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The words of this flame hair young man, in Chu Yan’s heart, can only listen to at most half.

The meaning of what he said made Chu Yan understand that this green lotus seems to be its treasure before the reincarnation, and some still know.

Therefore, this youth of flame hair knows green lotus, so he must know himself before the reincarnation, and the relationship is not ordinary.

However, this relationship is likely to be bad rather than good, and may even be an enemy.

Otherwise, meeting at this time, all the flame hair young people are showing are suggesting this hostile relationship.

This flame hair youth did not kill himself directly, I am afraid there are some reasons before the reincarnation.

Moreover, Chu Yan could feel that it might have something to do with the thing he wanted to attract with green lotus.

Thinking of these, Chu Yan actually ignored the flame hair in his youth, and he didn’t care much.

However, the Supreme Knife who has been standing next to it is unwilling to look at it, coldly said “You think we can’t see it, you are here to find face, have you lost your face before? Son, dare to say that my family’s Chu Yan cultivation is slow !? “

flame hair youth hearing this, suddenly started, but not angry, but looked towards Chu Yan with a stunned face, seemed to think of something, said

“I … was not qualified to say him, after all, this guy had just been born before, but less …”

At this point in this sentence, the flame hair young man stopped, and will not go on.

“Green lotus, what is it?” Chu Yan asked after the opportunity.

What I really want to ask is of course before my own reincarnation, but Chu Yan knows that the other party will not answer.

At this time, the flame hair youth has just lost his mind and has only one chance.

“This lotus is your Life Source Falian. It blends with you and has a very special power!”

“Because of its existence, you used to be called Yan … Uh, forget it, I can’t say it anymore!”

flame hair youth shook the head, glanced at Chu Yan, eyes flashed and grinned with a smile, said no more, but still opened the mouth and said

“Before big brother said, without his 9-domain star map, you can’t grow green lotus to Great Perfection Realm, otherwise, that’s enough! Ha ha ha, big brother Ying Ming ah! But for you, it’s a pity …. ”

“How about looking for the 9-domain star chart? Haha, I won’t tell you …”

The flame hair young man with a smug look on his face, laughing wildly, seemed to watch Chu Yan suffocating, which was the happiest thing for him.

Chu Yan raised his eyebrows, his face speechless.

What surprised Chu Yan was that this green lotus turned out to be his own Life Source treasure!

Moreover, if there are 9 domain star maps, it can grow to Great Perfection Realm.

When the flame hair young man talked about the 9-domain star chart, it seemed that his eyes were full of fire. It seemed that he was also very interested in the 9-domain star chart.

“What special ability !?” Chu Yan asked urgently.

“Haha, don’t expect me to tell you that this life is … wrong, don’t even think about it in the next life! Even if I reincarnate 1000 times, I won’t tell you, die this heart, ha ha ha …”

Flame hair The youth heard Chu Yan’s question and seemed to have waited a long time. His emotions rose in an instant and he laughed a lot.

Let Chu Yan ate it again, ah!

“Okay, work now! Stop wasting time …”

This sentence landed, he directly waved his hand, and a large cloud of blood poured out, wrapping Chu Yan 2 again, instantaneously turned into a streamer, and rushed into the distance.

Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle, looking at the battlefield ruins, I was shocked.

This is more terrifying than any battlefield ruins he has ever seen, and are the Supreme Supremes fighting outbreaks here before? ?

However, it is in this terrible and ruined land that there are different lights of inheritance and treasure everywhere, as if on top of the endless Sea Territory, a whale with golden light and radiant light is eye-catching.

No wonder before that, the Supremes broke into the market, it should be for these opportunities and treasure.

However, human beings will die for riches, just as birds will for food, this time ten Supreme losses, all because of these …

Although these opportunities and inheritance are all extraordinary products, each one is like a ray of light, releasing aura that is enough to destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth. I am afraid that it is more than several times stronger than the Secret Realm of ordinary treasure.

Others may not be able to see through these, but Chu Yan has Qilin ’s pupils, and with a glance, you can basically see the level.

Therefore, Chu Yan looked at these opportunities and treasures, and became more enthusiastic.

However, there are strong guard forces around these opportunities and treasure, some are prohibited and some are Monster Beast.

These guardian forces are terrifying, and I am afraid even Supreme Blade is difficult to deal with.

“this one!”

After a little one hour, the flame hair youth finally stopped.

Chu Yan and Sword Supreme landed and looked up towards all around together. I saw it was at the foot of a mountain range. Above the top of the mountain, there was a big hole like a volcanic crater, which released a strong immortal strength outward.

A tall altar stands at the entrance of the earth cave, and the majestic Heaven and Earth spirit gathers on the altar, and the two large characters “God Hell” have evolved!

A group of blood-robe persons lay down on the altar all around, obviously still alive, but motionless, without even turning their eyes.

Even if Chu Yan was close to them, they did not react at all, and it looked like … Living dead!

These are all cultivators of Ancient Sect of Blood Heaven, all of which exist above God King Realm, and there are even two 2-domain Supremes.

“You sit here, don’t worry about the rest!”

flame hair The young man raised his finger, which was exactly the middle point between the altar and the mouth of the earth cave.

“I gave you 1 Supreme corpse, you don’t have to pay it, but at least don’t make other ideas! Your woman can be here!”

Chu Yan, the flame hair youth warned coldly.

“Xuan Tian, ​​how is it now?” Chu Yan Divine Consciousness sound transmission said.

“This God Hell, there is a word left to pass through Yin-Yang and Nine Revolutions in the afterlife!”

Speaking of which, Empress Xuan Tian paused for a while before proceeding

“He should want to discover the Antiquity era of the gods, some secret!”

“Do what he said first! Be responsive …”

Hearing the words of Empress Xuan Tian, ​​Chu Yan nodded said nothing. After all, he is now curious about the secret of the gods of flame hair youth.

Because these things may be related to their reincarnation.

Next, Chu Yan went to the place designated by the flame hair youth and sat cross-legged. After thinking about it, he immediately started cultivation.

Anyway, he said that it is enough to sit still, then he will cultivate himself.

Time passed quickly, an hour passed …

At this time, outside the Divine Realm continent, a storm intensified, with the departure of the flame hair youth, all influence was shocked.

Five 5-domain Peak battled him, but he couldn’t keep him, just leave! ?

This person’s strength has reached a real continent Peak.

Such a person creates a strong sense of threat to the entire continent forces.

Therefore, all influence is gaining momentum. On the one hand, it is observing the development of things, while mobilizing all forces to prepare to attack Forbidden Land.

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