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Fat old fogey dragged his wounds, as well as shirtless robust man gathered at the entrance, looking at Chu Yan and Sword Supreme outside.

“This guardian spirit array must have a formation eye. We have looked inside and it must be outside!”

“As long as the core of the formation eye is broken, this guardian spirit array will naturally be destroyed!”

The shirtless robust man looked at Chu Yan’s gaze, trembling slightly, looking a little excited.

“This is no problem!”

Chu Yan and Supreme Knife looked at each other and smiled at the same time.

“Hope Little Brother can help us find this formation eye and break it!” Thin old fogey also added.

“Of course no problem!” Chu Yan said with a smile.

Next, five people with ten eyes, facing each other, instantly cold …

After a full 3 breaths time, the fat old fogey suddenly reacted, and the corner of the mouth fiercely twitched twice.

“I’ll play 10 Ancient Immortal spirit medicine again!”

This sentence fell to the ground, the thin old fogey and the shirtless robust man complexion changed at the same time.

10 Ancient Immortal spirit medicine! ?

This is to add the previous 5 strains, that is, 5 1 strains!

This … This is more profitable than grabbing it!

“Don’t … don’t, we can’t come up with so much Ancient Immortal spirit medicine!”

The shirtless robust man twitched all over his face, fiercely glared at the fat old fogey, and then said, “Only take 10 at most, we will give 5 more Antiquity Taobao, what do you think!”

This is to say to Chu Yan, but the eyes of the last few people, including Chu Yan, turned to look towards Mad Sword Supreme.

Ancient Immortal-level spirit medicine, how precious!

It would be really cost-effective to earn so much if only one formation eye were broken.

However, upon hearing this, Supreme Knife was reluctant, saying

“This is too little, without adding one more condition, each of you 3 owes me Husband a favor, at least one shot, how?”

Hearing this, the shirtless robust man, the fat and thin old fogey complexion sank, looked at each other, and all three eyes were helpless.

“This may be a little bit, we can only never know you will!”

“That’s all right! Okay!” Sword Supreme’s mouth pouted.

This time, not only the shirtless robust man 3 people, but even Chu Yan was stunned.

This Mad Sword Supreme is indeed an expert, just as if you are chopping bones, squeezing benefits from the other party.

“Then let’s go and see!”

Sword Supreme waved his hand and moved towards the palace not far away with Chu Yan.

I looked at the palace in the guardian spirit array before, but I felt ordinary. Now I stand in front of it and can immediately feel a strong pressure of aura

This aura is even more powerful than the 9-domain Supreme.

“You follow me!”

Chu Yan greeted and moved towards the side hall on the right.

As soon as he walked to the door of the hall, he hadn’t come and pushed the door. Chu Yan saw a huge Amethyst Stones inlaid above the door frame.

“this is….”

Sword Supreme looked at the Amethyst Stones, his eyes brightened instantly.

“God ah!”

The fat old fogey in the distance, with a shocked expression on his face, exclaimed directly, “That’s Panlong Stone! It’s the formation eye of Panlong’s twisted sky array!”

“Strange, this … how is this the original stone !? This dragon stone has never been used !?”

The thin old fogey was also full of surprise, looking at the amethyst stone, his eyes were all crimson.

Panlong twisted sky array, of course, is a super Great Array, and this dragon stone is the formation eye that urges the Great Array.

As long as it is on display, even if it is the Supreme of 9 domains, it will be hard to move.

The most important thing is that this formation eye has never been used, but a masterless object.

It can be said that this is equal to who found it and to whom!

This is a super Great Array that can trap Supreme in 9 domains. ?

“This is comparable to an Antiquity Taobao, congratulations Husband!”

Sword Supreme’s big eyes are full of little stars, and he is happier than he picked it up. Congratulations to Chu Yan.

At the same time, Supreme Blade also told Chu Yan the benefits and usage of this dragon stone in detail.

Hearing this, Chu Yan was immediately delighted.

white jade palace!

That’s the God Blessed Land that I just got. With this plate of dragon stone, it can be used as a guardian spirit array.

“Unfortunately, you can only trap 9 domain Supreme, if you can be stronger!”

Chu Yan removed the Panlong Stone and received it in Rakshasa Space. Just before stepping into the hall, he heard a cry from Supreme Knife Supreme.

“This is myriad beasts!”

On the other side of the palace door frame, there is even a round demon pill, which is covered with soul Caixia, which is not an ordinary Monster Beast inner core at first glance.

“Roar roar….”

Seems to be attracted by Divine Consciousness of Chu Yan and Supreme Sword Supreme 2. Among the monsters, an 8-arm Vajra rushed out, yelling at Chu Yan zhi zhi.

This is obviously Dan Ling, although the level is very low, and even will not speak, but this movement eyes, obviously playing with Chu Yan.

“I rely on ah!”

The fat old fogey was almost crazy by the spirit array.

“Myriad beasts Emperor Pill, is another myriad beasts spirit array !? What’s the special situation !? Now all the super spirit arrays are used for picking up !?”

Hearing the voice from behind, Supreme Blade quickly reminded Chu Yan

“Quick, Husband closes. Although the myriad beasts are the same rank as the previous Panlong Stone, but with spirit wisdom, it is enough to seriously injure a 9-domain Supreme!”

Chu Yan was overjoyed by the news.

Then, Chu Yan had just collected myriad beasts, and as soon as he looked up, he saw a black flag on the temple door.

“What am I … that is Killing God’s sacrifice flag! And … and masterless object again !?”

Fat old fogey, including thin old fogey, and shirtless robust man can no longer calm down, all exclaimed.

This hasn’t even entered the door yet, and I have picked up three of them, which is comparable to an Antiquity Taobao Spirit Array! ?

Moreover, the Spirit Array has always been among the treasures, the most precious, even a Spirit Array can be compared to 2 to 3 pieces of Antiquity Taobao.

After all, in the realm Supreme 9 domain, Antiquity Taobao is almost everyone, but Antiquity Spirit Formation Dao treasure, that is not everyone.

Even, some 9 domain Supreme can only conquer some powerful Monster Beast monsters to help them guard the Cave Mansion.

“Why didn’t you urge !? It’s that fool, with 3 Super Spirit Arrays, but he didn’t show it !? Is it sick?

Fat old fogey’s blushing purple, howling with his voice.

Generally speaking, it turned out to be a spirit array. Of course, they were used directly after they were obtained, but they were put away if not used.

Who will throw this thing on the ground casually! ?

Moreover, if these 3 Great Arrays are put into use, this palace may become a terrifying peerless killing ground!

Even 9 domain Supreme did not dare to take a step, but now is good, which directly becomes treasure, take whatever you want.

“You are stupid! Are you a pig !?”

“To shut up!”

The thin old fogey and the shirtless robust man shouted at the same time to the fat old fogey, his face pale with anger.

Are you stupid! ?

Do you really hope that these 3 Spirit Arrays are in use, blocking those 2 little dolls, can’t help us find the formation eye! ?

“Oh yes!”

Fat old fogey was roared by these 2 sounds, calmed down in shock, suddenly shrunk his neck, no longer dared to nibble, only to stare …

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