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10000 Minglong, the Young Master of another family of 10000 family, has a status worse than that of 10000 Shuanglong by a whole step.

10000 Ssangyong is the heir of the main line, and this 10000 Minglong is just the heir of a branch.

Although it is a little worse, the strength of the cultivation base does not recognize its status. Therefore, the cultivation base of 10000 Minglong is higher than the 10000 Ssangyong, but it is going to be stronger to the next level.

More importantly, 10000 Ssangyong is a rare genius among the 10000 clan.

“what’s going on!?”

10000 When Ming Long asked these words, he waved his hands, and the ten players behind him immediately gathered up, enclosing Chu Yan and Huang Fuyan.

“Ming Big Brother Long, just now …”

He also got up from the ground, and the star-studded Star Clan 4 rushed over and said what happened in his ear.

“There is such a thing !?”

After listening to the star clan 4 less, 10000 Ming Long suddenly changed his face, looked towards Chu Yan’s eyes, became extremely chilly.

“This Fellow Daoist, no matter what your identity is, and no matter how strong you are, it is better to be obediently and honestly follow me today, otherwise, if … hmph!”

In this sentence, 10000 Minglong came up and walked with ten men to surround Chu Yan.

Seeing how they each and everyone with swords drawn and bows bent, I was afraid that it was Chu Yan who dared to say half a word, so he directly killed on the spot.

For 10000 Ssangyong, 10000 Minglong certainly knows what kind of person he is. If it is not forcing him, impossible looks like this.

Therefore, the 10000 Minglong and ten Law Enforcement Group people present knew that this young hacker robe was dead today.

“Law Enforcement Group !? Just to hear him say something, you want to kill me !?”

Chu Yan’s face also turned down, looked towards 10000 Minglong and a group of Law Enforcement Group, directly shouted

“I don’t want to kill people today! Get lost!”

Drink this sentence, such as thunderbolt, contains Supreme divine might, even if it is 10000 Minglong, a few people are Divine Soul shaking, look pale.

Even those onlookers who were present were all complexion greatly changed.

The strength of this black robed youth is probably more terrifying than they thought.

What a might this!

One person, suppress the audience! ?

“You, you want to go again !?” Chu Yan turned his head towards towards out and pulled out Jade Talisman’s Star Family 4, who shouted coldly.

Star Clan 4 Shaogang was about to crush Jade Talisman, and was suddenly locked by a gas machine Divine Consciousness, then his body shivered.

He does not want to die!

I don’t want to guess who the Law Enforcement Group of black robed youth and 10000 clan is, who is the strongest, anyway, he is going to live, so he just got ready to run, but he was discovered by the other party.

“What do you do, you want to go now !?”

Chu Yan’s eyes were like flames, looking at the star family 4 young, a wave of his hand was thunderbolt Gang Wei, and turned him into a paw print.


Just holding the other person’s neck, I heard a thunderous sound outside the hall.

“In Tianyuan City, dare to do my Star Race, courting death !?”

A young man in a star robe holding a wooden stick came in through the door and stepped through the hall door. The tall hall door shattered instantly and flew like dust.

The next moment, Chu Yan’s Gang Yuan claw mark, was suddenly broken by a powerful force, and the Star Clan 4 came out of trouble.

Everyone present, including Chu Yan, was suppressed by a powerful imposing manner, as if everyone was carrying a mountain.

“This is … Divine King of the Star Family is here!”

Huang Fuyan’s complexion became pale at this time, and his speech was a bit stuttering.

I was really afraid of anything, so I came, and it turned out to be a big deal. Even the God King Realm of the Star family had shot, this time it was really over.

“Ha ha ha, this kid is kind, he’s afraid he doesn’t know who the 10000 Ssangyong is ?!”

But without waiting for everyone to react, a laughter sounded in the hall, supporting dozens of thick great hall columns of great hall, and several bang bang bursts in succession.

An old man showed up in in the sky and looked at Chu Yan with a smile on his face.

“Young Patriarch of the 10000 race, right ?? How about that?”

Chu Yan raised his head and looked at the old man, his face was still indifferent, without a trace of fluctuation.

“So you know ah! Then you slapped him slap left and right !? I really want to know, your guts !?”

The old man heard Chu Yan’s words, the smile on his face disappeared instantly, and the tone was cold.

“No matter what kind of family you are, what kind of case, you need to know that this is Tianyuan City, my 5th family co-ownership! Understand !?”

“Now, say how you want to be accountable. If you are satisfied with us, spare your life!”

old man while speaking moved towards The ground slowly fell, a group of expert everyone style.

Kill, don’t want to kill this black robed youth.

However, judging from the strength of his shot, the origin of this child is probably not small. If it is just killed, I am afraid that the following things will be very troublesome.

Therefore, if it can be solved, try to solve it as much as possible. It is not a big thing anyway, and it has not been spread. It should be solved.

“Account !? It’s also very simple, as long as they sincerely apologize, I can’t investigate this matter!”

Chu Yan hearing this, said indifferently.


This sentence fell to the ground, the old man who just fell to the ground, his body crooked, almost fell down.

2 of them … apologize! ?

Not only this old man, but even everyone present, the looks towards Chu Yan’s expressions were all convulsions.

This kid, I’m afraid I really don’t want to live!

Sure enough, the Ancient Race powerhouses who had just arrived were all looking at Chu Yan with a blue face. Their eyes were full of anger, and they obviously wanted to kill.

“Master … Senior Brother, you …”

Huang Fuyan almost cried, how could he didn’t expect, his “Senior Brother” was so fierce.

Surrounded by Divine King of several ancient races, he dared to speak like this.

Knowing this already, I handed over the stuff directly, wouldn’t it be over! ?

At the very least, it would n’t be locked into aura by a group of Divine Kings like it is now, just like a lamb stared by a group of tigers, which is too scary.

Although he is very grateful to Chu Yan for helping him from beginning to end, how does it feel now that the situation is … not right.

I was just robbed before, but now I seem to have lost my life, this …

“What do you say !? Let them apologize to you !? You still don’t understand !? You slapped them, and here is Tianyuan collapsed! Tianyuan of the 5th Clan Guan!”

Divine King of the Star Clan, covered with Power of Stars outbreaks, is like a star about to be on the spot Self-destruction, releasing an extremely strong star power, completely solidifying the void around all.

“Even if you are peerless genius, you are not qualified to be arrogant here!”

The old man Divine King of the 10000 family sneered with a sneer, watching Chu Yan keep shaking his head and said, “The confession I said is for you to give a confession! I speak directly, there is only one way! You have to listen, not listen You have to listen, otherwise the old man will shoot directly! “

“Don’t be afraid, the old man won’t kill you, but ensure that the taste is 100 times more horrible than death!”

“Shoot !?” Chu Yan hearing this looked up towards the 10000 clan old man, and at the same time swept to Divine King of other clan.

“If you want to do it yourself, let’s go together!”

This sentence fell to the ground, and the audience was completely silent. The whole great hall was so quiet that even the breath was completely inaudible.

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