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“Who !? How dare you !?”

The face of Divine King in Dawang Island was full of anger and shock. He even stood up from the cultivation state for a moment, and his eyes were full of anger.

Just now he received the summons, Elder Duan, the core of Dawang Island, was lost!

Although Duan Yilang’s cultivation base is not too high, it is Elder, the core of Dawang Island, who dares to kill him! ?

Even if it is seriously injured, disabled and so on, it can be accepted, but now it is damaged, the situation is completely different.

The core Elder represents the majesty of King Island.

It is a human life if it is said lightly, and it is said to be heavy, it is hitting the face of Dawangdao heavily, and even declaring war with Dawangdao.

Who! ?

Have such a courage! ?

“what’s going on!?”

Divine King and the others who were present were all stunned and asked, looking up.

“Just now, I received …”

Divine King of Great King Island was full of anger and explained the matter.

“That’s ah !? However, it is normal for someone to be damaged in Forbidden Land !?”

Hearing that it was just a repairer of Earth Venerable Realm, Divine King suddenly laughed.

For Dawang Island, it is not as popular as the 9th layer building, so many powerful gangsters are not very good with them.

Fanxu Divine King is one of them, so after hearing this news, not at all cares too much, and there are even some cool things.

“Fellow Daoist Li, breathe out of anger. Forbidden Land is just …”

Many gods, Royal Capital, like the Divine King of Vatican, laughed at the same time, but persuaded.

Hearing the words of these people, how could Divine King powerhouse in Dawang Island not know what they thought, and suddenly his face became more gloomy.

If I knew this, I would not tell these bastards, nor would I be ridiculed by them!

Li Divine King, who was originally full of fire, is now more angry, almost exploding on the spot.

Dawang Island, as the top force of Divine Realm, is also a high rank Chamber of Commerce force. It has always been someone asking for them. When have you been so angry! ?

“En !?”

Just as the atmosphere was awkward, the face of Divine King Divine King suddenly changed, complexion stiffened.

“what’s up!?”

Divine King of Immortal Ascension Sect turned his head towards towards Divine King, looking puzzled.

“There is no major event, but there is a Heavenly Venerable Realm, and dozens of clansman are damaged, which is normal!”

The Vatican Divine King is covered with haze, and looks at the head.

A Heavenly Venerable Realm, dozens of clansman added together, saying nothing, that is impossible.

After all, the number of Ancient Race cultivators is that ordinary Sect forces are less. Fortunately, Clansman, who has no important identity, can accept it.

“Oh, weren’t you just happy !?”

Hearing Fanxu Divine King’s words, and seeing his face again, Divine King of Dawang Island suddenly raised his mouth lightly.

Seeing this, Divine King of other forces all laughed inwardly, but did not reveal it.

Anyway, as long as it is the loss of other forces, it is a good thing for them.

However, after a few moments of time, Immortal Ascension Sect, Divine King of Barbarian Race, and suddenly the complexion changed at the same time, and stood up.

“What !? Lost so many clansman !?”

The Divine King of Barbarian Race is also a complexion is gloomy, with red eyes and standing up.

“Liu Qingyi is in danger !?”

Divine King of Spirit Race roared directly, his face frantic.

Who is Liu Qingyi, that is peerless genius!

A Sect force can have several peerless genius! ? This status is even more important than Elder Duan Yilang, the core of Dawang Island.

After all, the core Elder is just a vanity, but peerless genius is the future of power, and it is not the same.

“No! It won’t be …”

Suddenly, several of the Divine King present looked at each other at the same time, their eyes filled with surprise.

All the gods Royal Capital looked at each other, and everyone saw the same message from each other’s eyes.

The scene instantly became silent!

Something is wrong!

Definitely a problem!

Different forces and different races have damaged so many clansman and powerhouse at the same time, and even the identity of Duan Yilang and Liu Qingyi has also encountered danger.

If it is normal, it is normal, after all, it is in Forbidden Land, which can even lose Supreme.

However, is it a bit that so many people are lost at the same time … Not quite normal! ?

And, as far as they know, these people not at all go deep, how can they be in great danger! ?

“Before, did you receive a message saying that Shen Gongxi of 3 Hejiao found Chu Yan’s trace !?”

Suddenly, the Vatican Divine King seemed to think of something, brows tightly knit spoke.

Each Deity King heard this sentence, and the complexion changed at the same time.

What do you mean! ?

Could it be said that this matter is related to that Chu Yan! ?

Chu Yan of a trifling Earth Venerable Realm can kill so many people at the same time! ?

Even if these people are pigs, it will take time to kill them! ?

On the other side, Pantian Forbidden Land, Central Region …

a silhouette Soaring into the sky, flying like a thunder and lightning storm, this person is King Immortal God.

“Chu Yan, you are so brave, I have more than 20 people in Immortal Ascension Sect …”

Heaven shaking earth shattering, the whole face of King Immortal God became extremely unbearable.

This Chu Yan must be killed, otherwise it will be too dangerous when he grows up!

“This is the Monster King !?”

Falling in front of the Light Gate, King Immortal God looked at the Dark Moon Demon Ox, his face startled.

When his eyes saw the situation of Demon Ox in Dark Moon, his eyes rolled twice, and a smile appeared on his face.


On the other side, in the Secret Realm, the city is over the city.

There were constant explosions, and the war became more intense and chaotic.

The strength of Fanchen and Heiyao Demon Venerable, although not comparable to Chu Yan, is after all a powerful existence. Under the sweep, the Heavenly Venerable Realm and 2nd Layer are not their opponents at all.

On the Spirit Race side, Liu Qingyi used all the secret skill to constantly urge clansman’s battle intent and True Qi.

But the more she fought, the more she felt that the gap in strength was really a bit big.

Chu Yan’s attack, like the flood tide, every time it falls, there will be powerhouse damage.

Moreover, Chu Yan is looking for a strong base of cultivation base, even if Liu Qingyi uses 2 powerful Taobao, even the forbidden technique is displayed, plus the source support of all Spirit Power in Heaven …

But Spirit Race still lost most of the clansman, and had no resistance at all.

At this time, even Liu Qingyi, who is famous for her powerful mind, is full of anger and confusion among her beautiful eyes.

These lost people are her clansman, and can bring Pantian Forbidden Land, none of them are weak, all are elites in the family.

“Hmph! Are you angry !?”

Chu Yan looked at Liu Qingyi’s red face and sneered.

“You shot at my friend at that time. Have you ever thought that we will be angry too?”

The face of the fierce Pluto was completely disdainful. With a wave of his hand, two Spirit Race powerhouses were photographed in the paws. In the face of Liu Qingyi, while grinning, fiercely squeezed, 2 groups of blood flesh exploded in his palm .

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