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The role of Fu Tianguo certainly goes beyond this.

The Spirit Treasure, most of the Taoism, was conceived on Heaven and Earth Avenue. The Pluto is controlled by the Heavenly Furnace and wants to get rid of it completely. It is also equivalent to the Avenue of Resistance to Heaven and Earth.

And Fu Tianguo’s help in this respect is quite large.

“According to what I said earlier, the gate of Forbidden Land has not been fully opened yet. It is not bad to go to this Futian Forest now!”

Chu Yan pondered for a moment, made up her mind, and then flew forward.

At this time, throughout the Forbidden Land of Pantian, it was already hot everywhere.

Chu Yan was flying in the direction of Futian Forest. He did not expect that the azure lotus in the 9-area star chart in Sea of ​​Consciousness was releasing a faint aura, which continued to overflow towards all around Heaven and Earth.

On the other side, the outermost place of Forbidden Land in Pantian …

In a hidden cave, roaring sound sounded like an injured wild beast, shaking the whole cave.

A group of illusory silhouettes floating in midair, all faces are savage and angry, and the whole body is purple and black Baleful Qi rolling

“Chu Yan, it’s you! You ruined everything for me!”

The roar with endless anger is exactly escape alive … Shengong Creek.

Although he used a secret skill and escaped a life, Divine Soul was still complete, not at all hit hard.

You only need to casually own a Fleshy body to recover slowly.

“Sir, I failed next time!”

Shen Gongxi looked decadent and took out Jade Talisman Divine Consciousness sound transmission.

Immediately after that, he took another piece of Jade Talisman and continued Divine Consciousness sound transmission. “Help me tell Master, I am willing to help him find those treasures, as long as he shoots for me and kills Chu Yan!”

The sorrowful face, the teeth clucking.

Several times against Chu Yan, but in the end it ended like this. Shen Gongxi hated Chu Yan to the extreme, and used everything to his advantage.

9 Domain Supreme shot, this is already the strongest battle strength!

When Jade Talisman was put down, Shen Gongxi was paralyzed and walked out of the cave just to see how many people were fighting in the distance.

After rushing up and killing the 7 or 8 people, he picked a Fleshy body body possession and picked everyone’s belongings. Shengongxi reluctantly left Pantian Forbidden Land.

At this time, he could only stay at the bridge head of Xuan Emperor, waiting for the final result.

At the same time, Chu Yan flew all the way, flying for 2 hours, and finally approached the deep area of ​​Pantian Forbidden Land.

On this path, various crises and inheritances can almost be said to be everywhere.

The fierce Hades was very itchy and unwilling to try to persuade Chu Yan to take action, but Chu Yan simply ignored it.

These opportunities and inheritance are good things, but Chu Yan has a clear goal and doesn’t want to waste much time.

10000 If the opportunity is missed, the consequences will be unacceptable.

“Futian Forest, it should be in this mountain range, but here is a natural phenomenon everywhere, and I don’t know where it is! Or you are waiting, I will go explore!”

The fierce Hades threw a sentence and immediately disappeared, anxiously like a monkey.

He is different from Chu Yan. His Divine Soul body is not effective for some prohibitions and traps, so it is much safer to enter than Chu Yan.

However, the downside is that if he really meets any good chance, he can only look at it.

So before he was on the road, he persuaded Chu Yan, but he couldn’t do anything at all.

After half stick of incense, the fierce Pluto ran back, glanced at Chu Yan, then turned and ran in the other direction.

Chu Yan just looked at it and didn’t say anything …

After a while, he came back and changed direction again.

Chu Yan was speechless and looked at him like that, he would run east and west for a while …

“somebody is coming!”

Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness keeps exploring all around and finds that a path of energy flew from the distant sky, suddenly brows slightly wrinkle.

These auras are extremely powerful, basically they are all above Heavenly Venerable Realm cultivation base, and there are also Heavenly Venerable Realm Peak powerhouses.

As soon as it is close to the depths of Forbidden Land, the cultivation base that dares to come here cannot be weak.

2 Come to stalls Divine King can tell Fu Tianlin’s news to herself, naturally this news will spread.

Therefore, there must always be powerful cultivators who will continue to gather.

“Good to come! Let the king kill happy!”

The fierce Pluto’s eyes were shining, and both eyes were full of blood light.

He got rid of the difficulties from the Heavenly Furnace at this time, and it was fiercely revealing. But in the previous battle, simply did not kill him, and had to escape.

Now seeing this group of cultivators, of course, unable to bear!

“En !?”

Chu Yan followed the fierce Hades, but suddenly stopped.

Because, among a group of cultivators on the horizon, there were several black robe cultivators, aura was very familiar.

“Huayang !?”

Chu Yan turned his head and looked, the pupil technique flickered, and his face was suddenly shocked.

How can Huayang come! ?

Moreover, for a while, his cultivation base aura actually reached Heavenly Venerable Realm 1st Layer!

What a great opportunity this is! ?

“Huayang boy, it’s a good mix ah!” Chu Yan’s mouth suddenly flicked, a smile appeared on his face.

Hua Yang is a person, of course Chu Yan knows that after a few contacts, it can definitely be regarded as a brother relationship.

Sure enough, Chu Yan just a Divine Consciousness sound transmission. In the past, the silhouette of Huayang’s flight suddenly stopped, and then without any hesitation, he rushed into himself.

“Hua … yi !?”

Seeing Huayang fall, Chu Yan was about to say hello, but when he looked up to see Huayang’s face, he was shocked.

I saw that Huayang’s pair of pupils were all blood red, and the whole body was very strange, like a black hole, deep invisibility, and extremely cold.

This feeling … is not Huayang at all!

Huayang stood 100 steps away, looked at Chu Yan from afar, but didn’t say anything, so he directly followed a few black robed man and turned away.

“This …” Chu Yan froze on the spot.

Huayang is right, but this aura is completely different! ?

“How do you know these Ancient Sect people?” The fierce Hades looked at Chu Yan curiously.

“Xuetian Ancient Sect !?”

Hearing this sentence, Chu Yan suddenly brows tightly knit.

Huayang and Xuetian Ancient Sect, how could they be together! ?

Moreover, just now Huayang looked at himself, the cold like stone, this simply does not look like Huayang.

“Could Huayang be damaged! Fleshy body was taken by body possession, or turned into a puppet !?”

The more Chu Yan thought, the more angry he was, his fists clenched, and his whole body was shaking.

A terrifying killing intent and destruction of aura, all around him in his body kept surging, all trees and grass were all turned into powder.

“What’s the matter?” The fierce Hades was shocked to see Chu Yan look like this.

So, Chu Yan breathes deeply, controlled the chaotic aura, and told him about his relationship with Huayang.

“This one….”

Hearing Chu Yan’s explanation, the face of the fierce Hades was even more uncomfortable, and his face was full of words and words to Chu Yan.

“Chu Yan, let me tell you something … You must be calm, don’t cultivate deviation!”

Seeing Chu Yan nodded, the Hades said again

“Your younger brother, I am afraid that it has been shot by the boss of Blood Scient Ancient Sect, possessed Divine Soul!”

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