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Immortal God King in this brief moment, the imposing manner has completely changed, and all eyes are full of fairy light.

“Oh, really!?”

The face of Divine King did not change, but asked plainly.

At the same time, he suddenly turned and slapped to Chu Yan.


Staging Divine King’s palm, the power is not strong, and it is weaker than the respect of the realm, but the sudden movement is to make King Immortal God stunned.

It was at this moment that Chu Yan, not far away, had his entire body swayed by Divine King, which was directly shot into fly ash.

To be precise, it disappeared directly on the spot!

“What !?” King Immortal God’s face turned green on the spot.

Too shameless!

Even using such tricks! ?

“Asshole, don’t let me know who you are !?” King Immortal God roared through the sky.

bang! bang bang bang!

The power of Divine King exploded in the whole body, and all the Heaven and Earth in the surroundings were all blasted into powder, and it was considered a anger.

Next, King Immortal God was lifted with hate on his face, looking at the empty sky, and turned away angrily.

On the other side, Chu Yan’s silhouette appears in a mountain range.

“Tsk tsk, Chu Yan, you are lucky ah!”

As soon as the fierce Hades appeared, he looked up at all around and said to Chu Yan said with a smile

“Divine King’s will comes, the price is not small, at least 2 Ancient Immortal spirit medicine!”

“So expensive !?” Chu Yan was a little surprised.

It’s not that he really felt how expensive the 2 Ancient Immortal spirit medicines were, but because he and this stall, Divine King, were just a deal of agreement.

The other party would spend such a big price for him! ?

When Chu Yan traded Fiendgod fruit with him before, the kind of person who recognizes money but not people does not seem to be such a generous person.

“Divine King Senior, Junior is grateful for this matter! There will be anything in the future, and Junior will definitely help!”

To the Jade Talisman who set up Divine King, Chu Yan bowed, and Divine Consciousness sound transmission.

“You’re welcome! I want to thank you for being!”

Jade Talisman’s stall in Divine King did not feel the slightest pain, but instead smiled

“Your Heaven and Earth image is of great significance to me, even between you and me!”

This sentence landed, Chu Yan nodded, and asked again

“Dare to ask Senior, but now in the depths of Forbidden Land !?”

“Good! The 9 domains Supreme of all forces have arrived at the mutation land. Now that the situation has changed, it seems that the door of Forbidden Land is about to open!”

The vendor Divine King nodded replied and added, “The door of Forbidden Land is open. The blessings are unpredictable. You are Heavenly Venerable Realm cultivation base. It’s too dangerous!”

He also reminded casually, as to whether Chu Yan will listen, it has nothing to do with him.

“However, in the depths of Forbidden Land, the Futian Forest is about to break through. It seems that the top Immortal Grass will be produced. You can try your luck!”

“So be it!”

In this context, Chu Yan’s suspended stall Divine King Jade Talisman burst in front of him, turned into dust, and scattered.

The intersection of this time, which is the result of the transaction between two people, now, some fate has been exhausted.

“Vicious Underworld, what is the gate of Forbidden Land !? Futian Forest is again”

Chu Yan turned his head, looked towards the fierce Hades, and asked.

“I know that the gate of Forbidden Land, but this Futian Forest seems to have heard that those Futian are seemingly good things, go quickly, maybe you can get a few!”

The eyes of the fierce Hades gleamed and said, “You have now broken through to Heavenly Venerable Realm, don’t you want to break through to God King Realm !?”


Hearing the words of the Hades, Chu Yan suddenly started.

He hadn’t really thought about this. At least during this time, he had been thinking about the big brother’s corpse, and had no time to think about it.

“If you want to break through to God King Realm, in addition to 4 lines of effort, you have to complete detachment!”

“Extraordinary !?” Chu Yan looked stunned.

What is this God King Realm and how is it different from Heavenly Venerable Realm? Chu Yan has n’t heard anyone say.

However, Chu Yan knows that Heavenly Venerable Realm Peak is theoretically the end of Martial Dao. After reaching Heavenly Venerable Realm Peak, if you want to break through, you do not rely on True Qi cultivation base, but on special perception and opportunity.

So, this is also the reason why those Old Monsters closed in 10000.

“Yes! The more Heaven and Earth this is, the Divine King!”

The fierce Hades looked at Chu Yan, his eyes gleaming, his face all solemn and awe-inspiring.

“After Divine King, it is necessary to get rid of Heaven and Earth Avenue, which is Supreme!”


Hearing the words of the fierce underworld, Chu Yan suddenly eyes shined, and seemed to understand something.

“Martial Artist was born in Heaven and Earth, set Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi as cultivation base True Qi, and is bound by Heaven and Earth Avenue!”

“If you want to be born at the extreme, you must break the road with Heaven and Earth! Break the Heaven and Earth first, then break the road, you can achieve Supreme realm!”

Speaking of here, the Hades seems to become extremely excited, and the sound resounds like thunder all around Heaven and Earth.

Or maybe the all around Heaven and Earth void, sensed the words of the fierce Hades, and made an angry voice.

However, there is no Fleshy body in the fierce Hades. This Heaven and Earth Might’s anger does not at all mean anything to him.

If it is an ordinary Sect force, there is no Supreme present to isolate Heaven and Earth Might when explaining the laws of these avenues, and they dare not even export a single word.

“Break … Heaven and Earth shackles !?” Chu Yan’s pupil narrowed.

“It can be broken! But in the end, it is still detached. What is the meaning of not at all? It is necessary to know the purpose and direction of breaking, standing behind it, and breaking away from the bondage of Heaven and Earth. Time ca n’t leave you with any traces, just Grand Dao Source! Side by side with Heaven and Earth! “

The Hades did not seem to be angry all around Heaven and Earth, and continued to tell Chu Yan.

“You mean, what you said is related to the Futian Forest !?” Chu Yan asked.

“Of course! If you listen to this name, you know that Futianguo has the power to repulse Heaven and Earth, so this is a great opportunity!”

When the fierce Hades spoke of the three characters of Fu Tianguo, expressions all became excited.

“There are so many Heavenly Venerable Realm Peaks that are stuck at the end of this Martial Dao, but if you want to break through, no matter how you cultivate, it doesn’t make sense to us, what’s the use of your brain!”

The fierce Hades is smug with pride, after all, he was once a Supreme realm, naturally beyond God King Realm Layer 1 Realm, qualified to despise those ordinary cultivators who have no breakthrough.

This step is out. For all God King Realm, there will be a feeling that they are not in the same order as the ordinary cultivator.

“You are now a peerless genius, but Heaven and Earth Avenue is inherently a blessing and a misfortune. You have to be mentally prepared. Peerless genius wants a breakthrough Heaven and Earth Avenue, which is much harder than the fellows of the same class in ordinary!”

“After all, the Heaven and Earth imprint on you is really a bit too heavy! There is a saying in a sentence called Mu Shilin, what!”

“Beautiful Tree In The Forest, the wind will urge it !?” Chu Yan accepted.

“En! That’s almost what it means! Anyway, this Heaven and Earth Avenue is not a good thing, treat the cultivator as his captive …”

Boom … rumbling!

Suddenly, the thunderbolt burst into the sky above the sky, and the sound was so loud that Chu Yan and the Hades tremble at the same time.

This time, Heaven and Earth Avenue seems really angry!

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