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Throwing away the flesh and blood on the claws, the eyes of the fierce Hades turned, looked towards Wen Tianyan in the crowd.

As the king of Antiquity Demon Beast, all of his sons are bloodthirsty.

Especially during the time he was trapped in the Heavenly Furnace, he was considered to have suffocated him.

Now that he can kill the last one, he will not let it go.

Demon Beast and Monster Beast are different in race, but their natures are not much different, and the nature of weak are prey to the strong is more prominent among them.

The weaker lives are like grass and mustard in their eyes, and the more they can be abused, the more their violent nature can be enhanced.

This is very important to the growth of Demon Beast, just like the willpower of the cultivator and the heart of Martial Dao.

“Tianyan, be careful!”

When Liu Qingyi Yurong lost her color, she turned around to save her life, but she was one step late and watched the fierce Pluto blink, then caught Wen Tianyan in the crowd.

“Rao … forgive me!” Wen Tianming had no trace of resistance.

“Chu Yan, tell him to stop, and dare to hurt my brother a finger, I will make you pay an unbearable price!”

Liu Qingyi this time is really angry, calm and calm on her face, completely disappeared.

And, as her anger skyrocketed, her within the body was a powerful aura, and she was ascending madly.

The sound of ka cha sounded, the cultivation base bottleneck instantly loosened, and the powerful True Qi swept out like a wave.

At this time, she gained a lot of opportunities and inheritance in Forbidden Land, and her cultivation base has reached the threshold of breakthrough and will be promoted at any time.

However, when he heard the roar of Liu Qingyi, Chu Yan didn’t even care about it, so he looked at her quietly.

Roaring Hades, the Wen Tianyan in his hand will be directly crushed into minced meat.

At this moment, the mutation is born!

Boom … Rumble!

A heaven shaking earth shattering exploded, and the terrifying coercion swept over like a storm.

The ancient city of Guangmen trembles under this pressure.

Chu Yan, Fan Chen, Xiu Hao, Hei Yao Mo Zun and other people’s faces changed at the same time, turning their heads to look at the past.

“Damn it, want to have no shame! King Immortal God, do you want to have no shame !?”

“What kind of Divine King are you, not staying deep in Forbidden Land in Pantian, what prestige came here to run!”

Black Yaomo Zun’s face twitched and opened his mouth to scold.

All around, Chu Yan and Fan Chen and the others’ faces sank at the same time.

It was not the appearance of a Divine King that worried him, but this King Immortal God has been chasing himself! ?

This, like the escaped Shengongxi, has some meaning of irreconcilable.

“Heavenly Venerable Realm 5th Layer !?”

Immortal God King glanced across, Divine Consciousness and eyes locked on Chu Yan, and then saw all around the corpse on the battlefield, the complexion changed suddenly.

“You … they were all killed by you !?”

The cultivators of Great Influence, clansman, and all corpse piled up, fearing that a corpse mountain was high.

Heavenly Venerable Realm 5th Layer Only, it can kill so many Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse! ?

Taking advantage of the attention of King Immortal God, all fell on all around and Chu Yan, Fan Chen and Hei Yao Mo Zun slipped back quietly.

There is no way to fight this game, especially God Royal Capital is here! ?

“It seems that your weed is really about to be eradicated!”

Immortal God King looked at Chu Yan, his face rose with a smile, and then aura broke out all over the body. The mighty Divine King’s prestige instantly enveloped the whole Heaven and Earth.

4 face all directions, all the cultivators who are still alive, seeing this scene, their face changes at the same time.

“Divine King… Divine King Sir is here !?”

“That Chu Yan, even provokes Divine King, he is dead!”

“This battle is lively!”

“It depends on the final result!”


This kind of battle is really rare and absolutely wonderful.

God King Realm powerhouse of Immortal Ascension Sect, shot against a cultivator of Heavenly Venerable Realm 5th Layer.

Most importantly, this is World’s First!

Is it true that Chu Yan, World’s First respected today, will be damaged here! ?

“Fuck it, this is troublesome!”

Hei Yao Mozun’s face turned black, and he turned to stare at Chu Yan.

Escape is inescapable, and the entire void is blocked. This realm of God King Realm powerhouse is not something you can break if you want to.

At this time, I can only watch what Chu Yan does!

After all, Chu Yan still has a lot of hole cards, maybe there is still a chance.

Whether it is the relationship between the gods and the goddess, or the Emperor Xuantian, etc., it is possible to sit back and watch Chu Yan die in the hands of this Divine King! ?

“There is something that can kill him! But it may cause great trouble!”

Chu Yan looked at Sheng Immortal God, Divine Consciousness sound transmission told others.

The things that can kill him are the Jade Talisman that set up Divine King and the War God Spirit Seal.

However, the stall Divine King doesn’t know where it is now, even if it’s coming, I’m afraid it’s too late.

Therefore, the only thing that can be used now is the War God Spirit Seal.

War God told him when he inherited that, once this thing is used, it is a big trouble.

War God, one of the gods, can be called a big trouble. For Chu Yan, it may be a disaster of life and death.

“Trouble if you are in trouble, better than dead now!”

Hei Yao Mozun’s eyes were shining, and he was replied without thinking.

What he said was really reasonable. There was no trouble when people died, but it didn’t make much sense.

If people have trouble living, there may be a chance.

“This …” Chu Yan nodded and immediately began to urge.

However, at this moment, the opposite Liu Qingyi suddenly opened the mouth and said.

“Chu Yan, let me the younger brother, I let you escape from this place, at least hundred breaths time!”

As a Spirit Race peerless genius, there is naturally a life-saving means.

She hadn’t used this method before because she couldn’t take away too many clansman.

However, if it is to help Chu Yan these people, it is no problem.

“En !?”

Chu Yan and the others heard, turned their heads together and looked at each other.

“Yes, the king first made the Heavenly Might vow, as long as you can do it, I will protect your younger brother’s life!” The fierce Hades replied.


With a wave of his hand, Chu Yan pulled all the Langyi, Mowu and Liu Piaopiao from the distance, and surrounded him.

“Chu Yan, you can’t escape! No more delusions!”

Immortal God King felt something was wrong, in order to avoid accidents from regeneration, he shot directly, and body flashed to Chu Yan above the heads of several people.

In his hand, a sword was violently sending out a mountain-like sword, and moved fiercely underneath moved towards.

The whole sky shattered completely, unable to withstand such a powerful force.

Chu Yan and the others saw the power of this sword, all of them were complexion greatly changed.

God King Realm, it really is extraordinary!

The formidable power of this sword is far beyond Heavenly Venerable Realm Peak. I do n’t know how many times!

Moreover, even Chu Yan’s full shot, I’m afraid it can’t stop this move.

As soon as this Immortal God king shot, it was a direct move with all his strength, and did not give Chu Yan any chance.


“Chu Yan is dead!”

Each and everyone Loose Cultivator looked at this scene, all with bright eyes and a shocked expression on his face.

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