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The point is, he is too arrogant! ?

Not only did he break the magical will of the two peerless genius, but now he spoke again and directly threatened the two peerless genius! ?

“This … this person, a little familiar ah!”

When Chu Yan’s silhouette disappeared in the hall door, 10 breaths later, finally there was a monk who responded.

“That’s right! It’s him! Before in Tianyuan City, he suppressed 10000 Ssangyong of 10000 clan and 4 Young Patriarch of Xing clan alone!”

Under this cry out in surprise, all the people present were shaking together.

Fierce person !

Absolute fierce person!

Dare to shoot 5 Ancient Race Young Patriarch on the site of the 2 Ancient Races, and let the opponent bow his head! ?

Now, in this land of heaven, he broke the will of two peerless genius with his hand and seized the inheritance palace of others! ?

When was such a fierce man in Tianyuan City! ?

Among the crowd, Zhou Heavenly Peng and the cold-faced youth were shocked when they couldn’t make out.

“However, even if he is peerless genius, but he just offended 2 peerless genius just now, I am afraid there is nothing good to eat!”

“Good! This person is acting too crazy, and don’t look at this place!”

“We don’t care about these things! Forget it, or leave it alone, hurry in!”



After everyone reacted, they were not optimistic about Chuhuo.

Take a pair of 2, both peerless genius, so a little comparison will know the result.

However, these problems are just chatting, and the most important thing at present is, of course, to quickly enter the opportunity.

But Chu Yan at this time, after entering the great hall, all around was dark, reaching out without fingers.

Only in front of the hall, a tall dwelling tower stands, with a huge red moon pattern on the door, releasing the powerful imperial spirit.

Pushing the door of the residence hall into it, Chu Yan suddenly became frowned.

“En !?”

The whole hall was empty, except for a few torch holding all around the wall, there was nothing else.

Moreover, this place does not have any aura, let alone the powerful Heaven and Earth spirit source.

“underground tunnel!?”

All around looked around, and Chu Yan found an entrance to the underground, and then entered it.

The next floor is still empty.

Further down, it’s empty, while walking down 7 Layer, all the same as before, without anything and aura.

“Isn’t it a fake !?” Chu Yan’s face lightened.

Although the probability is not high, there is still such a probability.

The various Secret Realm and inheritance of Divine Realm continent are not all good, there are also murderous intention traps, which are dedicated to killing repairers, and this probability is naturally not low.

In the powerful existence of Antiquity and Great Ancient Era, some of them are killing and quirky, and this kind of murderous intention trap inheritance will be left behind.

Chu Yan shook the head, don’t think much, continue to the next level.

Now that I have come in, I can only take one step at a time, but just be careful.

At the next level, the situation changed.

A blue stone coffin was placed in the middle of the stone temple, and there was a faint brilliance on the coffin.

Chu Yan was not close, ready to hit a True Qi for a try. Suddenly, in the sky a red light appeared suddenly, shining on the sarcophagus.

The brilliance of the sarcophagus doubled in an instant, and the mouth of the coffin opened, and a body rose from it.

This is a woman, with no flakes, under the faint red moonlight, her skin looks rosy like cherry blossoms, making Divine Soul tremble.

“Jade body charm !?”

Chu Yan breathes deeply, with a restrained mind and a strange feeling in my heart.

Although with his Martial Dao’s will, this kind of ordinary seduction has little effect, but he always has a similar feeling.

However, Chu Yan can be sure that he has never seen this woman.

“Xuan Tian, ​​who is she !?”

Chu Yan pondered a little, and after waiting for a while, she decided to ask Empress Xuantian.

However, Emperor Xuantian ignored him at all, and did not respond after waiting for a long time.

Either, Empress Xuantian does not know her, or Empress Xuantian has important things to do now.

In any case, it seems that it will not help yourself.

“Forget it, try it out first!”

Chu Yan then shot a True Qi and shot into the blue stone coffin.

Buzz …!

In the next moment, the blue stone coffin trembles gently and releases a peculiar aura, which makes Chu Yan suddenly tightly knit.

There is no Heaven and Earth spirit source at all, this is totally wrong!

“It seems that it should not be this place!”

Chu Yan withdrew True Qi and hooked the head, disappointed.

Before the fierce Pluto said to him, leave the 3 students Fruit Tree up to 2 days, now find the wrong place, wasting a lot of time.


Just as Chu Yan was about to leave, his heart suddenly moved, his pupils were slightly bright, and the corners of his mouth were raised.

“It’s really fast!”

Chu Yan’s voice just landed, and then a voice sounded in the void.

“Sire, who is it?”

This 1000-mile sound transmission, separated by 108,000 li, penetrated the layers of Earth Palace and sounded in the void beside Chu Yan.

Jian Wufeng, Hua Tianyue has arrived!

Although 2 people are still beyond a thousand li, but the speed is extremely fast, it won’t take long to reach here.

Moreover, Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness swept the aura of 2 people, and could clearly feel that the strength of these two people’s cultivation base is extremely powerful, just like 2 rounds of holy days.

“Ordinary person!” Chu Yan chuckled, with the body running with dignity, and the entire Earth Palace was trembling.

This is a head-on collision, and there is no skill method at all, that is, meet force with force.

However, just as Chu Yan broke out of aura, he suddenly shook his eyes and turned his head towards towards the stray woman on the jade coffin behind him.

At this glance, Chu Yan suddenly shrank fiercely.

I saw the eyes of the woman’s body suspended on the sarcophagus.

Boom … rumbling!

In the next moment, the powerful Antiquity aura rushed away like a flood, blasting the void around all around into powder, and the entire Earth Palace suddenly shook.

In an instant, Chu Yan only felt his scalp numb, and his body was like ice.

This woman is still alive! ?

The key is that her cultivation base turned out to be … 9 Domain Supreme!

In the eyes of the woman above the sarcophagus, a pair of moon-like eyes slowly focused, the jade foot lifted slightly, and the void stepped on the ground.

jade hand waved lightly, a piece of snow white light bloomed, the original woman’s body without a piece of wisp, covered with a snow-white long dress.

At the next breath, the woman looked up and stared at Chu Yan …

For a long time, she lightly snorted, said nothing, stood up, turned into a white light, and disappeared on the spot.

The Supreme pressure of the 9 domains of all around in the sky disappears.

Chu Yan’s mind was stagnant for a long time sighed in relief.

what’s the situation! ?

What happened just now! ?

That woman is who, went there! ?

When I was about to ask Emperor Xuantian again, suddenly, an amazing mutation recurred.

I saw the blue sarcophagus in front of me, blasted open, a spring appeared below the ground, overflowing and flowing a large purple spring.

Hum … weng!

The rich Heaven and Earth spirit source in the Purple Spring burst out like a volcanic eruption, instantly flooding the entire great hall.

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