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Suddenly, no one thought that the 2 Great Holy Lord attack would be so easily erased in an instant.


The deceased saints and the emperor of the emperor’s heart shook their hearts together.

“2 places, long time no see!”

The sound rang in the sky, and Huangfu Ji and Qin Jian came out.

“Huangfu big brother!”

The eyes of the lion tiger and Situ Yang light up at the same time.

“What … what are you doing !?”

The oracle saint froze for a moment, and looked at Huangfu’s face suddenly low.

“If you come to protect these 2 people, there is nothing to talk about! Simply impossible!”

“Do n’t forget, I am the continent, if you dare to intervene, do n’t even want to leave!”

Although they knew that Huangfu was in Ten Directions Star Domain, and that Qin Jian was not an ordinary cultivator, but in this position, the oracle saint and imperial heart emperor impossible then let go of the lion tiger and situ Yang .

Hearing this, neither Huangfuji nor Qin Jian spoke.

“Two Holy Lords, what happened today is on my face, how about letting go?”

At this moment, a voice sounded again, and at the same time a silhouette came out of the sky and walked directly to the lion tiger and Situ Yang before standing still.

“He … he is …”

All around the crowd, Gu Feng’s eyes shrank fiercely, looking at the black robed youth, completely stupid.

That person is obviously the one who went to Chu Jiang before … not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth’s son! ?

How could he come here! ?

Moreover, listening to what he said just now, he wanted to be the Holy Lord of the North Temple, Holy Lord of the Little Imperial Palace, and give him a … face! ?

“Are you … Chu Yan !?”

The eyes of the oracle saint looked at the black robed youth suddenly.

If the appearance of Huangfuji and Qin Jian only made him feel a little troublesome, then the appearance of Chu Yan is a big problem.

“Respect World’s First … Chu Yan !?”

“Why did he come here !?”

“This is impossible!”


Many of the powerful men present at the scene heard that the words Chu Yan were all complexion changed.

They have a lot of disciplines and practitioners in the realm, naturally knowing Chu Yan’s identity and information.

However, they are just like Yunyun Du, but they only know some things before several decades. As for what happened later, they haven’t waited for the information to come back.

After all, the connection between Heaven Realm and the lower realm is extremely troublesome. Each Great Influence is connected once every 50 years or 100 years.

“Big … big brother …”

“Boss, Boss …”

The bodies of the lion tiger and Situ Yang were completely stiff there, shaking unceasingly.

Several decades, they thought that Chu Yan would come back countless times, but this one, that is several decades….

Although they also know that it is extremely difficult to return to the lower realm from Heaven Realm, but they did not even think that this class has actually passed so many years.

“Are you all okay !?” Chu Yan looked at the two of them with a light mouth.


Hearing this, Situ Yang and the lion tiger suddenly twitched in their faces. This … should not be considered good.

“Chu Yan!”

The Emperor Heart Emperor shouted loudly, interrupting the greetings of the three people.

“I know you! At that time the battle strength was extraordinary, and the strength of one person destroyed Saint Heavenly Pavilion! But …”

“These two people committed mortal crime. If you want to help them, don’t blame me for being ruthless!”

The oracle saint also opened the mouth and said

“Chu Yan Fellow Daoist, you better not interfere in this matter!”

For Chu Yan, he knew something newer than the Emperor Heart Emperor, that is, not long ago, he wiped out Demon King 2 1 City with one finger.

Therefore, he was extremely afraid of Chu Yan, but in the face of the crimes committed by Situ Yang and the lion tiger, in the face of all the powers of the continent of the emperor, he simply missed them.

Such a situation, absolutely impossible.

On the other side, Gu Feng, among the crowd, was completely silly.

what’s the situation! ?

2 Great Saint Fang actually knew this Chu Yan! ?

Is n’t he a small force Outer Sect disciple! ?

Moreover, looking at the expression and tone of the oracle saint, he seemed to be extremely afraid of him.

“Then don’t talk about it!”

Chu Yan shook the head, raised a finger pointed, a dazzling Sword Qi rushed, wiped the entire mountain range below, and cut out a huge zhang ditch on the vast land, like a gorge.

“This is the boundary. Those who have passed this world … die!”

Chu Yan spoke softly, his tone flat.

The lords such as Holy Lord and Holy Heart Saint Emperor were shocked when they heard this.

what! ?

Crossovers die! ?

You are crazy too! ?

Faced with the continent of the emperor continent, a person who dares to be so arrogant! ?

“Huangfu, Brother Qin, please take Situ and Lion Tiger back first!” Chu Yan turned his head.

Although he can take away the Lion Tiger and Situ Yang directly, the matter may still not be resolved, and there will be trouble in the future.

Therefore, it is better to solve it at one time.


Huangfu arched his hand to accept the order, waved his big hand, rolled up Situ Yang, Lion Tiger, and Fengzhi, and turned to fly to the sky.


The Emperor Heart Emperor screamed with anger, and his whole body was erupted like a volcano. The whole person seemed to be incarnation a peerless Spirit Armament, directly cutting away the flying Huangfuji and Qin Jian silhouette.

I don’t care about what Chu Yan said just now.

In other words, he never paid attention to it from beginning to end, only as a young frivolous language.

However, just the moment his silhouette crossed the boundary of the canyon, a shocking sword light burst out, dyeing half of the void to bright colors.

The silhouette of the emperor of the emperor’s heart, as if was struck by lightning, his scalp tingled all over, and the death of his heart was like a surge of tide.

“What !? Emperor Heart Emperor … retired !?”

“Too terrifying! That Sword Intent just now, it’s terrifying!”

“Terrifying, isn’t the Dao Foundation destroyed !? There is such strength !? It is Heaven Realm powerhouse!”


The powerhouses all around are all shocked.

“2 people, I suggest you think about it!”

Chu Yan looked at two people and spoke softly. This time is the reason why Lion Tiger and Situ Yang are in a loss, so Chu Yan will not directly do it.


The oracle saints are directly shouted.

“Chu Yan, this is the continent of the emperor! You are so arrogant!”

The emperor of the emperor’s heart exhaled for a long time, apparently not angry, shouted, “Even if you are strong, now there is only Peak cultivation base, what can a person do !? I tell you, people here Zunjing powerhouse is more! “

With a word, the Emperor’s Heart Emperor waved his hand and ordered aloud

“The little imperial palace belongs to, join hands against the enemy!”

“Beiyushan, let’s go together!”

The Emperor Tianyu also ordered to let the powerhouses to fight.

For a time, two holy parties led more than 2 celebrities to respect the powerhouse, and at the same time broke out in an imposing manner and rushed towards Chu Yan.

The majestic tide of power, the rush of Heaven and Earth, appears like the general scene of heaven falls and earth rends.

After all, this is the continent of the emperor of the lower realm. With so many human powerhouses working together, Heaven and Earth Might simply cannot bear it.

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