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Hearing the old voice, Sword Supreme nodded, also said to Chu Yan

“Yes! He is right!”

Chu Yan hearing this, although not understanding, was still nodded and began to record these patterns and Spirit Mark.

The whole great hall, 4 walls, plus Heaven flower board and ground, a total of 6 sides, all are pictures about the battlefield.

Although it is vague, if you look closely, you can still see the original intention of the painting.

Chu Yan looked at it and quickly fell into it.

This battle of heaven shaking earth shattering is completely presented in the pattern in front of me, imposing manner is magnificent, and even Daobao and Divine Weapon used by a powerhouse are portrayed.

When Chu Yan sank into the pattern, he did not find that the 9-domain star map in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, rows of azure gold letters, flashed quietly.

Time passed quickly, Chu Yan remembered these patterns and Spirit Mark, although Divine Consciousness was all concentrated, but still very slow.

An hour passed by the clouds, and Supreme Blade and Chu Yan exhaled for a long time, finally waking up from the pattern, and turned to move towards the next palace.

It was a partial hall just now, without any treasure, only some patterns.

And this one is the main hall. In theory, it should be more important than the partial hall. If there is really peerless treasure, the chance of appearing in the main hall is much greater.

Standing in front of the door of the main hall, Chu Yan and Supreme Knife looked at each other, breath deeply, and pushed open the door of the hall.


The hall door opened, and an immortal strength of extreme strength swept out, blowing the hair of the two people up.

This Immortal Intent aura, Green Ancient lasts for a long time, making people feel trembling, as if stepping into Immortal Palace.

“Yi !? Broken Dragon Stone !?”

After the hall door opened, a wall appeared in front of it, but it was a huge broken dragon stone.

The so-called broken dragon stone is set in the general city city gate. When it is invincible or encounters an extremely dangerous situation, put down the huge broken dragon stone after the city gate to block the entire city gate and prevent the enemy from entering .

This setting is also a common institution in the tomb.

“Good weight!”

Chu Yan tried to use True Qi and wanted to lift the broken dragon stone, but after a try, the power of his Heavenly Venerable Realm cultivation base could not move at all.

I want to know that the broken dragon stone in the cemetery of the gods, impossible is an ordinary stone.

“I come!”

Sword Supreme came down with a small face at that time, jade foot lifted slightly, and stood in front of Broken Dragon Stone.

However, two people work hard at the same time, True Qi rushes away like a gang wind, the broken dragon stone still has no trace of movement, as heavy as Buddha Mountain Yue.

“It’s too …”

Chu Yan and Kuang Dao Supreme looked at each other, both eyes were shocked.

Lin Meng is Supreme, or Supreme of 9 domains, even if it is really a mountain in front of her, her strength is enough to lift it.

But now, there is no movement at all! ?

“Something wrong ah!”

The voices of the three old fogeys behind him sounded, and the tone of the voice was also doubtful.

You know, Chu Yan within the body has a drop of marrow, which has a great relationship with the owner of this cemetery. When I crossed over to guard the spirit array just now, there was no obstruction at all.

But now, what is the situation when this broken dragon stone blocks the road! ?

This is totally unreasonable ah!

“The gods corpse, stop me !?” Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness suddenly flashed a consciousness.

However, Moshen actively recognized, indicating that he led me to this place, but why should he stop me and not let me find it! ?

Chu Yan, who has the same doubtful face as the old fogey of the shirtless robust man 3, also feels unreasonable.

However, if there is no way to open it, I can only look forward to Shi Xingtan.

“Forget it, go to another side hall first!”

Chu Yan shook the head, without much thought, turned and walked to the right side hall.

Soon, 2 people came to the side hall on the other side, running body protection Gang Yuan and pushed towards the hall gate.

The same Immortal Intent gushed out like a mountain breeze, and then suddenly suddenly darkened.


Chu Yan, Sword Supreme, 3 old fogey are all long relaxed, at least this side hall, there is no broken stone blocking the road.

Otherwise, there are 3 great halls and 2 can’t get in. One only has paintings, so it’s really exhaled.

Stepping into the hall, it was dark, without any light, and 5 fingers could not be reached.

Even with the pupil power of Chu Yan and Mad Sword Supreme, they can only see the situation within ten steps.

“be careful!”


Fat old fogey and thin old fogey looked nervous, and at the same time reminded.

Generally speaking, in the ground hall of the cemetery, the corpse is in the main hall, but some people will put the corpse in the side hall for safety, and set the main hall into a huge killing intent.

So, what is in this partial hall is really hard to say.

“what is this!?”

Suddenly, Kuang Dao Supreme’s footsteps stagnate, and he exclaims.

Chu Yan heard the sound and turned his head to see, but he saw a crystal coffin with a black crystal in front, and the crystal clear and near-transparent, through the crystal coffin, you can see the inside, a gray Elder ’s Young corpse, lie in it.

“God ah! This will not be the god corpse !?”

Fat and thin old fogey exclaimed again and again, staring at the corpse in the crystal coffin, his eyes were almost flying out.

You know, they risked mortal danger, and were finally trapped in the guardian spirit array for some unknown time, all for the gods corpse, and now they have finally seen it.

How could it not be exciting! ?


The shirtless robust man spoke suddenly and thundered.

“This person is not the past! I have seen the portrait of Lord Heavenly Dao. It is an old man look, not a youth at all!”

Although it is said that cultivators above the cultivation base, it is extremely easy to change their appearance.

But the more powerhouse, the higher the realm’s existence, the less you care about your appearance, and you will not spend immortal strength on the flesh at all.

“In the past !?”

Chu Yan and Sword Supreme suddenly startled, and at the same time remembered that there seemed to be more than a dozen tombs outside.

There is a cemetery with gold characters on it, which seems to be … going to heaven.

A corpse of a power house, it was put so simply here, a black hall, a crystal coffin …

“Look, there is a crystal coffin here!”

While Sword Supreme turned around towards all around, he exclaimed again.

Sure enough, looking at the left side, there is an almost identical black crystal coffin, but looking forward, there is …

In a row, nine crystal coffins were lined up.

“This … there are 9 crystal coffins here!”

Chu Yan looked at this scene, and his heart was shocked!

It wo n’t be said that these 9 crystal coffins are all Taoist masters! ?

Among these 9 crystal coffins, all lie a corpse, there are old and young, men and women …

Some have a serene face, some have a cold eyebrow, some have a grimace, some have a murderous aura, have nothing common with each other.

Throughout the black great hall, a murderous aura breath emerged, making Chu Yan and Supreme Blade’s bodies softly trembled.

Although these people have been damaged, and the corpse aura is isolated by the crystal coffin, even the slightest sigh of spilling out is terrifying to such a degree.

“God, I have understood! The tombs outside are all fake! All their bodies lie here!”

Fat old fogey suddenly screamed, scared everyone, and turned his head to stare at him.

“I … I mean … I just thought …”

Staring at the eyes of Chu Yan and the strong man and the others, the voice of fat old fogey’s justification is getting weaker and weaker …


It ’s a matter of thinking, knowing with your heels, okay! ?

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