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Dao Lord Realm powerhouse, was the cream of the crop powerhouse of the whole world during his lifetime. After the damage, how to build a burial place, how could it be so rough.

More impossible, bury with other masters!

Only I Am Supreme’s powerhouse can’t bear it at all, and the situation with other people happens, of course, it will not allow you to lie beside him with a few close to his strength, and even there may be a rival in life! ?

If this really happens, then there is only one possibility!

Thinking of this, Chu Yan and Supreme Knife looked towards each other at the same time, and both of them looked and shocked in their eyes.

Although before, 2 people had seen Dao Lord Realm powerhouse when they fled from the flame hair youth.

But that was just a long way from Divine Consciousness. At close range, there was only one young person with flame hair.

But now, for the first time, I saw other masters besides flame hair youth, but it was 9 people at once.

The point is, these 9 are still corpse!

“Yi !? There is something wrong with this crystal coffin! How come there is no Spirit Mark and prohibited aura !?”

The shirtless robust man seemed to find something and whispered.

“No guardian !?”

Hearing this, Chu Yan and Supreme Knife were stunned.

How can this be! ?

Not to mention Dao Lord Realm, even when Martial Artist of the ordinary is buried, he will ban himself from the cemetery and the lower part of the spirit coffin. Almost everything will be done to prevent the latecomers from desecrating their bodies.

However, there are no Spirit Mark aura fluctuations in the 9 sarcophagi of Dao Lord Realm! ?

“Why not … wait!”

Chu Yan was wondering, but suddenly a Lingguang exploded in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, causing his pupils to shrink and his whole body trembling.

There is no prohibition and guardian of the spirit array!

That is not to say, these corpse of the lords … just take it! ?

God ah!

These are the bodies of 9 Dao Lord Realm powerhouses, what terrifying existence, the entire Divine Realm continent, is there a treasure more precious than this! ?

At this time, Chu Yan came to Forbidden Land in Pantian just to resurrect Yue Linglong and need powerhouse corpse.

Before meeting the flame hair youth, I accidentally got ten 9-domain Supreme corpse, which I thought was the best at present.

But I didn’t even think of it, but here I picked up … 9 corpse with Dao Lord Realm powerhouse! ?

If you use these 9 Taoist corpses to resurrect Yue Linglong, what terrifying level will her cultivation base strength rise to! ?

Even if it is 10%, it is close to Dao Lord Realm!

If you are more lucky, will you directly step heavenly ascension directly to the realm above Dao Lord Realm and the top 4 of Antiquity Ten Gods! ?


Thinking of this, Chu Yan suddenly sucked in a breath of cold air, and the entire Divine Soul began to tremble.

“No! I heard from Empress Xuan Tian before that it seems that it must be a corpse with blood energy within a month of being damaged before it can be used in the forbidden technique of resurrection!”

Soon, Chu Yan’s excitement calmed down, and she smiled and smiled the head.

Looking at the 9 Dao Lord Realm corpses in front of me, it is equivalent to keeping Baoshan empty but can’t use it. I was really disappointed.

“The power of Dao Lord Realm powerhouse has subverted the chaos of heaven and earth and belongs to the existence beyond the forbidden technique. It should be used for the resurrection of the forbidden technique!”

At this time, in Chu Yan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, Empress Xuantian’s sentiment was as cold as ever, but it sounded like natural sound.

“What !? Really!”

Chu Yan hearing this, who had just calmed down, suddenly opened his eyes again, very excited.

This feels like a roller coaster, too mysterious!

“Really! But there are 2 differences!”

“First of all, Dao Lord Realm ’s powerful morals within the corpse of the resurrection, even if resurrected, cannot be digested in a short time, and it takes time to integrate. How long depends on the innate talent and perception of the resurrection!

“Secondly, the most powerful Dao Lord Realm powerhouse is the amount of God Soul Power. The power of the Dao Lord in the corpse is less than 1% of the overall strength!”

Hearing these conditions, Chu Yan was not disappointed, but extremely excited.

Whether it takes time to integrate or 1% of Dao Lord Realm’s strength, these are not important. The most important thing is that Yue Linglong can be resurrected and has great strength.

In addition, this is like a seed. After the seeds of Dao Lord Realm are buried and resurrected in the future, the road of Martial Dao is equal to a smooth road. It has great advantages for the improvement of realm and morality.

“Limeng, I must take these corpse!”

Chu Yan turned and said to Lin Meng, his eyes were all decisive.

Now that it has been decided, it is 1000 difficult to 10000 resistance, 10000 points dangerous, Chu Yan must definitely get these corpse.

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, Lin Meng first started, and then her beautiful big eyes were slightly curved into crescents, nodded with a smile.

As long as it is Chu Yan’s decision, she will not give her full support, and she will give her full support!

However, the fat and thin old fogey and the naked man who were far away from the palace heard Chu Yan’s words, but their faces changed in unison.

“Kid, you are crazy!”

Fat old fogey’s face twitched constantly, yelling at Chu Yan.

“That’s Dao Lord Realm’s body, there are a total of nine, how can there be no prohibition? Well, this is a trap!”

Although Chu Yan heard this sentence, he didn’t hesitate at all. Without the slightest hesitation, he grabbed his claws and moved towards the nearest crystal coffin in front of him.


Gang claws thundered, struck through the air, and gave a sharp howling. The crystal coffin disappeared in the blink of an eye, and fell into the Rakshasa Space.

shua shua uh … uh shua!

There was no pause or hand stop. Chu Yan waved his hands constantly, and all the other 8 crystal coffins were also included in Rakshasa Space.


After collecting these 9 crystal coffins, Chu Yan and Supreme Sword Supreme were fully alert, staring nervously at all around the void, and the atmosphere became extremely tense and dignified.

However, one breath … 2 breath … 3 breaths….

In the black-painted palace, nothing happened, not even the fluctuation of the void.

It seems safe! ?




The few people who were breath-holding were relaxed at the same time, and their bodies softened instantly. It seemed that the breathing time just before, even if there was no battle, they exhausted the strength of several people.

Chu Yan’s eyes are full of surprises and excitement.


Of course there are risks!

However, in order to resurrect Yue Linglong, she will be able to make great progress after her resurrection. Even if it is dangerous, you have to give it a try.

“I rely on ah! Is there any reason for this ?!”

After a full 5 breaths time, the formidable howling of the fat old fogey sounded in the forbidden spirit array outside the temple.

9 corpse ah of Dao Lord Realm!

It was just taken away by that kid … No, it should be picked up accurately!

You know, their three people, but for a corpse who got Dao Lord Realm, they were kept in this broken spirit and I do n’t know how many years.

The point is, I haven’t got it yet!

But now it’s okay, the kid came in and out of the Forbidden Spirit Array, and picked up the Antiquity Dao Realm Spirit Array everywhere. Now he has picked up a bunch of Dao Lord Realm corpse!

Why don’t people live anymore! ?

Up to now, the three people are all holding back, holding an old blood on their chest, almost squirting out directly.

If I knew it earlier, I would n’t communicate Divine Consciousness, at least I could n’t see it, and it would n’t be that way….

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