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“Qingtian 9th layer cut!”

Chu Yan communicated with God and asked Heavenly Furnace, and she received a battle skill secret book.

This battle skill is divided into 9th layers, of which the First Layer is already lit and can be fully displayed.

With this glance, Divine Consciousness was like electricity, and was instantly trembling by this battle skill comprehend, Chu Yan’s long sword in his hand, and the whole body of Sword Intent surging.


next moment , Sword fire blasts into the sky, the bright golden light rushes out of the sky furnace, merges with Clear Sky Sword, like the sword-like glow of the lightning, turns out, like a thunderbolt lightning, across Heaven and Earth, fiercely split .


The Heavenly Venerable Realm 8th Layer cultivator who rushed to the forefront saw the sword of a thunderbolt fall, and was shocked to see that his entire face was gray. He raised his hand and took out Taobao, blocking it into the air.

A loud explosion sound, a violent shock wave that exploded, drove a group of Dawangdao repairers behind him.

“This … is so strong !?”

A group of Dawangdao cultivators, all stunned, sucked in a breath of cold air.

Now, they finally understand why even a genius such as Yilang Yi, with nearly ten Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse, will end up in a different place.

This Chu Yan’s battle strength is terrifying!

“That Tao, not simple!” Heavenly Venerable Realm 8th Layer repairer, looking at the Xiang Wentian furnace, his eyes flickered.

After all, Dawang Island is a Chamber of Commerce force, and the cultivators under it all know some appraisal techniques.

After watching Chu Yan get that Daobao’s enforcement, the might of a single sword skyrocketed several times.

Such a treasure is rare in Divine Realm, and it is absolutely worth it!

Regarding the Heavenly Furnace, since it is possible for the King of Antiquity Demon Beast, such as Xing Hao, to choose as the treasure of sacrifice, how can it be simple.

Its power is even stronger than that of the legendary Taobao obtained in the white jade palace.

Just seeing that Chu Yan needs to be upgraded to Heavenly Venerable Realm in order to use the heavy battle skill of the Heavenly Furnace, it can be seen.

Perhaps as Chu Yan’s cultivation base improves, its power will continue to be released.

“Zhanwei Yujian, heaven asks 9th layer to cut!”

Without any stagnation, the two major ways of asking, plus Heaven asking the battle skill, and at the same time fusing, the sword prestige rises again, and Chu Yan raises his hand and cuts.

The diffusely heavenly blade shadow fell, and instantly split into 100 1000 sword light, and then instantly merged into a. Under the division and combination, the great king island cultivators were seen with a pale face.

“This … what is this Sword Art !?”

“God ah! I can’t see clearly. How can I stop this?”

“Stop it, flash!”


At this time, even a stupid cultivator can find that the Chu Yan in front of him is simply not what they can match.

The remaining 20 survivors of Dawangdao repaired their scalp all over, and turned to escape.

However, they did not wait for them to perform movement art, but found that the sky was a sword light, almost covering the entire sky, and the void escape method could not be used at all, and it was instantly enveloped.

“You guys, look at the true body …”

At this point, Hei Yao Mozun finally cheated a large sum of Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi from Liu Piao Piao, healed the wound, and after urging True Qi, he suddenly rushed up.

Raising his hand is the dark smoke in the sky, countless black Evil Spirits are roaring, and the sound of hissing ghost roaring through the whole Heaven and Earth.

On the other side, Fan Chen also rushed up, both hands forming seals, Daotiantiantiantian, a large area of ​​holy light 4 spread out, half of the sky is reflected in golden.

These two people, a righteous and a demonic, according to one side, just like Heaven and Earth gods, demons, dominate the world.


A path of screaming sounded, and the cultivators of Dawang Island couldn’t even resist Chu Yan, let alone the Black Demon Lord and Fan Chen.

In an instant, a mass of flesh and blood continued to explode, and 5 cultivators in a row were suddenly killed and damaged.

“Ling Waterfall Yao Nine Heavens!”

Headed by Heavenly Venerable Realm 8th Layer powerhouse, a face is completely purple and black, raising a hand and throwing a Taobao.

This is a waterfall-shaped treasure, hung above the sky, oh la la flowed straight down, like a wall in front of everyone.

The powerful and ancient aura 4 spreads out, the waterfall liquid flows, and a large amount of Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi 4 spreads out, instilling every King Island cultivator within the body to heal their injuries while continuously improving their cultivation base True Qi.

This Taobao, also out of the ordinary, has such an effect!

“This Chu Yan … is definitely not simple!”

In the distant Liu Qingyi, seeing this scene, Yurong’s color changes, under the breathes deeply, the spirit eye flashes.

She can judge that even if Chu Yan does not use any secret skill and Daobao, she cannot resist even the powerful sword repair power.

Then, if you play against Chu Yan, it will be a bit troublesome!

At this moment, outside the large crack on the other side, a large group of cultivators are gathering towards the light gate.

These people were all sent by Shen Gongxi, Flying Immortal Sect, Barbarian Race, Bazu, Dawangdao and other powerhouses.

“Qingtian 9th layer cut!”

Chu Yan locks his mind and asks the golden light to shine. The endless ancient aura is continuously released from the furnace and integrated into the Chu Yan sword.

These ancient auras seem to be able to directly attract Heavenly Might. Each sword light is attached with 10000 average thunderbolts, which are unstoppable.

“Ling Waterfall!”

The Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse of 3 Kings Island roared with True Qi outbursts all over the body, and poured True Qi into the torrents madly. Large splashes of water splashed out, and their volume increased.


When a sword fell, the thunderbolt was cut on the spirit waterfall, as if it were cut on an ancient mountain, but it could not be shaken.

“What broke the waterfall, could actually block Chu Yan !?”

Seeing this scene, Black Yao Mozun and Fan Chen suddenly became interested, and simultaneously shua shua flew over.

“The pupil of Qilin!” Chu Yan drank again, his eyes overflowed with 5-color lighting.

In an instant, the whole waterfall was clearly revealed in Chu Yan’s eyes.


At a glance, the eleven weak spots of Leding Waterfall, Divine Consciousness urged the heavenly furnace, and fiercely ran into it.

Compared with the long sword, Daobao has stronger destructive power to Daobao.

Regarding the Heavenly Furnace, Chu Yan now has absolute self-confidence, which is simply not comparable to Taobao.

In addition, the fierce Hades has now escaped from the Heavenly Furnace, so the Heavenly Furnace can also be fully utilized.

Boom … Rumble!

Just like a day of flaming meteor, ask the moment the sky furnace hits the waterfall and explode with a loud noise, the spiritual liquid is flying all over the sky.

However, when asked to return from the sky furnace, the waterfall turned out to be completely motionless, standing tall.

“Really strong Taobao!” Chu Yan was finally a little surprised.

“Chu Yan, this piece of Taobao is extremely out of the ordinary. Ask Heavenly Furnace can’t hurt it!” The eyes of the fierce Hades twinkled and stood with their chests open, reminding him.


Not far away, several Kingly Island Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse, seeing the waterfall blocked the blow from the Heavenly Furnace, and immediately urged the French seal to burst a water column from the waterfall and attacked Chu Yan directly.

“I rely on! Can I still attack !?”

Hei Yao Mozun respected them, thought the waterfall was a defensive treasure, but didn’t expect it, it could still spray water! ?

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