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When Chu Yan and Huangfuji and Qin Jian disappeared into the restaurant, the nearby Xiaoyucheng also burst into monstrous light.

This is a sign that the Great Array, the fortress of the main city of the Little Imperial Palace, is on.

And beyond 100 li, the two silhouettes are like arrows from the string, swiftly slamming through the sky, leaving only a afterglow and flying towards the horizon.

The cultivation base of the lion tiger has reached human respect, and the speed is amazing! ?

“Brother Tiger …”

Feng Zhi’s face was full of pain, his eyebrows were tight, and his small face was pale and dripping with sweat.

“Rest assured, I’m here!”

The lion tiger turned his head towards towards Fengzhi’s eyes, all tenderness.

“Since then, this Heaven and Earth is big, are our places of sympathy!”

Speaking of which, Feng Zhi seemed to think of a shameful scene, and suddenly two clouds of Xia Yun appeared on his face.


The void above the head exploded a red.

An ancient scroll full of hundred percent zhang appears, releasing monstrous red light, moved towards under the hood of the lion tiger.

The lion’s body trembles and feels something. His face is purplish red, and his speed is greatly reduced.

“Old Guy, even the 9 classics are taken out, it’s really stinky to have no shame!”

When he opened his mouth, he scolded, and the lion tiger vomited a mouthful of blood at the same time, wiped it on his hands, fiercely waved, and instantly turned into a path of blood.

“Lion Tiger!”

The screams exploded on the sky, rolling like thunderclap.

The celestial oracle came out of emptiness, all around the body released a red crimson aura, raised his hand was a palm seal, and pressed down heavily.

secret skill

The lion tiger saw the palm seal moved towards himself, and suddenly the complexion greatly changed, and a tiger roar sounded out. There were 10000 golden lights rushed out of the body, but it was turned into 5 pieces of Spirit Treasure, all blocked in his body. before.

bang! bang bang bang!

Ten or five Spirit Treasures that were hard to come by were taken one by one by the palm seal.

The exploded aura is like layers of ocean tide, undulating and rolling, rolling all around all directions.

“Lion Tiger, you have nowhere to go!”

At this time, dozens of powerhouses who were chasing all arrived, and surrounded all directions in all directions.

One after another The powerful aura surged, suddenly letting all around Heaven and Earth completely banned, just like the Heavenly Prison net.

“haha, really!?”

The lion tiger grinned again, obviously with a bit of bitterness in his smile.

However, he does not at all intend to give up on this, otherwise, he is not a lion!


A path of roaring beast roar sounded, and the boundless in the sky suddenly rushed out of 100 Monster Beast silhouettes, just like a Beast Tide pounced on the group of lords and so on.

“Beast Master 10000 !?”

The eyes of the Holy Prophet swept the Beast Tide and his pupils shrank suddenly.

“What a lion tiger, the tomb left by Beast God was really stolen by you!”

While speaking, the oracle was sneered, his body flashed sharply, his hands took countless palm seals, and he pressed those Monster Beast illusory shadows.

“Beast Royal 100 Fang!”

The lion tiger’s eyes were split, his scalp was numb, and the seal was quickly swayed out again.

terrifying battle, burst out instantly!

Although the tiger tiger’s current cultivation base, some people respect the Peak, but just shortly after the breakthrough, the fundamental impossible is the opponent of the oracle who accumulated 1000 years.

In less than breath breaths, the lion’s body was bathed in blood, and the defeat was over.

Moreover, the hundreds of Monster Beast illusory shadows in his body are now in an imposing manner, which can’t stop all around powerhouse for long.

“Haha, Xiaohuzi, you still need this Uncle!”

a While the laughter sounded, two thunderbolt-like thunders exploded above the sky, causing the powerhouses present to be surprised and looked up.

After sweeping, everyone’s face changed.

I saw that two huge mountains shone with demon light, and moved towards fiercely below.

The two mountains, which everyone knows, are the core of the 2 Great Saint Peak in Xiaogong Temple.

“You … you control the holy peak fine stone !?”

Even if it is a saint oracle, it is also full of surprise at this time, not daring to be indifferent, and running the unique skill quickly, the whole body circulates out of a path of aura of talisman seal.

Boom …!

The mountain spirit smashed down and knocked the celestial deceased body backward, and the imposing manner collapsed.

“Haha, fatty did a good job!”

The lion tiger laughed, looked towards Situ Yang who was flying towards him, loudly roared said, “Hurry up!”

2 people have no trace of stagnation, at the same time both hands forming seals, press all around void.

In an instant, there are 1000 hand seals, which transform the void around all around into a piece of aura of aura.

But the essence of the two holy peaks is the formation eye that becomes the seal of the spirit light, releasing a more majestic might.

“A good stupid thief, even my holy peak can be stolen!”

At this time, Emperor Heart Saint Emperor saw his Sect’s 2 Great Saint peak, and turned into someone’s Spirit Treasure. The worse the mood, the worse.

“Xiao Yu Gong belongs to it, he will do his best to kill this person!”

2 The Great Saint Peak is the Sect Protecting Treasure of Xiaogong Palace. There must be no failure.

Without these 2 Great Saint peaks, the small imperial palace is no longer the former small imperial palace. Sect’s strength is probably to drop by more than 30%.

Therefore, the current Emperor’s Heart Saint Emperor was completely angry, and waved hands were countless powerhouse silhouettes rushing up.

“Imperial Heart Fellow Daoist, anger!”

The oracle saint flew over, landed beside the emperor of the emperor’s heart, and said.

“Now he has 2 saint peaks in battle, but after all he has been surrounded and impossible can escape. We might as well join hands and slowly consume their True Qi to protect the saint peak 10000!

The words were exported, and the Emperor’s Heart Emperor immediately nodded.

If this is 10000, a pair of 2 people is in a hurry, and if the essence of the Holy Peak perish together, the loss will be great.

“it is good!”

When the next place is Peak powerhouse, Rao Xiangshengfeng Great Array all around, began to operate unique skills, constantly attacking the Great Array, while other powerhouses are attacking around and waiting for the battle.

These shot powerhouses are all the existence of the continent ranked top 10 of the emperor. They instantly blasted countless powers, and all around the void were blasted into the wind, and 4 scattered.

They mainly aimed at the Great Array, did not directly attack the lion tiger and Stuart.

In this way, the 2 people can only constantly urge True Qi to infuse into the Great Array, resist attacks and consolidate the Great Array defense.

This great war instantly turned into a war of attrition.

“Lion Tiger, I said you are a scumbag. Look at it now … Those guys are still layer by layer. This is inescapable net!”

Situ raised his face with folds and was about to cry.

He thought that the lion tiger would act quietly, but it was didn’t expect that this product even shot hard on the ceremony.

“Don’t talk nonsense! It won’t let you die!”

The lion’s mouth said, but his eyes were full of decisiveness.

When Stuart heard this, he saw the strange color flashing in the eyes of the lion tiger, and he was shocked for a moment.

Obviously, he saw the death plan of the lion tiger and immediately said with a smile.

“That’s good! Rest assured, sister-in-law, I will take care of you!”

After finishing this sentence, Situ Yang turned to look towards the powerhouse and spirit array hiding the sky and covering the earth opposite, and also lost a trace of death in his eyes.

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