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The battle scene between Divine Realm continent powerhouse is really amazing. The horror aura released is enough to shake Heaven and Earth.

Even if Chu Yan 2 is far apart, they are still affected by those auras.

“Ask Venerable Lord!”

Sword Supreme looked in that direction, and his small face was full of dignity.

Hearing this, Chu Yan almost understood.

Above Supreme is 9 Domain Supreme, and above 9 Domain Supreme is asked Venerable Lord!

Asked about the Venerable Lord’s realm, almost impossible is achieved through cultivation, even if it is a realm breakthrough, it is absolutely impossible!

That requires endless years of savings and transformation, there is a Transcendent Saint mood.

Therefore, the Venerable Lord, who still exists on Divine Realm continent, is basically an 10000-year-old monster that has survived from Great Ancient Era.

“Hurry up! The Venerable Lord shot, it is impossible to estimate! Even if it is just a trace of formable power …”

Sword Supreme’s complexion remained dignified, he told Chu Yan.

However, before she finished talking, the opposite Chu Yan suddenly had a complexion greatly changed, her pupils shrunk, and she seemed to feel something, and her mind was instantly immersed.


The drop of marrow previously obtained in the white jade palace turned into a magic heart and existed within the body.

At this time, the magic heart actually started to beat, releasing a large amount of black magic breath, occupying Chu Yan’s entire body instantly.

A fantasy and special feeling rose in his magic heart, as if the call and expectation of 10,000,000 years, guiding him in one direction.

“Chu Yan, are you okay !?” Sword Supreme felt the change of Chu Yan aura, and his small face was full of tension.

The magic breath is so strong! ?

Did Chu Yan even cultivate the demonic path! ?

However, this will not conflict with each other and affect the cultivation base realm! ?

“This was in the white jade palace …”

Chu Yan looked at the intense expression of Kuang Dao Supreme and suddenly felt warm in his heart, explaining to her the source of her magical heart.

Martial Dao cultivation, has its own way of law, if you go against the way, of course it will cause people to worry.

“This direction is that the graveyard of the ancient seed I said, is it …”

After listening to Chu Yan’s words, Supreme Knife Supreme was shocked, turned his head towards the direction pointed by Chu Yan, and his mouth opened slightly.

“Chu Yan, this place is very important!”

At this time, the voice of Emperor Xuantian in Sea of ​​Consciousness suddenly sounded, although as always cold, but obviously with a hint of anxiety.

“I have found out that one of the ten Antiquity gods that the man said is not you, he should have admitted it wrong!”

“What !? Admit mistake !?” Chu Yan was stunned on the spot!

Cracking a joke! ?

That fierce person, but one of the ten gods of Antiquity, a person who bullies the existence of 5 digits and 9 domains, will even recognize …

“This one….”

However, Chu Yan thought about it, it was really not impossible!

After all, the man’s temperament is a bit … strange!

It feels a bit like the combination of Fanchen and fatty, which makes people speechless.

However, if Emperor Xuantian said it true, let the fierce person know that he was looking for the wrong person.

It took a long time in front of myself, but I found the wrong person. This is a bit … unexpected!

“Okay! I will go now!”

Chu Yan reacted, shook the head, and said to Empress Xuan Tian.

What is your own reincarnation! ?

The more cultivation, the more realm is improved, Chu Yan discovered that the impact of this reincarnation on himself is extremely huge.

Therefore, we must find a way to unlock the secret of reincarnation!

Since Empress Xuantian made herself have to go, it means that this place is definitely related to her own reincarnation.

“Too ancient seed tomb !? Lin Meng, I want to go in and see, are you in !?”

Of course Chu Yan knew that Lin Meng knew this place, but did not go in.

This shows that it is either not open, or extremely dangerous, or both.


Hearing Chu Yan’s problems, Lin Meng was reluctant at the time, and his face was angry, and he was very shy, and almost scared Chu Yan’s heart.

“What are you doing !?” Chu Yan was stunned, not understanding Lin Meng’s meaning at all.

“Husband said to go there, the concubine walks with her, even if it is the knife sea fire sea, it is no regret! Why should Husband ask your servant !?”

In Lin Meng’s words, Chu Yan said that his face was twitching and his heartbeat was getting faster and faster.

Can’t afford to offend !

Really can’t afford to offend ah!

This Lin Meng is getting more and more powerful.


After taking a deep breath, after calming down, Chu Yan turned and ran away, daring not to stare at Lin Meng’s delicate face again.


With a hello, Chu Yan flew forward in accordance with the guidance of the demon.

“Husband be careful, there are many traps on this road.”

With a word on the ground, Lin Meng, whose mouth was light, caught up quickly and took Chu Yan’s hand before continuing to fly forward.

That picture is absolutely, Jin Fengyu Lu Yi followed, winning countless lives!

If anyone sees this scene, they are absolutely envious and jealous.

Flying slowly along the way, Chu Yan and Supreme Blade simultaneously performed thepulp technique to avoid the prohibition and Killing Formation. Although the speed was not fast, it wasn’t far away, but it was not far away.

Falling on the ground and looking up, I saw this desolate land, and powerful magic was released everywhere.

This demonic path will be very different from Martial Dao’s will!

From the roots, the Martial Dao will is always the source of Human Race’s nature, and the demonic path will not be so simple and extremely complicated.


Not waiting for 2 people to see all around, a roar like thunderbolt sounded.

On the ground in the distance, a small hill rises from the ground, and all kinds of rock dust fall from the hill, gradually revealing the whole appearance of the hill.

This is one incomparable gigantic Monster Beast corpse, which has no life at all, but drags a huge beast bone stick like a walking corpse and steps forward.

Although the beast carcass is almost devoid of flesh and blood, it can’t see its original appearance at all, but it looks like it is standing on two feet and walking, dragging the bones with the hand, it should be the Monkey Beast.

“Golden Demon Ape !?”

Sword Supreme swept across, his face changed instantly.

This is the existence of the Taikoo Demon Beast 100 strong list, and its reputation is far-reaching. A monster cultivator is comparable to the Supreme of 9 domains. Most likely, its Fleshy body has reached the state of asking the demon, Undying and Inextinguishable!

Therefore, even from the ancient Great Ancient Era to the present, its fleshy body still exists.

However, even if the fleshy body is still there, what is the point of the demon soul passing away! ?

“Be careful, you must slay its demon source to be able to …”

Furious Supreme flipped his hand, a purple sword appeared on her jade hand, and a battle intent surged throughout her body.


But at this moment, Chu Yan stopped Supreme Knife.

This “Golden Demon Ape” gave him a very strange feeling, which made Chu Yan puzzled for a while.

“Roar … roar …!”

The empty eyes swept to Chu Yan and Supreme Sword Supreme. The golden demon ape seemed to confirm the target, and gave a roaring sky, stepped out, the ground trembles, and the bone stick dragged up.

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