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Compared with the outside world, the current Forbidden Land is calm.

After one hour passed, the volcanic crater-like cave finally responded.

In Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness, Green Lotus also flashed a little.

a path of Spirit Mark, shining on the ground all around the ground, like a pair of eyes inlaid on the ground, and at the same time open, releasing a light rays of light.

Throughout the sky, a huge spiritual breath is surging, as if a tornado is slowly forming, the eye of the storm is pointing to this cave.

The people in Ancient Sect of Blood Heaven suddenly climbed up from the ground and started to circle around the huge altar.

On him, the rich bloody aura was released, all poured into the altar in front of him.

This obviously looks like a ceremony. Although the role of the ceremony cannot be seen, it is definitely not easy to need so many God King Realm and Supreme stimulate.

“Yes! Yes! It really depends on your green lotus! The speed has increased more than ten times!”

Flame hair youth looked at this scene and glanced at Chu Yan, said with a smile.

“Green Lotus attracted !? Did you say that I was in my Cave Mansion, you used it to wake me up !?” Sword Supreme understood something and asked Chu Yan.

“En!” Chu Yan nodded.

“Well … I know a place, and next time we go together!” Supreme Knife Supreme suddenly shined eyes and whispered.

At this time, she seemed to have forgotten the plight in front of her, and her beautiful eyes all smiled into 2 stars, shining brightly.

It seems that the place she said is very mysterious!

“Well, this group of Taboo Ridge, here!” The young flame hair turned his head gently, looking towards the horizon.

“Forbidden Ridge !? You do not deal with them !?” Sword Supreme glanced at the sky and asked flame hair youth.

“Who is this Taboo Ridge !? What is the origin !?” Chu Yan also asked.

“You are all curious !? It really matches! It’s okay to tell you, anyway, you will know soon!”

flame hair young this time is very simple, did not want to hide, then said

“These guys, in line with our top ten gods, are the life and death enemies! It is also said that it is the 2 Great Array camp, the hostile relationship of Innate!”

“The origin! It’s nothing, just a bunch of eagle dogs raised by that guy!”

“Not good !?” Chu Yan was stunned.

Even Kuangdao Supreme seemed to hear this “name” for the first time, and the small face was full of surprise.

With her strength, the Antiquity era also almost became the existence of the Supreme in the sky.

However, looking at her reaction, it seems to be the first time to hear the name.

“Regarding” not good “, you don’t have understood now, just leave it alone!”

flame hair youth hook the head, throw it to Chu Yan a piece of Jade Talisman, said

“There is a simple map here, you should go out according to this route, it should be safe!”

“Remember not to mess around, with your strength, it is possible to be lost anywhere in this place!”

Chu Yan collected Jade Talisman without any hesitation, and he rose directly into the sky with the mad knife Supreme, moved towards the distance and flew away.

Next, if not unexpectedly, the flame hair youth and the people at Taboo Hill should break out a war.

Although Chu Yan was a little curious about Taboo Ridge and did not know whether they had the strength to fight against the flame hair youth, but he also knew that with his current strength, I am afraid he could not participate in this battle.

Therefore, it is safer to stay away.

So far, everything to resurrect Yue Linglong is complete.

For Chu Yan, nothing is more important than this.

Just let them fight, and now she must resurrect Yue Linglong as soon as possible to regenerate her Divine Realm.

Just when Chu Yan and Supreme Blade had just left the volcanic crater, a silhouette came out from under the altar and stood in front of the flame hair youth.

“It’s really possible to see that battle in this god hell !?”

Hearing the other party ’s words, the young flame hair turned his head and looked at him with a solemn expression.

“Blood Sect Lord, that battle was not qualified to be recorded anywhere! The entire Divine Realm is only possible here! I do n’t believe it, they will not leave some clues, or they will find it after reincarnation Back to the memories of those days !? “

Hearing this remark, Blood Sect Lord nodded suddenly, slightly nodded.

“Also, you can get the treasure you want, you do n’t have to worry about the rest!”

“Good! My Blood Scient Ancient Sect is naturally willing to cooperate with one of the ten great gods!” Blood Sect Lord grinned with a smile.

“That’s good!” The flame hair youth replied at will.

Immediately, 2 people turned their heads together, looked towards the volcanic crater in front of them.

I saw the rays of light in the big hole getting brighter and brighter, and it seemed that a piece of lava was rolling up underneath, reflecting half of the sky as fire red.

Seeing the scene of the fire, the red-haired young man’s face was red and his blood was boiling.

“Fleshy body! The Fleshy body on the Lord must be there! It must be …”

The eyes grew bigger and bigger, the flame hair youth murmured to himself, seeming to cheer himself up.

“Hmph! If you die, why do you want to be reborn? This Divine Realm continent does not welcome you!”

Suddenly, the sound of a thunderbolt pressure above the sky sounded, and numerous bones rolled in the sky, forming a cloud of bones, moved towards this piece.

Above the sea of ​​bones, there are 5 tall skeletons with golden light shining, and raising their hands is the youth of flame hair under punch towards.

“Forbidden Ridge people! Come quickly!”

The Sect Lord of Ancient Sect suddenly changed the complexion, and the whole body’s blood light soared into the sky.

“A group of eagles, full of Stinking Insect, why haven’t Corpse Insect gnawed you all in 10000 !?”

The flame hair youth looked towards the sky, sneered with a sneer, and then the whole body flame rose, turned into a soaring Fire Dragon roll, sweeping towards 5 golden bones.

“Thief, kill me clansman, pay with your life!”

Not waiting for this move to collide, the far horizon was a thunder blast, full of 9 streamers stormed out, dazzling like a star.

Between the rapid flight and radio, the majestic power has exploded, and the mountain range forest broke apart instantly, and the mountains moved, like a world destroying disaster.

These 9 people are exactly the Peak 2 Dao Lineage, Top 100 Ancient Race and other Peak forces, asked Supreme!

The whole Divine Realm continent, Martial Dao powerhouse!

“Good coming! Waiting for you for a long time!”

The flame hair youth was not surprised at the arrival of these 9 people, but instead smiled slightly.

Immediately, with a big hand wave, in the forest at the foot of the mountain range, beams of light rose from the dense forest into the sky and hit the sky directly.

In an instant, countless blood lights surged in the sky, engulfing the whole sky, and instantly turned into a bloody Heaven and Earth.

A super-sky Great Array, formed in an instant, covering 100,000 miles.

Another outside, outside the battlefield …

Chu Yan and Supreme Sword Supreme heard the sound coming from behind, and they all stopped and turned to look, seeing the direction of the volcanic crater, exploding heaven shaking earth shattering, Heaven and Earth discoloration, and sucking in a breath of cold air.

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