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If Divine Realm has had major events in recent months.

Then the birth of World’s First Venerable, the loss and rise, is definitely a major event.

At that time, even the Old Ancestor of 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect was shocked to show up, enough to illustrate the importance of this Chu Yan.

And now, if Chu Yan really falls here, it may become a big storm, sweeping 2 Dao Lineage and the entire Divine Realm.

It is a great honor for those present to witness the major event.

Therefore, the Loose Cultivator and the living cultivators were all staring at each other and staring intently.

“Vicious Underworld!”

Hei Yao Mozun and Fan Chen watched Jianwei fall, and roared at the same time, and at the same time asked True Qi within the body, pouring into the sky like a tide like crazy.

When life and death existed, both of them burst out with amazing potential, and even the Heavenly Furnace was shaken by the buzz of his two.

Chu Yan was cold all over, as if falling into an ice cellar, even Divine Soul was frozen.

Because, Divine Consciousness and Jianwei of Immortal God are locked on him from beginning to end.

Fan Chen and Hei Yao Mo Zun can move, but Chu Yan is extremely difficult to move his finger.

At this time, Chu Yan finally understood that the strength of this Immortal God king in front of him, I am afraid that it is a top-level existence in God King Realm.

Bang! Bang!

Chu Yan within the body, the 9-domain star chart is in full swing, and the power of War God is also skyrocketing.

All of a sudden, the will of the body Divine King shattered, and True Qi returned to its original state.

Chu Yan impossible put all hope on that Liu Qingyi, after all, this person is now a friend of the enemy.

At this moment, above the head of Liu Qingyi, a large seal of azure came out of the air, rushing into the air like a rising sun.

“Heaven and Earth have the same origin, 10000 spirits return!”


Liu Qingyi’s voice was exceptionally loud. While resounding through Heaven and Earth, a large number of Spirit Marks bloomed all around in the sky.

A very powerful force suddenly appeared, under the guidance of Liu Qingyi’s jade hand, and suddenly enveloped Chu Yan and others.


Immortal God King face instantly changes, suddenly urged the power of Divine King, want to accelerate the sword power, but it is too late.

Liu Qingyi ’s timing is very precise, including even Immortal God ’s reaction.

When Jianwei fell, half of the void collapsed instantly, like a large cloud of smoke and dust drifting with the wind, along with the silhouettes of Chu Yan and others, they disappeared directly on the spot.

“No … it’s gone !?”

“Escape !?”

“God, it’s all right !?”


All of the Loose Cultivator all around are shocked, they simply didn’t expect, Liu Qingyi would actually help Chu Yan.

“Liu Qingyi!”

The face of King Immortal God instantly turned black, and his bloodshot eyes fiercely stared at Liu Qingyi.

“Hello, big courage!”

This sentence was exported, but with the prestige of Divine King, like a violent wave, hitting Liu Qingyi on the body, let her body fly up 100 steps, corner of the mouth flow blood, Yurong pale.

If she is not the peerless genius of Spirit Race, King Immortal God will really shoot her with a slap.

What a great opportunity!

Such a rare opportunity was actually missed.

That Chu Yan, just broke through, the cultivation base has not been consolidated, and has experienced another battle. It is an enemy with dozens of Heavenly Venerable Realm and consumes a lot.

This was a once-in-a-lifetime chance to kill him, and he just missed it.

“Divine King Senior, there is a lasting reason, sorry!” Liu Qingyi looked up and stared at Immortal God directly, bowing his hand.

“What reason !? Say!” King Immortal God was about to explode.

“My younger brother is in Chu Yan’s hands. If I don’t help him, my younger brother will die!” Liu Qingyi looked calm.


Sheng Immortal God Wang is really going crazy, let Chu Yan go for a waste …

But instead of waiting for Immortal God to speak, Liu Qingyi raised his hand to throw out a charm, and then said

“Chu Yan, they left 10,000 li, Southwest, you can find it by pressing this aura, you can catch up!”

For Liu Qingyi, Chu Yan is now in a hostile relationship with her.

Since the previous transaction was completed, it is no matter if she is dead or alive now.

“Hmph! Waste! If it’s not Spirit Race 9 Domain Supreme is here, I will kill you today!”

While speaking, Immortal God King raised his hand and took a palm shot, Divine King’s power once again blasted on Liu Qingyi.


Liu Qingyi opened his mouth and sprayed a blood mist, his face instantly pale as paper.

This palm almost hurt her 100 Meridian, the start is not ordinary ruthless.

Peerless genius, the reason guarded by various forces is, of course, afraid of other forces looking for opportunities to kill.

After all, killing a peerless genius is a heavy blow to the forces.

However, now that Supreme Race’s 9 domain Supreme is here, if King Immortal God is really brave enough to kill Liu Qingyi, the consequences will naturally be life for life.

However, if you shot Liu Qingyi seriously, such a thing would be much less risky.

Uh …!

Immortal God King became a streamer and disappeared on the horizon.

“This … is over !?”

All the cultivators present took a breath, their eyes swept all around, and they looked at the corpse all over the floor, and they all shivered.

This is dozens of Heavenly Venerable Realm, on the 100 Earth Venerable Realm powerhouse, all lost here.

Fortunately, they did not participate in this battle, otherwise, I am afraid that they will become one of these corpse.

On the other side, the light door has a large crack of 10,000 li …

Chu Yan and the others flashed out in the sky, looked up towards all around, and instantly determined safety.

“Good Liu Qingyi, this method is really extraordinary!”

Black Yao Mozun exclaimed somewhat.

“Peerless genius, generally even Divine King, wouldn’t dare to start her, but if someone really started, it would have to be promoted!” Fan Chen said with a smile.

As a peerless genius, he felt very good, but as soon as he turned his head, he saw a few people of Hei Yao Mozun, all staring at him with strange eyes.

The look was obviously … contempt!

“Hmph! What do you guys look at, this deity disdains to use such inferior means!”

When this sentence landed, the eyes of Hei Yao Mozun despised several people even more.

“That woman is not simple. I’m afraid it’s still in trouble. Let’s leave quickly!”

Chu Yan looked at the direction of the light door, flew away, and took out Jade Talisman, who set up Divine King, and Divine Consciousness was introduced.

If Divine King also comes to Forbidden Land, it should not be too far from here.

“Heroic, how is Mowu Senior !?”

Chu Yan flew while turning around and asked, his face low.

In order to help him, Mo Wu blocked his sword with his body, Fleshy body almost Self-destruction, this consequence is too heavy.

“Fate is saved! But the cultivation base is completely abolished, even if it is good, I am afraid that it will always stop at Earth Venerable Realm in the future!”

The Pluto is slightly replied.

Martial Artist World, loss is common, and stagnation of cultivation base is even more common.

Hearing this sentence, Chu Yan’s eyes instantly became angry look.

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