realm 8th Layer cultivator, True Qi burst out of his body, rushing towards Chu Yan.

Behind him, more than a dozen Dawang Island cultivators, all of them broke out of the cultivation base and rushed forward.

For them, Duan Yilang died in front of them. If they didn’t kill Chu Yan, they wouldn’t be able to explain back to Dawang Island.

However, these people have just arrived and only saw the scene of Chu Yan kill Duan Yilang.

I didn’t see the whole process at all. Naturally I don’t know Chu Yan’s current battle strength. It is simply not that they can match.

Headed by Heavenly Venerable Realm 8th Layer powerhouse, only think that he is 3 realm higher than Chu Yan, and 4th Layer companion, plus a group of Earth Venerable Realm.

Normally, dealing with a newly broken Heavenly Venerable Realm 5th Layer is completely sufficient.

“Chu Yan, the seal of the Heavenly Furnace has been opened. Between you and it, you can add a layer of contact and mobilize some of the strength of the Heavenly Furnace!”

Divine Consciousness sound transmission, said to Chu Yan.

“Part of the power !?” Chu Yan was stunned.

“Yes! Ask the 9th layer to cut! Try it understood!” When the fierce Pluto said this, his mouth raised.

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