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The cold field at this time lasted for a full ten breaths time before being broken by the fierce Pluto.

“Fuck, this …”

Xia Hao’s entire face was black, turned his head towards towards Chu Yan, his face twitching.

I just said that Chu Yan is the addition of Great Destiny, but …

It didn’t go far, and it fell directly into the wolf den.

This is too bad luck! ?

What is the difference between this and the door to death.

Not only is the fierce Hades, even Chu Yan’s face twitched, which is too coincident! ?

“Ha ha ha, Chu Yan, you have today!”

Fanxu Divine King’s smiling face was crooked, the unspeakable smoothness, even the void around all buzzed.

“My family’s discipline, you killed very happy !?”

When this sentence came out, the smile gradually lost, and the tone became extremely cold.

“Chu Yan!”

Upon hearing the words of Divine King, the Divine Kings who all had a smile on their faces, all looked down.

More than a dozen Divine Kings, all aura rushing, like a volcano, will soon erupt.

Boom … rumbling!

The whole world is trembling, and the violent waves are rushing towards each other, like a torrent of waves, disaster is about to start.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan suddenly felt numb all over his body, like falling into an ice cellar.

Divine King here is basically half of the Peak state, otherwise they would not dare to go deeper here.

However, God King Realm of this cultivation base cannot be dealt with simply by him.

If you are in a Peak state, you can resist one and then get out, maybe the problem is not big.

But now, this is a dozen Divine King, not to mention resistance, even if you run away, it is simply impossible.

However, with Chu Yan’s character, even if he is dead, it is impossible to sit still.

“Vicious Underworld, start!”

With a roar, Chu Yan looked like a dragon, storming the sky and flying straight to Yunxiao.

The Pluto also knows that the current situation is in crisis, and it does not dare to have any slack. Raising his hand is a huge black cloud pouring out, and the Demon King field is released.

Now he, as one with Chu Yan, this Strength of Domain is of great benefit to Chu Yan.

“Chu Yan, you kill me Elder, the core of Dawang Island, and leave me your life today!”

Divine King in Dawang Island, his eyes were blood red, watching Chu Yan flying to Heaven, his teeth bite and rattle.

Immediately with a big wave of hand, countless lightnings soared into the sky and counterattacked the sky like a thunderbolt cage, smashing the whole sky directly.


With a roar, the Divine King of the Great King Island stormed up, and a wave of purple thunder spear was waved between his hands, moving towards Chu Yan’s figure fiercely.

This spear is enough to destroy the mountain!

Under such an attack, not to mention the Heavenly Venerable Realm 5th Layer like Chu Yan, even if it is a Heavenly Venerable Realm Peak, it is only a dead share.

“War God Seal …”

Seeing that Thunder spear punctured, Chu Yan was suddenly surging in True Qi and was ready to cast the War God mark.

But at this moment, a red light below rises into the sky and turns into a burst of fire, knocking the thunder spear all over.

“Fan Xu, you dare to stop me !?”

Turning his head, Divine King of King Island directly furious, fiercely stared at Divine King Divine King.

At this time, don’t talk about other Divine King. Even if the gods are coming, he will never let Chu Yan go.

Killing Duan Yilang, that is Elder, the core of Dawang Island, representing the face of Dawang Island.

The Chamber of Commerce like Dawang Island, the most important thing is the face.

After all, in the Divine Realm continent, King Island, Chamber of Commerce forces like the 9th layer building, compared with Tianxuan Earth Palace, it belongs to the second echelon.

If you want to compete with Tianxuan Earth Palace, you must enhance the strength and influence of Chamber of Commerce.

This kind of ascension is absolutely extremely slow, just like picking a sand tower, accumulated over a long period of time.

But if you want to destroy this sand tower, you only need to push it lightly.

Therefore, Chu Yan must deal with things like Da Wang Dao as quickly as possible to maintain Da Wang Dao’s reputation.

At this time, not only Divine King of Great King Island, but also God King Realm of other forces are all looking towards killing intent towards the Vatican Divine King.

“Don’t get me wrong, everyone, of course I will not help him!”

Fanxu Divine King was locked by more than aura of the same order, and Divine Soul shuddered immediately, and quickly explained.

“My Ba tribe has a fire spirit that was stolen by this Chu Yan. This fire spirit must be retrieved when he is alive, so …”

“Everyone sells a face, I will take back the fire spirit first, then kill this child!”

Hearing this, Divine King suddenly sneered.

Who cares what you are! ?

Moreover, you are also embarrassed to say that the fire spirit is your hegemon, that is clearly … wait!

Suddenly, all God King Realm powerhouse complexion changed at the same time and looked at each other.


There are many Taobaos on this Chu Yan. Last time in the white jade palace, this guy collected all Taobaos.

Moreover, also received a drop of magic pith.

If it was not for the drop of the marrow, I believe that Duan Yilang of Dawang Island would not be killed by him.

At the next breath, all God King Realm powerhouse, looked towards Chu Yan, and nodded at the same time.

Collect treasure first, then kill!

Without further ado, this group of king realm powerhouses reached a consensus.

“Chu Yan, I must admit that you are a genius rarely seen. If you are given time, maybe you will become Supreme, or even 9 Domain Supreme!”

Fan Xu sneered at Divine King, moved towards Chu Yan.

“Now, I will give you a chance! As long as you surrender that fire spirit, and then tell the secret, I can keep you from being tortured after the death of Divine Soul!”

After finishing, Fanxu Divine King looked at Chu Yan …

“Hmph! Do you think you are worthy !?” Chu Yan was coldly snorted.

This sentence suddenly caused the entire Vatican Divine King to explode, and this Chu Yan even talked to himself in front of so many Divine Kings.

Does he not know that he will die today? ?

I don’t know if they are Divine King, there are 10000 ways to let him die, Divine Soul suffers! ?

“Okay! Then I will let you know, what is ten 8 Layer hell!”

Speaking of this, Divine King Divine King raised his hand, and a black worm suddenly appeared in the center of the hand. The worm had a horn, which turned out to be 2 small black Soul Fire.

This kind of insect is a special product of the Ba family, which is specially used for Divine Soul attack.

As long as you get into the other body within the body, the entire Sea of ​​Consciousness is gnawed into 10000 holes.

That process is definitely 100,000 times more painful than the fleshy body being wiped out 1000 times!

“This is your courting death!”

Watching Fanxu Divine King urge Fire Insect in his hand, Chu Yan’s eyes were cold.

This sentence is exported, but let all Divine King start together.


Our courting death! ?

Is this Chu Yan crazy in the face of loss? ?

A small Earth Venerable Realm 5th Layer, even if it is peerless genius, is not qualified to talk to a group of Divine King owners.

Not even Supreme!

Never mind, you Chu Yan has the ability to call 9 domain Supreme! ?

However, all 9 Supremes are now at the gate of Forbidden Land in the depth of Forbidden Land in Pantian. Even if you want to come to save you, it is too late.

After all, this is the Secret Realm where the black cloud goldfish is located. Even if you want to find and come in again, it will take time.

Fanxu Divine King ignored Chu Yan, only when he was talking crazy, raising his hand, black Fire Insect flew up suddenly, rushing towards Chu Yan.

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