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Regarding the top ten gods of Antiquity, it exists only in the knowledge of Divine Realm continent Peak powerhouse. As a cultivator below the general realm, few people know these secrets.

Therefore, when talking about the top ten gods of Antiquity, the fat old man increased his tone, and seemed to want to see the look of shock on Chu Yan’s face.

However, he was quickly disappointed.

Not only is Supreme Knife crazy, but Chu Yan also has a strange expression.

This is what the hell! ?

Antiquity Top Ten Gods ah!

That is the extreme that the cultivator can achieve, and you are not surprised at all! ?

It should be known that, according to the experience of the practitioners, they usually find the burial place of the damaged powerhouse, and often can get the inheritance of the powerhouse.

It was a step in the sky, and even the chance of reaching the gods, but there was no unexpected look on the faces of these two people.

Could it be that I have been here for too long and it is a bit outdated! ?

The outside world is now full of Antiquity gods! ?

Pooh! Antiquity, there are ten gods in total, okay, you …

“These 2 little friends, it seems that the origin is out of the ordinary ah!”

Fat old fogey stared for a long time, Chu Yan 2 people still did not respond, could not help but slammed 2 times, and said again

“The large tomb group outside is built around this tomb. If attacked, the entire tomb group will evolve into a super-sky Great Array!”

Speaking of which, the eyes of Chu Yan and Kuang Dao Supreme 2 also show a different color at the same time.

This is more than a dozen tombs of Daoist masters. If it evolves into Killing Formation, it would n’t even kill the gods! ?

“The biggest secret is …”

Fat old fogey raised his tone and looked at Chu Yan and Supreme Sword Supreme with pride.

“Here, there is a person, the complete god corpse, right in the palace!”

Speaking of the complete corpse of the gods, 3 fat and thin old fogeys plus 1 shirtless robust man, a flash of light flashed in their eyes at the same time.

Their three people want to go out, on the one hand, to get out of trouble, but also to snatch the corpse of the gods.

Antiquity The top ten gods, the first 5 are all impacting the Supreme existence, and the remaining 5 are invincible Dao Lord Realm!

If you can get one of the corpse, what an amazing benefit! ?

“The gods corpse !?”

Even Chu Yan is a complexion changed.

There are corpse gods here! ?

If you say that your own reincarnation is really one of the top ten gods of Antiquity, even if it is possible … your own! ?

Chu Yan At this moment, the entire Divine Soul was trembling.

The first time I was so close to my reincarnation!

“Break through this guardian spirit array first, and let’s talk!” Chu Yan woke a little, then woke up from contemplation and shook his head.

“Senior, so start !?”

Looking at the shirtless robust man, Chu Yan asked.

“Here is a gap I have made for a long time. When I shoot, you only need to infuse the magic breath into it!”

After he finished speaking, he lifted the stone lock and hit the ground with all his strength again, and the sound of bang bang continued.

Skinny old fogey seemed to think of something and asked strangely

“What is the essence of this kid within the body !?”

The shirtless robust man didn’t lift his head, still smashing the ground with all his strength, and at the same time replied “The drop of devil’s essence is the divine essence blood, only one drop, it has little effect!

Chu Yan hearing this, but nodded, recognizes the claim of bald robust man.

Because this is close to his own guess.

“That line, wait a moment to go all out!” Skinny old fogey nodded, no longer ask more.

At this moment, the ground suddenly shuddered, and in the sky above the head, the huge guardian spirit array began to buzz and tremble.

This scene suddenly changed everyone’s face.

The power of this spirit array, they have seen before, if this really broke out, then they do n’t want to be buried here! ?

The next moment, the buzzing guardian spirit array, even a path of rays of light fell, all rushing to Chu Yan.


Chu Yan was stunned, looking at the strange light on his body, not knowing what happened.

Could it be that the gods corpse in this palace sensed themselves and produced mutation! ?

Various thoughts flashed in Sea of ​​Consciousness, Chu Yan did not hesitate at all, moved towards the front and flew away.

Sure enough, when he collided with the Spirit Array, the Spirit Array did not react at all.


Seeing this scene, the fat old fogey was so startled that his eyes were green.

Immediately afterwards, the rays of light above the Spirit Array flashed again and fell down, but this time it was moved towards the Sword Supreme falling.

“How could this be!?”

Sword Supreme knows of course that Chu Yan has a devil’s body, and it is normal to be immune to the influence of the Spirit Array.

But she within the body, there is no magic breath at all, how can it be affected! ?

“Is it …”

At the next breath, the Sword Supreme suddenly thought of something, and he immediately smiled like a flower, and suddenly passed through the Spirit Array to Chu Yan.

“my God…”

“Fuck, nest!”


The fat old fogey and the thin old fogey exclaimed at the same time, even the shirtless robust man exclaimed.

Chu Yan that guy can pass through the spirit array, they are not surprised, but that female doll, how did it do it! ?

“I have understood! I have understood!”

Suddenly, the fat old fogey jumped up suddenly among the three, and the whole person was howling like crazy.

“Time is up! We are free, let us go! Everyone can go in and out freely now!”

While speaking, the fat old fogey body burst out with an amazing red light, like a group of red lighting groups, moved towards the front of the spirit formation wall fiercely rushing away.

Boom …!

There was a loud noise, and then the fleshy meatball flew back and rolled out a hundred steps before falling to the ground and splashing dust all the way.

This time is comparable to the last time, the fat old fogey looks much more miserable.

The whole person’s whole body split by thunder-fire emits black smoke, and in the cracked skin, red granulation can be seen all over the body.

If you get close, you can even smell a barbecue smell.


Fat old fogey paralyzed on the ground for a long time like dead, jumped out suddenly, growled with blood-red eyes.

At this time, his whole heart was bleeding, and his stomach was full of suffocation.

Thinking back then, he was unhindered Divine Realm, invincible, and that time was not a joy, Tyrant Absolute in the Whole World gesture.

But now, it was covered in dirt 2 times in a row, and it was miserable.

Is there anything worse than myself in this world! ?

“go away!”

The thin old fogey raised his hand and snapped a buckle, turned his head towards towards Chu Yan and Mad Sword Supreme, and the smile on his face bloomed like a flower.

“Little Brother, we have cooperated … you see …”

“As the saying goes, rely on yourself at home, go out to rely on brother! I have always regarded you as a relative, you can not leave me ah!”

As soon as these words were spoken, Chu Yan’s eyes twitched suddenly.

“Speak, what are your requirements !?” Chu Yan said.

“Then very good! Please brother help us find out, see if there is any way to open this spirit array or ban!” Slender old fogey 2 eyes glowed.

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