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9 The domain star chart returns to silence, due to the secret of his own reincarnation. I am afraid that he can only understood after he has broken through into the Supreme realm.

“What happened just now !?” Empress Xuantian’s voice sounded.

“What did the 9-field star chart feel just now, so …”

Chu Yan said to the Empress Xuantian, “9 domain star chart said, when I break through 9 domain, there will be a part of reincarnation memory, and in addition, let me go to Sector 7, where there is reincarnation blood essence…

“After getting the blood essence, we must go to the first district!”

As for the 9 domain star map, the purpose of going to the first district is to find the thing, Chu Yan did not tell Empress Xuantian.

This point was specifically instructed by the 9th domain star chart, and Chu Yan did not tell Emperor Xuantian.

After all, this time 9 domain star map is awake, and it can only say a few words in total, and it specifically says not to tell Xuan Tian, ​​otherwise it will cause great trouble.

In this regard, Chu Yan had to pay attention.

However, through the wake of this time 9 domain star chart, Chu Yan also felt that his reincarnation may be a very terrifying existence.

Well, reincarnation is so terrifying existence, exhausting the effort, even at the cost of 9 domain star maps, what I have to get, I am afraid the relationship is extremely important.

According to the remarks on the Dao Venerable area map I got earlier, there is a great secret hidden among all dozens of Dao Venerable areas.

If these Dao Venerable areas existed at the beginning, and they were not intended to be used by the practitioners to break through Supreme, what is it for! ?

After a terrifying battle, the number of Dao Venerable zones has doubled, and the greater the number, the deeper it is hidden! ?

What 9 domain star maps said, combined with the secrets of 10000 years, there seems to be some direction between vagueness.

“It turns out that …”

Emperor Xuantian’s tone was as usual, and she could not hear any fluctuations in sentiment.

“Chu Yan, this time breakthrough Supreme, is related to your reincarnation, then when you break through, it may cause some special natural phenomena.”

Hearing this, Chu Yan nodded, the meaning of Emperor Xuantian, he also knew.

At the time of his testimony, a great mutation occurred, and even Yue Linglong suffered.

According to the words of flame hair youth, the more heaven defying is, the more intolerable this piece of Heaven and Earth is, and the more disasters it will suffer.

Before the breakthrough God King Realm, not at all what happened, maybe it will accumulate in breakthrough Supreme.

“What is your next plan !? Go to Sector 7 !?”

Asked Empress Xuantian.

“Wait a minute …” Chu Yan shook the head, and said, “I want to go back to Ten Directions Star Domain first!”

It is now in the 21st district, and it is about to experience a major disaster, what will happen, and the result, it is simply unpredictable.

In this way, I happened to go home once, meet father and big brother, and … Yue’er.

After finishing the family, let go of everything and go to Sector 7 to work hard.

Hearing Chu Yan’s decision, a flash of warmth and gentleness flashed over the ice eyes of Empress Xuan Tian. It seemed that she was not surprised by Chu Yan’s decision, and at the same time she was very applauded.

But she spoke, and her voice was still as cold as ever. “In this case, you will find it in this temple, maybe you will return to Ten Directions Star Domain.”

When Emperor Xuantian first came, she became interested in the stone palace, but she only paid attention to Chu Yan and did not investigate.

After all, those who have arrived in District 21 over the years have been sealed here.

Very few people know about everything here.

“it is good!”

Chu Yan’s eyes shone brightly, instantly took a deep breath, moved towards great hall.

In this great hall, full of Great Desolate aura, Chu Yan runs the cultivation technique, but finds that it cannot be refining at all.

Not only that, these auras have a strong repressive effect on his Divine Consciousness exploration and Qilin ’s pupils, including Fleshy body, even if it is running True Qi to resist, it is also extremely difficult.

After walking for nearly an hour, Chu Yan reached the depths of the great hall and led to the stairs on the next floor.

There is nothing in this 1st Layer great hall.

shook the head, Chu Yan started to go down to the lower layer, but when he walked into the 2nd Layer, the space-time around him turned around, as if putting him in another World.

The original force of repression disappeared instantly.

Great Desolate aura also disappeared at the same time.

Suddenly, all around in the sky, a path of voice sounded.

“Haha, Laozi got 3 swords, ha ha ha…. 3 ah!”

“Fuck, you brat shameless, disagree, come again!”

“Asshole, you can’t be old 1000!”

“If you agree to bet you must accept to lose, don’t come if you can’t gamble, go and see those guys, what’s going on ?! If you go on like this, when will you go out !?”

Hearing these sounds, Chu Yan was stunned, but here … someone! ?

Moreover, it feels like the casino of Tianxuan Earth Palace.

Chu Yan lifted his foot and continued to move forward. The scene before him suddenly made him slack on the spot.

I saw that, throughout the great hall, there were stone statues, all around the ground were scattered Daobao, sloppy.

In the middle of the hall, there are ten tables, and Chu Yan glanced at it. The previous Welcome Envoy, with one hand of meat and one glass of wine, was eating shouted.

This Welcome Envoy, isn’t it air-conditioned, mechanically cold! ?

Isn’t it too serious? ?

“Unacceptable! Of course not, please come again …”

Not a 2 Welcoming Envoy, but a group of Welcoming Envoy wearing the same clothes, all crimson, roaring loudly, completely unaware that a stranger came not far away.

“No … sorry, excuse me …”

Chu Yan hesitated for a long time and finally said

This sentence fell to the ground, the original noisy great hall, a moment of silence, all eyes looked at simultaneously shua shua, all with a stiff face.

Some of them still hold meat in their mouths, so they looked at Chu Yan in a silly way.

In the next breath, all Welcome Envoy instantly fry the pan, and everything will be winded up like the last clouds, while finishing clothes.

When they looked up towards Chu Yan again, they all regained the demeanor of Welcome Envoy before, and looked coldly towards Chu Yan.

This speed is super fast!

“The cultivator enters and immediately leads!”

“Well, let me see how the seed is coming!”

Each and everyone Welcoming Envoy instantly became very awe-inspiring, even without looking at Chu Yan at the corner of his eyes, he flashed away and disappeared on the spot.

Some of the remaining Welcome Envoy, but two eyes twitched, just about to apologize, looked up and saw that the person turned out to be Chu Yan, Qiqi startled.

“Fuck, not Sir ah!”

“That’s a fart ah!”

Suddenly, an exhalation sounded in the hall.

“These Welcome Envoy should be controlled by people. Among these 21 districts, there should be a district spirit!”

“According to the reincarnation just mentioned, they should all be Divine Realm continent cultivators!”

The voice of Empress Xuantian sounded.

Because of her interest, the Divine Consciousness of Emperor Xuantian has never left, and now seeing these situations, I immediately reacted.

“Well, that’s wrong!”

A group of Welcome Envoy suddenly reacted, simultaneously shua shua looked towards Chu Yan, and his face was full of look of shock.

“You … how did you get out of Yantian Altar !?”

The first time they met, the cultivators who could come here were all ignorant on the spot.

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