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The golden vortex makes Chu Yan’s eyes blurred, and even East, South, West, North are indistinguishable.

After the ten breaths time in the foot, the scene between the eyes finally stabilized.

Chu Yan looked up every time, suddenly relaxed.

On the northern sky, above the golden sky, the tall Forbidden Land gate stands, and can be seen at a glance.

With this landmark as a reference, Chu Yan can clearly judge that he has not at all entered the small world and is not farther away from the gate of Forbidden Land.

On the contrary, after being able to pass that Space-Time channel, he was closer to the gate of Forbidden Land.

“Here … It seems a bit familiar!”

The Pluto is looking at the environment around all around, with a thoughtful expression in his face.

“Fuck, I remember, this is the fountain of hell!”

This cry out in surprise, suddenly let Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle, just listen to the name, but it is not a good place.

I saw that the earth around all around was full of vastness, and trees with all kinds of strange colors were growing at different heights.

The point is, these trees seem to be extremely ordinary trees, simply not a spirit plant.

This earth is all around, there is no trace of Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi, and there is no surging Immortal Intent.

In the entire Forbidden Land, it is the same place outside the world, which is incompatible with other places.

“Ha ha ha, the fountain of hell, an absolute good place, Chu Yan we sent this time!”

The Hades did not have Chu Yan’s surprise, but were extremely excited and shouted loudly.

“The legendary hell fountain is a ruin of a hole that leads into hell. Chongbao will emerge from this hole. The high-level treasure is at least legendary!”

Chu Yan was slightly surprised when this sentence landed.

Legendary treasure! ?

“It seems that our luck is good!” Chu Yan was slightly nodded, his mind slightly relaxed.

The black cloud goldfish appeared really in time, allowing him to escape the serial killing game and still fall into such a treasure.

This is definitely pretty good luck!

Without any hesitation, Chu Yan probably recognized it, and got up and moved towards the front.

There is no Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi in this hell fountain, and naturally there will be no prohibition and Killing Formation, which is relatively a Safety Sector.

If you find a treasure, I am afraid there will not be any powerful guardian, you can get it directly.

What is the difference with picking up treasures! ?

Boom … rumbling!

Before Chu Yan continued to look for it, at the foot of the mountain in the distance, a group of bright golden lights burst into the sky like a meteor rising from the earth, shooting straight into the sky, and pulling out golden star trails.

“This … was born !? So active !?”

The fierce Hades opened his mouth wide and turned his head around with a foolish look towards Chu Yan.

Is this luck very good? ?

Could it be said that these gods are really great Destiny additions! ?

You know, he is the King of Antiquity Demon Beast, Up Into the Heavens, Down into the Earth, what Secret Realm treasure land has never been to, but he has never met a hell fountain.

Not to mention, treasure saw someone coming and took the initiative to greet guests! ?

This is compared with other cultivators, nine deaths and still alive, who found Secret Realm, and then faced with various crises guarding the treasure. After fighting to die, they can only get a treasure. It is completely as different as heaven and earth.

“This kid is a treasure ah! Follow him in the future, the benefits are really great!”

The look of the fierce underworld king towards Chu Yan instantly became gentle, even with a strange smile.

This made Chu Yan’s whole body scalp look numb, and his heart twitched.


Hurry up and fly, moved towards treasure, after all, this treasure has been born, if there are other cultivators in the fountain of hell, then see who is fast.

In less than breath breaths, Chu Yan came to the piece of mountain valley, full of mist and light smoke.

Chu Yan runs Qilin’s pupil while carefully watching all around while striding into the valley.

“Look, then!”

The fierce Pluto is anxious and has sharp eyes, and soon finds something strange in the valley, loudly reminding Chu Yan.

Looking around, I saw a tall altar standing in the valley.

This altar is ordinary, but there is a Golden Dragon statue all around the altar, which looks extremely powerful.

The fog in the whole valley overflowed from the Golden Dragon altar, with the obvious Antiquity aura in the fog, which was completely different from the aura of the entire Hellspring.

“This altar is very strong!” Xia Hao looked for a while.

“Well, at least it is also an altar of Daobaojie, take it first!”

Chu Yan runs True Qi and Divine Consciousness, moved towards the Golden Dragon altar.

Divine Realm continent, the altar is the basic Spirit Treasure, the use is endless, whether it is to arrange the spirit array, set the inheritance, or even absorb Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi, you can use the altar to complete.

Therefore, this Spirit Treasure is useful for every cultivator.

Just as Chu Yan flipped the hand seal and was about to swing out True Qi, suddenly, a loud scream sounded.


The word drank out, as thunderbolt burst into anger, a tall red silhouette came out of the sky, and the long skirt dragged like a tide of sand.

This is a woman!

Her willow-like body, releasing aura of incomparable strength, has clearly reached God King Realm.

“You … Immortal God, Divine King!”

Chu Yan was shocked, unable to believe that he would meet these two Divine Kings here.

“What !? This …”

The Hades is also surprised, and does not accept at all.

What a coincidence! ?

Not only Chu Yan and the fierce Hades, You Immortal God and Fanxu Divine King were also surprised, staring at Chu Yan for a full time.

what’s the situation! ?

I couldn’t find it everywhere, this Chu Yan even came to my door! ?

“What happened !? Why is it so slow, is there … what !?”

At the moment when the three people were staring at each other, in the thick fog in the distance, another silhouette appeared, and at the same time someone spoke.

But when these silhouettes appeared and saw the black robe silhouette standing in front of the Golden Dragon altar, they were all stunned on the spot.

When Chu Yan saw this group of people, his scalp exploded all over his body.

Great King Island, 9th layer building, Immortal Ascension Sect, Bazu, Barbarian Race, Spirit Race and a group of God King Realm powerhouse appeared together.

No fewer than ten or eight God King Realm powerhouse!

“Chu Yan !?”

“Why are you here !?”

“Dare to run deep into Forbidden Land !?”

“Ha ha ha, this kid took the initiative to die !?”


The embarrassing scene just calmed down for a few breaths, and a group of Divine Kings laughed directly. .

“Fuck ah!”

The fierce Hades face twitched, opened his mouth and scolded, and the whole face was instantly black.

What’s the difference between this and the mouse falling into the cat’s nest! ?

Ten or eight God King Realm, let alone fight, just one person can kill them.

The most important thing is that this group of Divine King basically has a big hatred with Chu Yan!

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