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A group of Supreme giants, such as Hengwang Supreme and Jinlou Supreme, all looked angry.

They really didn’t think that the existence of Forbidden Land in Pantai was so powerful.

This is all about killing!

There is no room for manoeuvre, and there is not even a chance to give them resistance.

You know, here is a group of Supreme, where a large number of Supremes gathered from Peak forces on Divine Realm continent, but still have no effect.

This is very kind of the feeling that 1000000 soldiers take the lead of the general.

Moreover, the Supreme of 9 domains among the forces is damaged, which is a huge blow to the forces.

A group of Supreme was beaten collectively, and learning to face the forces of the whole world, fiercely flapped their ears back and forth, who can bear it! ?

There is no doubt at all. The events of this time will probably be circulated for 1000 years, and all of the Supremes who are present will become “celebrities”.

However, that Supreme is willing to make this name! ?

“Please, this Fellow Daoist from the depths of Forbidden Land in Panten, show up!”

The vast and majestic voice between Heaven and Earth sounded like a thunder thundering through Forbidden Land.

Everyone’s eyes, simultaneously shua shua looked towards Xuan Emperor Bridge, saw an old man with silver hair and horrible fire all over him, standing on Xuan Emperor Bridge.

Because of the appearance of this old man, it seems that even Heaven and Earth are instantly frozen, and all Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi are not surging.

The aura of the Supreme powerhouse that originally enveloped the whole Heaven and Earth, was also shocked by his imposing manner.

Beside him, there are four old men with the same flower armor standing side by side, either soaring into the sky in an imposing manner, which cannot be looked up like the rule of Heaven and Earth.

Either it looks like an old age, just like a late old man on the street, can’t see any Martial Artist aura.

This huge contrast makes the eyes of all practitioners in the audience fiercely fierce.

The biggest change in expression is that the Supremes standing on the Immortal Palace and the dragon on the sky all hurriedly flew to the five old men and bowed to pay respects to.

“Have seen the ancestor!”

The scene of the visit made everyone fiercely tremble, and Divine Soul was greatly impacted.

“This … these people are … ancestors !?”

Basically, I thought that in the face of the changes in Forbidden Land, the Great Influence not only sent the Supreme powerhouse, but also sent the old Ancestor who guarded the forces.

“Hehe, Interesting. These old ghosts are hiding in the dark, didn’t expect to suffer such a big loss !?”

Sword Supreme looked at the five old men, but the twigs of laughter were trembling, as if reading a big joke.

Boom … rumbling!

At this moment, the direction of Forbidden Land in Pantian grabbed a large piece of golden light, gathered into a heaven overflowing giant wave, and rushed out.

Even the Pang Ranlong River, which was winding around the entire Forbidden Land, appeared extremely small in front of this golden wave.

“It’s coming out !?”

Sword Supreme’s face suddenly sank.

In front of Xuan Emperor Bridge, five old men stood tall, Motionless As Mountains, looked at the natural phenomenon in front of him quietly, and his face was deep.

Immediately afterwards, the golden light wave stopped.

Above the tide of the golden wave, a group of blood-robe persons appeared.

These blood-robe persons all wore ghost tooth masks and looked extremely bloody.

Headed by 2 blood-robe persons, the aura on his body is more like an abyss of hell. Even if there is no coercion of aura, he can see at a glance that this is a 3-digit 9-domain Supreme

“Xuetian Ancient Sect’s golden ghost mask !? It turns out to be you …”

On the Emperor Xuan Emperor’s Bridge, the five old men’s faces sank like frost and spoke coldly.

Behind them, a group of Supreme powerhouses such as Heng Wang Supreme and Jin Lou Supreme all glared at each other, looking at these blood-robe persons, all eyes were killing intent.

“Bloody Ancient Sect, it turned out to be them !?”

“Impossible, they don’t have this strength at all !?”

“Well, this is the game set by Xuetian Ancient Sect in advance! Do they want to provoke a world war !?”

“This group of madmen!”


In front of the ancient city of Pantian, Martial Artists who watched from afar were all shocked.

This is more unexpected than any probability they had guessed before.

On this Divine Realm continent, the force of everyone shouting, even quietly set up a conspiracy against the entire continent! ?

This is too much! ?

Blood Scient Ancient Sect’s strength is not weak, but it is also impossible strong, against ten 2 Dao Lineage, Top 100 Ancient Race, 3 major Chamber of Commerce forces! ?

You know, this is the power of Divine Realm continent cream of the crop.

In this way, the development of things has far exceeded their expectations, and they are no longer able to participate in the level.

“Several, you are wrong! Blood Scient Ancient Sect is just a little help, the old guys, I killed them!”

At this moment, a strange sound sounded, but it was the whole audience.

Among the huge waves of the golden sea, a silhouette came slowly, a bloody black robe, a cold and stern expression, but it made Chu Yan’s face below change suddenly.

That black robed man turned out to be … Huayang!

Huayang had just appeared, and a young man came out from behind him. This man has red hair like a fire, a short inch without a crown, and a very rare hairstyle. Coupled with the position of his forehead and eyebrows, 3 flame faces make people unforgettable .

“Aura of this person …”


Almost when Chu Yan suddenly sensed and so on, suddenly a violent thunderbolt exploded in Sea of ​​Consciousness, and large fragments of memory kept popping up.

9 The domain star map, running wildly, releases Heavenly Might, pointing the spear directly at the young man.

“What !? This person is the life and death enemy of the 9-domain star chart !? Or …”

Chu Yan’s eyes tremble like dust, and his eyes are full of look of shock.

This black robed youth turned out to be one of the ten antiquity gods! ?

“Consult Senior, honor !?”

The five old men didn’t care about the appearance of flame hair youth, their faces were all quiet, they bowed their hands together and asked.

“Are you qualified enough?”

flame hair The mouth of the young man raised his eyes and glanced at five people, all eyes were disdainful.

Immediately, he looked up at the distant continent, exhaled long, and continued.

“Are the old ghosts in your family all asleep !? Haven’t you woken up yet !?”

The opening of this sentence was to let the five old men all startled together, always with a calm face, and finally showed a touch of surprise.

Just when the five old men looked at each other, the flame hair young waved his hand, a table case appeared in front of him, a burning incense burner was lit, under the light smoke, an ancient zither was placed in the middle of the table.

Next, under the stunned expressions of the five old men and countless others, the flame hair youth burned incense, and the sound of the piano was melodious.

The faint piano sounds, dust-free and stain-free, are like fairy music on earth, but there is no trace of True Qi might be contained in it.

Imitate the clear springs of Buddha Mountain, Insect Cry of birds and beasts, and 10000 military horses, 100,000 miles of mountains and rivers are full of fire beacon …

In this song, the expressions of the people present changed from amazement to silence, and then to indulgence. There was no exception. Even the crazy knife Supreme beside Chu Yan was confused and sinking into it.

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