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Seeing a group of people staring at themselves, Chu Yan smiled bitterly, replied

“Maybe because I am special!”

Of course, impossible directly speaks the 9-domain star chart, so Chu Yan is free to replied.

“Hmph! Anyway, when you enter a place you shouldn’t, you see something that you shouldn’t see. Now, only death, or becoming Welcoming Envoy!”

As soon as these words were spoken, the Welcome Envoys who were present were all cold.

In an instant, a path of might broke out and swept the great hall.

Invisible pressure, like mountain peaks, all moved towards Chu Yan to suppress it.

These Welcome Envoys don’t have any cultivation base at all, but they fuse together with the Dao Venerable area here, with the help of Dao Venerable area.

Fighting with them is equivalent to fighting this piece of Heaven and Earth.

Chu Yan’s face was dull, and various consciousnesses in the Sea of ​​Consciousness flickered.

At this moment, a Divine Consciousness sound transmission sounded in all Welcome Envoy Sea of ​​Consciousness, and immediately made everyone complexion changed.

“What !? Sir said don’t embarrass him !?”

A Welcome Envoy opened the mouth and said with surprise.

a trifling God King Realm Great Accomplishment Only, how could it attract Sir’s attention! ?

“This messenger, what you said about Sir is …” Chu Yan asked.

“I can’t tell you about this!”

The Welcome Envoy’s face was dull and he shook his head.

In the next moment, all the colors on the Welcoming Envoy’s face are exhausted, and the killing intent in the great hall is gone.

“This Little Brother, this strange place hasn’t been an outsider for a long time, or you can play with us a few! Very interesting!”

“That’s right! Little Brother, hurry up …”

Someone spoke, and his face was filled with smiles at the moment of the meeting, and they all faced Chu Yan persuaded.

They normally gamble on each other, and that’s too long to get bored.

It’s more interesting today when someone from outside came.

“Everyone, I’m so sorry, I don’t know much about Panshu!”

Chu Yan hearing this, but with a bitter smile on his face, shook his head.

Just now, each and everyone was still full of murderous aura, and now it has become like this. This changes fast, and it really makes people feel uncomfortable.

“I’m here and I want to ask, can I go to the Ten Directions Star Domain !?”

Chu Yan directly stated his purpose while looking up towards Welcome Envoy.

Hearing this, the welcome Envoys present were all laughing at each other’s faces and squeezing each other’s eyebrows before someone looked towards Chu Yan and said

“It’s not difficult! But … It must be won by us!”

Another Welcome Envoy quickly added

“The flop determines the size, one sword is the smallest and 6 swords is the largest! Each player has 3 cards per game, easy!”

Chu Yan’s speechless face suddenly, these guys, not all from Tianxuan Earth Palace! ?

However, the other party has already stated the rules. If he doesn’t gamble, he will make a request, and the other party will not agree at all.

So, Chu Yan lifted his feet to the table and sat down directly.

“Haha, come, start!”

Seeing Chu Yan joining, a group of Welcome Envoy’s eyes glowed.

“Come! I rely on, only 6 swords !?”

“Haha, Junzi sword, see it, 3 4 5 sword!”

“Count as a fart, Laozi Tongjian, 3 6 swords!”

“Fuck, you are so hot …”

“What !? Newcomer, even 5 pieces of a sword !?”


next moment, great hall once again restored the appearance of Chu Yan before coming, all kinds of roars, loud noises, clapping the sound of the table and the bench, sounded a piece.

However, in less than 5 minutes of time, the great hall gradually became silent.

Each and everyone Welcoming Envoy, glaring at Chu Yan like a ghost, all covered with bloodshot eyes.

Even Chu Yan himself is sorry, didn’t expect his luck is good ….

“Senior of Gambler, there are two more channels about Ten Directions Star Domain. One is Holy Son, who became the ancient country of Dizong, fighting against the army of Tianxuan continent!”

“The second channel is to return to Ten Directions Star Domain and destroy the master of the Royal Palace!”

A Welcome Envoy said to Chu Yan in awe.

“cough cough …”

Chu Yan was not well at the time and coughed twice.

This gambler … also Senior, what the hell! ?

“Then the second one, the messenger can call me Chu Yan!” Chu Yan thought for a while and replied.

“Okay, Senior Gambler!”

7 Welcoming Envoy have been bowing all the time while performing True Qi to cover Chu Yan’s body.

At the next moment, Chu Yan felt that the world was turning around, and under the powerful and mysterious power, he started to wear Space-Time.

At this time, Chu Yan is different from other cultivators. He fleshy body directly back, not just Divine Soul.

This is also the respect of the welcoming Envoy, the gambling king Senior.

On the other side, the first domain of Divine Realm continent, a place of Antiquity Secret Realm …

A woman is wearing a snow skirt, her face is beautiful, and under the aura surge, all around in the sky, the sky is full of snowflakes.

This devastatingly beautiful, cold and arrogant woman, is World’s First Supreme…. Xuan Tian Empress.

“District 21! It seems that other Dao Venerable districts are the same. All Dao Venerable districts in this virtual sky district are the same …”

At this time, she Divine Consciousness followed Chu Yan and got the discord message, enough to bring a clue to her doubts.

“Breakthrough 9 domains, awakening reincarnation memory, flower of Constant Antiquity, cultivation method of ten-two gates, 2th of gods, 5th Supreme Demon God of gods, bites of the Dao family, Taboo Ridge …”

The Emperor Xuantian seemed to be in some kind of contemplation, and the pupil light flickered.

Gradually, with Chu Yan’s promotion, the things related to him became larger and larger.

“So, ask now!”

After a long time, the Empress Xuantian looked up, and in a pair of ice eyes, she instantly became full of Lingguang, and looked towards the void of 10000 ancients.

Supreme asked, Dao Venerable!

As time passed, a powerful mutation began to take place in the first domain, and many forces around the world came to pay attention.

At the same time, some people are soaring, some are rising, and others are being damaged, such as flowers and flowers, as usual.

A few days later, the mysterious power around Chu Yan suddenly disappeared, and his body moved towards below.

At this moment, Chu Yan instantly felt a very familiar aura, whether it is Heaven and Earth, or the void around all, or the Grand Dao Law, Heaven and Earth Might in the dark, are all very kind and familiar.

This was the place where he originally cultivated, and everything is naturally familiar.

It was just before his ascension that he was only ordinary and remembered, but now …

It has been a long time since Divine Realm continent broke through to God King Realm Great Accomplishment, cultivation 2 methods of asking questions, and exposed the identity of the gods.

Now he is any action that can cause Divine Realm continent to shake.

Compared to the current Ten Directions Star Domain, he is definitely the king of invincible.

Finally, returned from Divine Realm continent.

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