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These powerful Ominous Beasts have far surpassed the Heavenly Venerable Realm Peak cultivation base, and are basically half-step God King Realm. Between the rush, the heaven falls and earth rends, the formidable power is amazing.

“It’s really dangerous in the depths, even if there are only a few Monster Beasts, they have such a powerful might!”

Chu Yan looked at the Ominous Beast from afar, his face surprised.

Continue to go forward, you can still see a lot of Monster Beast infested, fighting each other bite, mountain peak are crushing.

On the base, there is a Monster Beast, solo fighting 3 heads of the same rank Monster Beast, and seeing that the body is invincible under the bruises, but he does not escape at all, urging the demon to directly Self-destruction, and 3 heads of the same rank Monster Beast turned into ashes.

Such a sturdy fighting style made Chu Yan stunned.

Ominous Beast is Ominous Beast, which is completely different from human cultivators. If ordinary cultivators, even the battle will not happen, they will just escape.

However, even so, Monster Beast of ordinary will not directly take Self-destruction! ?

From this point alone, it can be seen that the depth of Forbidden Land is very dangerous.

Previously in Central Region and outer circle area, the feeling was not obvious. Now when I reach the depths, it feels different at once.

If this is not very careful, it will provoke some Monster King, no matter if it can be beaten, Self-destruction comes up, who can bear it! ?

Even if one carries two, a group can bear it! ?

How much Monster Beast is hidden in such a large area in Forbidden Land! ?

“En !?”

Not long after walking, Chu Yan stopped.

There are piles of bones on the ground in front, scattered everywhere, and the aura in each jade skeleton is extremely powerful.

A closer look and found that these bones looked scattered, but there were obvious signs of artificial placement.

“This should be the Ancient Sect of Blood Heaven!” The voice of the fierce Hades was cold.

“Bloody Ancient Sect !?” Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle.

From myself to Divine Realm, those of Divine Realm’s top forces have almost been in contact with each other, and even played hands.

But the Ancient Sect, the bloody heaven, has only seen one side.

“Blood Sky Ancient Sect, it is very likely that he came to the door of Forbidden Land!” Chu Yan looked up towards the distance.

But if you think about it carefully, it doesn’t seem right!

The appearance of the Forbidden Land Gate is entirely due to the influence of his own green lotus.

If you do n’t come, Green Lotus will not affect the gate of Forbidden Land, nor will the gate of Forbidden Land open.

These conditions, Blood Scient Ancient Sect impossible were calculated in advance.

Therefore, their impossible came to the door of Forbidden Land in advance, so they must not have any plans.

“En !?”

At this moment, Chu Yan suddenly felt a cold chill hitting behind him, as if he was being stared at by several ominous wolf.

“Catch up so soon !?”

Chu Yan turned his head and looked at Qilin’s pupils, and suddenly found Hong Lei and Liang Tian on the far side of the sky.

Without any hesitation, Chu Yan urged True Qi and his speed soared.

For Chu Yan, now hurry to the gate of Forbidden Land, look at the situation of Supremes, find a way to pick up the corpse, and other things will be discussed later.

Soon, after an hour, Chu Yan passed through a large mountain range and reached a Gobi area.

“The sand cliffs are very interesting!”

Chu Yan walked across the yellow sand cliffs, watching the sand and stone, mixed with various Spirit Crystals.

Moreover, these Spirit Crystals are not ordinary Spirit Crystal gravels, but a special existence with a hint of morality.

It is a pity that all of them are broken into gravel, otherwise, the value is inestimable.

“Chu Yan, go away!”

Just when Chu Yan wanted to find out, to see if he could find some complete Spirit Crystal, the fierce Hades suddenly shouted around him.

Chu Yan suddenly started, and his body suddenly burst into the sky like an arrow in the sky.

Boom … Rumble!

Almost at the moment when he rose to the sky, where he had just stood, a large piece of Spirit Mark was rippling away, and a large-scale spirit array emerged.

In this spirit array, the ancient and mulberry aura emerged, and various illusions evolved, but it was the powerful gang power formed by wind and rain thunder and lightning, which instantly turned several sand cliffs into gang powder.


Chu Yan was sweating heavily on his forehead, and there was a throbbing heart. If this was a reminder of the Hades, just now, even if he could escape, he might be injured.

Deep inside this Forbidden Land, it would be dangerous if injured.

“I’ll just tell you not to come. It’s too dangerous to see it. There are prohibitions and Killing Formation everywhere!”

The fierce Hades was whiter than Chu Yan’s, and he told Chu Yan.

However, before he finished speaking, the two people’s faces all changed.

I saw that the various wind and rain thunder and lightning in the Killing Formation suddenly merged into a path of light of gang thunder and cut straight to Chu Yan.

“Fuck! This is what is Spirit vein Killing Formation, you can track down the enemy, go away!” Xie Hao roared loudly.

Chu Yan did not dare to hesitate, it was directly the movement art of Roaming Dragon, which turned into a black electricity and rushed to the distance in an instant.

bang bang Bang!

A continuous string of gas explosions, those Arrays exploded the horror gangs, blasted the vast void all split up and in pieces, a path of cutting cracks, and cut half of the sky into spider webs.

Chu Yan had no time to look back. His body was like this one. Killing Formation continued to explode one after another. In the sky all around, all kinds of powerful gang powers were endless like waves of tide.

A variety of powerful killing powers rushed towards Chu Yan like a wild wind, with sword Killing Formation, 4 like Killing Formation, and Ominous Beast Killing Formation.

“God ask 9th layer cut!”

Chu Yan was trapped in the serial Killing Formation. He only felt his scalp numb all over his body, and with a roar, Clear Sky Sword tried his best to cut it out.

Asked Tian furnace buzzing and trembling, the figure kept growing, firmly blocked in front of Chu Yan, protecting all the killing power that all around.


The powerful sword gang cut off all the way to slash all the gang kills, but before Clear Sky Sword withdrew, the Spirit Qi gathered, and those Killing Formations were instantly restored as they were.

“Come on, Chu Yan goes there!”

The fierce Hades had blood-red eyes. After watching for 4 times, a golden light flickered in the distance, promptly loudly reminding.

Chu Yan turned his head and saw a dozen or more li, there was a black cloud with a golden light flowing in the middle of the cloud, as if a group of golden koi were swimming in the black lake water.

“That’s a void channel, hurry up, go in!”

Chu Yan resisted all around the Gangwei Killing Formation with all his strength. The fierce Pluto runs a secret skill and constantly strikes. Even if the golden light black cloud quickly blew up the 1st Layer prohibition and discovered its role.

“Haha, this can find a chance, if Antiquity inheritance is issued!”

The fierce Hades looked ecstatic and said to Chu Yan.


Chu Yan is also full of joy, regardless of chance or chance, escape from this serial Killing Formation first.


The shadows are like electricity. The distance of a dozen or more li is only half a breath away. Chu Yan flashed into the black cloud, his big hand condensed the claws, grabbed a golden streamer, and fiercely pinched.

The golden light exploded, and a large stream of golden light rushed to Chu Yan like a tide, wrapped it, and disappeared on the spot.

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