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3 Pairs of eyes, together with Lin Meng’s beautiful big eyes, all saw Chu Yan and walked out of the portal.

“How can it be!?”

“impossible !”

The fat old fogey and the thin old fogey almost roared, and turned into 2 groups of lightning, rushing towards the entrance.

Bang! Bang!

It was like two meatballs hitting a wall, making two muffled noises, and the silhouettes of two people bounced back at the same time, hitting the ground and sliding up 2 steps before gradually stopping.

By the time two old fogey’s gray faces climbed up from the ground, their already full bags, bloody nose and swollen face.

At this time, because they were too surprised, and they waited too long, when they rushed up, there was no trace left, almost full body strength broke out, and of course it was not bad.


The shirtless robust man looked at this scene, his eyes wide, his face full of disbelief.

During the period of being trapped, their three people had no way to do it. Even the secret technique and the forbidden technique, even the spontaneous Divine Soul method had been tried and they couldn’t get out at all.

Even within ten steps of the mask, he couldn’t get close.

But now, this little Heavenly Venerable Realm, like a ants-like cultivator, actually … has passed! ?

“God … every day, hurry up, how did you do it?”

The old fogey is now completely crazy, his face twisted, his nose and eyebrows are all twisted into one place, and he shouted at the silhouette outside the door.

“Don’t you say I’m Husband, will I bump into a bag !?”

Sword Supreme’s small face is full of smug smiles, small jaw slightly raised, looking down at the two old fogey sons.

Her little face of peerless allure is full of pride …

Look, this is my Husband, not great! ?

“What !? What a bag, me !? Hiss … hurts!”

The Sea of ​​Consciousness of the fat old fogey has become a pot of porridge. I still remember what I said before. When I heard a pack of 3 words, I raised my hand directly to the top of my head and immediately grinned.

“Impossible! This little friend, handsome like a jade tree, tall and mighty, as I said long ago, he is the most outstanding genius of this Divine Realm continent, how could it be all in one package !?”

The thin old fogey responded extremely quickly and quickly opened the mouth and said with a smile on his face.

Hearing this, Chu Yan and Kuangdao Supreme looked at each other and smiled together.


This guy competes with Fan Chen and Hei Yao, the reaction speed, the lever … Flattery is very slippery.

“Little Brother, I have admired you for a long time, it is not good for us to be brother with different surnames, how !?”

“Fart’s knot is brother, you want to have no shame, you don’t have to look at how old you are !? Sorry !? Yeah, this grandpa! You might as well be my grandpa!”

“I depend, you are too shameless, uncle is a fart, I want to recognize him as my grandfather!”

“What !? You really …”


The two old fogey sons were at the entrance, blushing and having thick necks. In order to fight for Chu Yan as a grandson, they were all ready to roll up their sleeves and start working directly.


Chu Yan had goose bumps all over his body, and couldn’t bear it anymore.

“You think too much! According to my estimation, I should only go in and out by myself, and may not be able to take you out!”

Of course Chu Yan knew that he could get in and out of this place entirely because of that drop of marrow.

As Liu Piaopiao said, the master of this drop of marrow should also be the master here, and after you have merged this drop of marrow, you can freely enter and exit.

As soon as this sentence fell to the ground, the two old fogey sons on the scene, holding each other’s necks, were silly on the spot.

Even Supreme, who was just a little proud, was stunned on the spot.

“Hmph! It turns out that way, there is a fart!”

Fat old fogey changed his face on the spot, walked to the side with disappointment, picked up a cup of tea and poured it, and at the same time threw the tea cup fiercely in the hand to the ground, his nose full of gas.

Finally, I waited for the opportunity and thought that there was hope, but the result was still disappointed.

When will this ghost place go out! ?

“Why can you get in and out !?” The shirtless robust man walked past and looked at Chu Yan and asked.

“Because I have received a drop of marrow before, it should have something to do with this!” Chu Yan did not conceal it and directly replied it.

“Magic !? No wonder …”

The shirtless robust man and two old fogey sons looked at Chu Yan at the same time, his eyes blinked instantly.

Immediately afterwards, 3 people looked at each other and turned their heads towards towards Chu Yan.

“Little Brother, can you help me wait for help, as long as you urge the magic breath, plus some of our means, maybe there is a chance!”

The shirtless robust man finished and added, “As long as you are willing to help me, we need to pay no matter how great the benefits are! You can rest assured!”

Hearing this sentence, fat and thin old fogey were also nodded, pointing their heads like chickens peck rice.

“You mean, can you break this guardian spirit array !?” Sword Supreme asked.

“Yes! We have tried any means, only to forcibly eliminate this one method, have not tried it!” The shirtless robust man seriously replied.

Hearing this, Chu Yan and Supreme Knife were nodded at the same time, but they agreed with him.

For so many years, these three people are also impossible idle. They must be all kinds of attempts, and it is impossible to break it by force, otherwise they will go out.

“Well …”

Sword Supreme aimed at Chu Yan, but he saw Chu Yan slightly nodded, and suddenly his big eyes flashed.

“First, five Ancient Immortal-grade spirit medicines. Second, we are not allowed to be enemies against us, hurt us, 5rd, and come out with everything you know.”

“Let’s make the Heavenly Might oath on these three conditions first, and then talk about the help!”

The strength of these 3 people is at least the existence of 9 domains above Supreme. The conditions for the opening of Supreme Knife should be good to step on their bottom line.

This kind of good opportunity is not every day. How can Supreme Knife Supreme be polite to them?

“What … what !? 5 Ancient Immortal spirit medicine, why don’t you grab it !?”

Fat old fogey exploded on the spot, jumping and shouting

“2 little dolls, what would Ancient Immortal spirit medicine do !? It’s better to change something else …”

“No!” Sword Supreme shook his head directly.

When 2 old fogey startled and turned around towards Chu Yan, Chu Yan shrugged his shoulders and pointed to Lin Meng, indicating that he listened to her all.

For this kind of thing is good, of course, it is impossible that Lin Meng clearly knows, after all, she is 9 domain Supreme, knowing more good things than herself.

“you guys…..”

Skinny old fogey with black face, green forehead bulge, said solemnly

“Do you know, I’m waiting for who !? How dare you be so impudent with us, aren’t you afraid of death !?”

This sentence landed, Lin Meng suddenly smiled and said, “Sure enough, you can’t be trusted, this has not cooperated, and began to threaten us, if you let go out, then the consequences … hmph! Forget it, 2 shots!

Sword Supreme said, walking to Chu Yan’s side of the injury, and suddenly made the three people’s faces green.

“Don’t … don’t … 5 strains are 5 strains! Let’s take the Heavenly Might vow now!”

After finishing the speech, the three of them did not hesitate, and quickly used the power of Divine Soul to make the Heavenly Might vow.

“First talk about this place …”

Fat old fogey shook the head and began to explain what they knew.

“Well, what we know now is that this place is definitely the burial place of one of Antiquity’s ten great gods!”

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