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After the full breaths time, the 5 domain Supremes, including 9 old men, woke up first, followed by Supreme, Divine King….

Every giant who suddenly awakened from drunkenness was all in horror.

Not only because there is no bit of True Qi formidable power in this person’s piano sound, but they can let them sink into it, but also because this person has just killed ten Supreme, and now in front of these corpse, incense and fiddle ‘t change, this …

It’s just that they are the top forces, these 9 domain Supremes, and even the entire world, are completely ignored.

Who is this flame hair young man? ?

Is it really necessary to bring out the existence of 10000 ancient people in their respective forces in order to contend with this flame hair young man! ?

Moreover, listening to what he said just now seems to be intentional.

“Senior, I don’t know if you have an old grudge with us !? Why kill them !?”

Among the five old men, a bald old man standing in the middle, staring at each other closely, pondered for a long time, and then frowned and asked.

However, the young flame hair seems to be deaf to the words of the bald old man and just concentrates on playing the piano.

“Senior is so powerful, I can’t wait to sigh, but Senior just came out of Forbidden Land in Pantian, and I don’t think it’s as good as Peak!”

“As Senior said, the realm powerhouse above the 9th domain, I have all the forces, I really want to anger us, together with the war, it may not be a good result for Senior !?”

The bald old man keeps talking, and straight out all the words, and put it out.

Because he also knows that speaking to the existence above the 9 domains, any mental abacus has no effect at all.

“This thing, you are right!”

Finally, after the song ended, the flame hair young man slowly stood up, and all the brows were soothing and happy. It seemed that the music of the piano showed Shen Xu in his heart.

“But things are not as simple as you think! At this time, it’s useless to say anything!”

flame hair The youth waved lightly, with a cynical smile on his face, and said

“Go back and tell you the old ghosts, and all the continent cultivators, just say …”

“Starting today, Divine Realm continent I want to step in and set up a new Divine Realm Dao Lineage force, please take care of them!”

What he said was like a light cloud, but to the practitioners at the scene, it was no different from Nine Heavens thunderclap.

New … Divine Realm Dao Lineage forces! ?

This flame hair youth turned out to be the new Divine Realm Dao Lineage force! ?

You should know that although Dao Lineage forces can be established as long as they have the strength of 9 domains of Supreme, in fact, each Dao Lineage force is created by at least a few 10000 years of accumulation.

Almost from the beginning of the Antiquity era, the power of Sect on continent is like the sand of the sea, like a star, after the ebb and flow of the endless years, the final rise is also only a trifling ten two sects.

And now, if a new Dao Lineage force is really established, then the situation in Divine Realm continent may be completely changed.

Divine Realm continent, which has been calm for 10000 years, is it messy again? ?

However, if the purpose of your flame hair youth is to establish a new Dao Lineage force, how could you kill ten Supreme and offend all Great Influence? ?

Your approach is really to create a new Dao Lineage! ?

The key is that you are so afraid that everyone will unite in the future and let your new Dao Lineage die directly. You ca n’t even pass the full moon. Believe it or not! ?

Martial Artist World, weak are prey to the strong, even if you kill someone else’s Supreme, they let you lose a Supreme’s life, which is reasonable.

The key is, how much Supreme you pay for a new Dao Lineage! ?

Don’t say these questions about this Supreme powerhouse, even if the cultivation base is weak, the ordinary repairer can think about it.

So, if this is said, the flame hair young man probably doesn’t understand, this is the reason, but another probability!

Have no fear!

Injury without killing, you have to wait for all forces, all Supreme to be present, then kill in person.

Then came forward to announce the creation of the new Dao Lineage.

On the one hand, killing and prestige, but also offering sacrifices for your new Dao Lineage, this is absolutely a two-way act, the situation has been calculated well.

And the reason why he dares to set up such a game, as long as he is not a fool, the only explanation is that he has the courage to absolutely suppress other forces.

Otherwise, the 2 100 Dao Lineage, the Top 3 Ancient Race, and the 1 Chamber of Commerce face such a provocation, it is strange not to retaliate!

You know, these are continent’s top forces, when have you been so angry! ?

“Senior, for this part, there is no need to say anything, everything will be counted in the future!”

5 old man while speaking, the whole body imposing manner broke out at the same time, such as 5 towering mountains, all around the void Heaven and Earth, all will be crushed into a fan.

In an instant, countless Space-Time turbulence broke out, disturbing the Vault of Heaven, Heaven and Earth dim, 10000 cloud color changes.

Behind them, a group of Divine King could n’t help but rush out of True Qi cultivation base, and even threw a large thunderbolt, endless divine might, like a storm and tsunami, rushing Heaven and Earth.

“This … is it going to war !?”

“God, too terrifying! The battle of respect, let’s go!”

“This place should not stay for a long time!”


All the practitioners in the ancient city of Pantian, seeing this scene, are all complexion greatly changed, and their faces are pale.

This is a battle between a dozen Supreme powerhouses and a large group of God King Realm powerhouses, which is not something ordinary cultivators can watch.

Even if it is Earth Venerable Realm, once it is enveloped by the aftermath of the battle, it will definitely die.

If you do n’t run away now, you ’re really dead.

Even some weaker King King Realm began to evacuate quickly, not daring to stay for long.

“I’ll pick up a body first!”

Sword Supreme didn’t take much action against the war over there. A pair of beautiful eyes swept the city gate top 10 big pits and disappeared instantly.

Only a faint wave of empty sky passed by, and within less than one breath, when the Sword Supreme reappeared, it had already revered its power and enveloped 5 corpse of 9 Supreme domains.

“Bold! Who !? Dare to blaspheme!”

Jinlou Supreme, Hengwang Supreme and a group of people suddenly turned their heads, all angry, a pair of pairs, the flame almost condensed into substance, and roared loudly.

This is so endless! ?

Ten Supreme and 9 Domain Supreme were killed on that’s all, now there are still people who dare to remember their corpse! ?

This simply does not put these Supremes in the eyes, and does not put all the world’s top forces in the eyes, how can I bear it! ?

Supremes under the wrath, there will be no hand to stay there, a large attack burst out, like a flood of rumble rushing in.

“I rely!”

The fierce Pluto instantly complexion greatly changed, and his entire scalp exploded directly.

So many Supreme attacks are enough to crush his body into fine powder 100 times.

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