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All of a sudden, a door-to-door stunt trick was performed at the same time, turning into various attacks and attacking Chu Yan.

Seen from a distance, it was like a long river running, coming with a huge wave like a tide.

That’s also the fact that other powerhouses and powerhouses outside the battlefield were also shocked by this imposing manner, and their faces changed.

This is more than 60 continent emperors, a joint attack of the pyramid Peak powerhouse.

There is no doubt at all. There is no one to stop and no one to break.


At this time, the emperor’s heart shouted loudly, raised his hands under the in the sky consecutive points, a hesitant sword of lightning gathered, and he was grabbed out and held in the palm of his hand.

When he looked up towards Chu Yan again, with a thunder sword in his hand, his body might skyrocketed.

“The treasure of the town palace of the small imperial palace, ten thunderbolt sword !?”

“God, is it not a legend that this thunder sword can only be used by the Old Ancestors who have been closed for 10000 years in Xiaogong Palace !? Is it true that the princes in Xiaogong Palace are awake !?”

“I’m afraid this battle is terrifying!”


The powerhouses of all parties were exclaimed. After all, the thunderbolt sword of this small imperial palace rarely appeared.

Among the all influence powerhouse present, 90% of the 9 people saw the treasure of Jianzhen Palace for the first time in Xiaoyu Palace.

Twisted to say that this sword is up to Heaven Realm, down to 9 sec, the formidable power is skyless!

Now it seems that it really is not a false statement.

Chu Yan raised his head and glanced at the thunder sword in the hands of the emperor’s heart emperor, his eyes beating with fire.

Now, it’s time …

Without any imposing manner outburst, and no use of Heaven Realm Taobao, facing the long river like a tsunami, he gently raised his hand, a finger pointed.


The power of the fingertips exploded, the dazzling rays of light volley, and the power of terror surged out.

Suddenly, they collided with the oncoming attack, Changhe, and issued a violent noise of heaven shaking earth shattering.

pēng pēng pēng….

Everyone can feel that Heaven and Earth is trembling and the sky is shaking.

Immediately afterwards, the long river crumbled, and was continuously chopped into powder, spreading out.

The unique skills and killing tricks exerted by various powerhouses cannot be resisted even for half a breath.

Moreover, the burst of energy, as if controlled by power, backlash went back to sweep the crowd.

Cultivation base is less than the 7th Layer of the cultivator, all groaned, Zhang He sprayed a blood mist, and his body flew like an arrow off the string.


Whether it is the Holy Oracle or the Emperor Heart Emperor, many of the powerful men present were shocked by the previous scene.

With one finger, the river is broken, and more than a dozen powerhouses are blasted, which directly breaks the joint forces of the powerful! ?

If he tried his best, then …

The whole scene instantly fell into a silence, even the breath was slightly inaudible.

However, at this moment, the token in Chu Yan’s arms vibrated, but came from consciousness.

Chu Yan swept his head and suddenly looked cold.

“Chu Yan, just now someone shot Uncle Chu and it was already blocked by Qin Jian and I!”

“Under interrogation, the messenger behind the scenes was Yunyun Du found you arrived at the continent of the emperor. Please move the Celestial Immortal figure to figure out where Uncle Chu is, wanting to be taken hostage, and intimidate you as a bargaining chip!

“I’m worried, there are other ways for Yunyun Du! Take care!”

In his consciousness, Huangfu told the story.

“Yi Yun Du !? Celestial Immortal picture !? How daring …”

Under the mouth of Chu Yan’s mouth, an icy chill spread out instantly.

Dare to move your loved ones, be brave!

Before moving his own brother, Chu Yan still felt that he was taking the lead and was not ready to kill him.

It now appears that these people are in their own courting death!

“Tianist daoist brother, please immediately send the transmission Celestial Immortal picture to help me in the Xiaogong Palace once, and I will be rewarded afterwards!”

The Emperor Heart Emperor turned his head and said to the oracle saint.

Although Xiao Yu Gong also has a closed retreat and is awakened, this Chu Yan’s battle strength is too amazing. Just a few of them are too good. If something goes wrong, what will happen?

So now, more power must be used to ensure that 10000 is not lost.

However, he didn’t wait for him to finish in one sentence.

Chu Yan’s silhouette has flashed in front of the oracle saints, grabbing with one hand horizontally, directly to the neck of the oracle saints.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and they simply couldn’t react.

This speed is amazing, even if so many respects are present, no one has responded.

Only the oracle saint felt that his death was soaring in his heart, and suddenly outburst True Qi, wanting to resist.

However, he clearly felt that the power of his within the body seemed to be suppressed by something, and there was no movement at all.

At this moment, he even felt like an ordinary person.

“Say, where is the Immortal Palace !?”

Chu Yan’s eyes are like electricity, direct shot of the Holy Oracle.

The body of the oracle was fiercely trembling.

Immortal Palace! ?

What does Chu Yan want to do! ?

“Don’t you say it !?”

There was no trace of expression on Chu Yan’s face, and divine light flashed in his hand.

In an instant, the Holy Oracle only felt that his within the body was cut by countless Sword Qi, and the horrible pain suddenly soared, making him scream.

Chu Yan’s eyes were light flashed, and he seemed to think of something. He shook his hands and threw the oracles to the mountain range below like a dead dog.

“You, tell me the location of the Immortal Palace!”

Chu Yan’s eyes looked towards Peak Powerhouse, a person beside the oracle.

Soon, Chu Yan got the address of the Immortal Palace, and turned his eyes to sweep all the emperor’s hearts and emperors present, and his body disappeared on the spot like an illusory shadow.

At this moment, there was silence in the Heaven and Earth of NuoDa.

The impact of Chu Yan on Divine Soul is really too big.

The oracle saint, emperor’s heart emperor, continent 2 Great Holy Lord in front of him, like nothing, just like a dog.

“He … Did he go to the Immortal Palace !?”

“God, this is the major event ah!”

“Not good! Hurry up …”


Some of the powerhouses present reacted and exclaimed.

But the Immortal Palace at this time has been alarmed.

The disciples in the palace all felt one after another ancient and powerful horror aura, constantly erupting from the Holy Land in the palace, making them Divine Soul tremble.

狞 went to sit alone in the main hall, lifted his foot to the main seat, shouted to everyone present

“Everyone, we are divided into ten teams. The first team is composed of Tianguo Taoists and the second team is composed of …”

The large group of people gathered in the main hall respected the powerhouses, all looking at Zhi Yundu, with a nodded face of murderous aura.

In Yunyun’s eyes, blood light also overflowed.

At this time, Chu Yan dared to come to continent, and for the sake of Situ Yang and the lion tiger, he killed the small imperial palace.

With such a good opportunity, he immediately found the Immortal Palace.

The small imperial palace is the power of the second only to the oracle palace on the continent of the emperor. As long as the people who are inside the sect retreat are called out, plus the joint of Heaven and Immortal Palace, it can kill this Chuhuo.

“Respect World’s First! Huh, I will kill World’s First …”

If it was in Heaven Realm, he would n’t dare to fight against Chu Yan even if he was stronger.

However, here is not Heaven Realm, here is the emperor continent!

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