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Elder, Deacon, discipline, etc. of the small imperial palace, constantly rushed over and joined the encircling team.

This place 500 kilometers away from Xiaogong Palace has been surrounded by various Great Array, Sect disciple of powerhouse and hiding the sky and covering the earth.

Not to mention a two-person powerhouse, even if the Great Principle Golden Immortal arrives, I am afraid that it cannot escape at all.

The lion tigers and Situ Yang who maintained the 2 Sacred Peak Spirit Arrays became more and more stern.

I am afraid that this game is really nowhere to go.

As far as the eyes are concerned, let’s not mention the recent top ten powerhouses, and the layers of Great Array behind them, that is, those who are looking at the lively small imperial palace disciplines, they are not visible at a glance, and they are black.

Such a situation can only make the bitterness of the two people’s face grow heavier and heavier.

“Hmph! Situ Yang, Lion Tiger Venerable, these 2 guys dare to fight against our Beiyu Mountain, courting death!”

Among the large crowd of cultivators, there are 2 silhouettes talking in a whisper.

These two people are the Gu Huan and his father Gu Feng who have just been promoted to Outer Sect Elder in Beiyushan.

As the powerhouse of Martial Ancestor, Beiyu Mountain and Xiaogong Palace joined forces, the powerhouse was exhausted, and the top ten Peak shots at the same time. Such a big scene is definitely rarely seen.

Not only did he come to see the excitement himself, he even urgently called his father in Nanshan Bookstore to watch this grand event together.

“Affirmative! Opposing Two Great Influences, what’s the difference with courting death!”

Gu Feng is also nodded, looking at his son Gu Huan, his face is full of relief.

Fortunately, his son is the Outer Sect Elder of Beiyu Mountain, which grabbed a front position. Only through the dozens of people in the front can you see the distant battlefield.

Thinking of this, Gu Feng’s face became more and more proud.

“After going back, I must talk to Chu Jiang about this matter, well, there is Chu Jiang’s son who fails to appreciate somebody’s kindness!”

Gu Feng figured in his heart that the mood he wanted to show could not be suppressed, and his eyes were all rays of light.

At this time, the core of the battlefield, 2 Great Saint Peak Spirit Formation, has clearly dimmed.

In Fengzhi’s eyes, the color of pain became more and more obvious. She made the lion tiger not to care about her, and to fight the enemy with all her strength, but the expression on her face became worse.

The two of Lion Tiger and Situ Yang continue to destroy the Great Array of Holy Peak, while still trying to condense the new seal of India, which seems to be some kind of extremely mysterious Great Array.

“Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move Great Array!”

After the time of hundred breaths, the lion tiger and Situ Yang swelled together, a path of Spirit Mark poured out, and opened on the two holy peaks, releasing the extremely ancient aura.

“I cast my soul, and my spirit returns!”

The lion roared loudly, and the whole body’s blood energy surged, directly rushing up and down in the center of the new Great Array, even turned into a formation eye.

This Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move Great Array is an extraordinary piece of cake, which cannot be urged by True Qi alone. It must be cited by Divine Soul in the powerhouse above the realm of respect.

“Fatty, what a daze, quickly bring you sister-in-law, get lost!”

The lion roared loudly, and the sound shook the void.

“I … go!”

Situ had a terrible face, his teeth were almost broken, and fiercely spit out a word.

Immediately waved his hand, wrapped Fengzhi, turned around and left.

Fengzhi didn’t understand what a big shock it was, but it was strange to see the lion tiger looking at him, suddenly in ones heart trembled, he seemed to feel something, and his whole body was trembling slightly.

“Don’t worry, I will go to see you soon, when the time comes to be sentimental again!”

The lion tiger looked at Fengzhi, his eyes were like water, and then turned his head with a grin, but changed his eyes to murderous intention again.


Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move immediately broke out, and the mighty power trembles the Vault of Heaven, flooding all around like a tide.

“Hmph! Just want to leave on this occasion !? Dreaming!”

Coldly snorted, the Holy Prophet, said, “Mysterious Heaven 9, My Lord Tianlun!”

“Tianyu 9 classic pictures!”

In the hands of the French seal, it was 10000 Hongguang.

I saw that the long zhang long scroll released the sky and rivers, pavilions and towers, just like a small world.


a The unrivaled rays of light penetrated two holy peaks and directly blasted on the Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move Great Array.

The lion’s body shuddered suddenly, and was suddenly hit with a heavy blow. A blood arrow was sprayed from his mouth and his body flew out.

The Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move Great Array that just formed was broken instantly.


Lion Tiger and Situ Yang both looked dull at the same time, their eyes dull.

They never thought that the strength of the oracle would be so strong today, far exceeding their imagination.

Although the mountain protection treasure of Tianyu Mountain was used, the Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move Great Array was shattered in one blow, which was too strong.

“Ha ha ha, Heavenly Oracle 9 is the Heaven Realm Supreme Treasure. This time within the realm, any treasure is impossible to stop it, you die!”

The smiles of the oracle saints are all playful. This kind of control over the life and death of others, as well as the desperate look before the other party’s death, made him excited.

On the other hand, the lion tiger was pale, and his body seemed to have lost all aura, completely paralyzed.

He is not afraid of death, but he does not want to involve brother!

According to his original plan, he blocked everyone with his body and let Situ Yang take Fengzhi away.

But now, it seems that the plan has failed!

3 people are dying here.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The various attacks did not stop for a moment, and the constant strikes were on the Great Array of the 2 Holy Peaks. The Great Array of the Holy Peaks, which was supported by 2 people, lost a crack quickly, and it was about to collapse.

Situ raised his face in despair, old tears unhindered.


There are so many treasure troves that have n’t been robbed, and even Heaven Realm has n’t been there. I heard that the treasure there is ten times, 100 times …

I really want to see ah!

But now, there is no chance at all.

“Ha ha ha, isn’t it death !? Laozi will be scared !?”

The lion tiger struggled to get up from the ground, opened his mouth to vomit a bit of blood, raised his hand fiercely, turned around, looked towards Situ Yang roared

“Brother get up! It’s a man who fights with them!”

After this sentence roared, the lion tiger turned to look towards the powerhouses in the opposite group, all eyes were dead.

“Fatty, this life, I’m sorry for you, I’ll give you the next life!”

At this moment, the fine awns in the eyes of the lion and tiger condensed to the extreme, and they would explode in an instant.


Dead battle!

Self-violent Qi Sea, burning blood essence, even if it is dead, you have to pull a few backs!

Boom … Rumble!

The two holy peaks finally couldn’t hold on, and in the violent violent sound of the sky, they burst and burst into sky stars.


As if the horn was roaring, the lion tiger and Situ Yang shouted at the same time, and the figure burst out.

Faced with the behavior of two people going to death, the oracles and other groups of gangsters were all smirking.

“Courting death, then die!”

Without any hesitation, the big brothers of each and everyone powerhouse shot one after another, blasting the sky attack, which turned into a monstrous frenzy, sweeping towards 2 people.

“Is this … finished !?”


The lion tiger and Situ Yang watched the attacking flood from the hiding the sky and covering the earth, the pupils were enlarged at the same time, and his heart was still breathless.

“That guy, I don’t know how it is in Heaven Realm !? I really want to find him …”

At this moment, the two people coincided, and at the same time looked up at the sky dome, murmured in his heart, his eyes flashing, one by one, passing like a running light in their eyes.

Everything is about to end!

However, at this moment, an extremely magnificent force between Heaven and Earth suddenly broke out and wiped out the sky-crazing attacks.


“What happened!?”

The big men present were all stunned.

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