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Boom … Rumble!

a Deafening explosion sounded, all the disciples of the Immortal Palace only felt that the ground beneath their feet and the void all around were shaking.

Countless exclamations sounded loudly.

The immense Tianquan Immortal Palace suddenly fell into a panic.

“what’s going on!?”

“No way !? Immortal Palace has been attacked !?”

All the powerhouses in Qiyun Duhe Temple’s human respect are all surprised.

This emperor continent, how does the Immortal Palace exist, there are people who dare to start the Immortal Palace! ?

Over the past 100 years, Emperor Continent has almost always had peace and security because of the existence of Overlords such as Tianyu Mountain and Xiaoyu Palace.

But now, there are people who are overlord start! ?

Xiu xiu xiu !

Outside the Immortal Palace, dozens of silhouettes burst out in an instant, all of which are Peak realm, suspended in midair.

This person is different from the one in the temple before, even if it is in the Peak realm powerhouse, it can be regarded as a strong presence.

“Who are you? Dare Heaven to confuse Immortal Palace !?”

An old man with long white hair looked down at a collapsed palace, and looked at the black robed youth with a cold face in front of him.

This person is named Lu Chen, but one of the ten Great Saint emperors, ranked second only to the oracle saint.

It is regarded as the power of Immortal Palace No. 2.

Behind him, a group of powerhouses are all glaring.

However, among the large group of powerhouses, Yun Yundu was horrified, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

Chu Yan! ?

How could he come here! ?

“Ha ha ha, World’s First respect Chu Yan! What a guts!”

Li Yunduo reacted and immediately laughed out loud, saying, “It seems that you have found out and dealt with your father!”

Hearing this, Chu Yan’s eyes froze, Liman flashed in his hand, and Clear Sky Sword was unsheathed.

This is the first time he has made a sword since he returned to the lower realm.

“Chu Yan, Heaven Hall, there is a way you don’t go, I’m not going to find you again without me!”

“Come here, kill me this child as planned!”

The face of Qiduo Du was full of smirk, and instantly the murderous aura was tumbling.

Just right!

He ran to the Immortal Palace himself, which was definitely courting death.

If you go to him by yourself, it may make him escape.

But now, on the site of the Immortal Palace, the number of powerhouses has more than doubled, with the aid of the Great Array.

Anyone who breaks into this place will definitely die!

However, before he finished speaking, a bright man flashed in front of him.

Zhi Yundu’s body shook, and suddenly felt the position of his arm a bit cool, and quickly looked down.

With a glance at this, the face of Quduo was instantly full of astonished expression, because, his arms … disappeared!

“Ah … ah … my hand!”

The face of pain and paleness appeared on his face, and mournful scream sounded through the sky.

Lvchen and a group of powerhouses are all dull and completely ignorant.

The battle strength of Chi Yunduo is far beyond ordinary Peak powerhouse, and it is also one of the ten Great Saint emperors.

But now, without moving, the hands are gone! ?

“Chu Yan, so bold!”

a The roaring sound exploded, and the rolling black mist was surging over the Immortal Palace, which turned into an endless wind, sweeping all directions.

At this moment, Immortal Palace was completely alarmed.

“Tianyu Immortal Palace, come on, come on, as long as you confess guilt, I can put you in the first place!”

Chu Yan looked deep into the Tianyu Palace and said.

“Confess!” Ha ha ha…. “

I was so angry that Immortal Palace smiled directly.

Who it is, it is the spirit wisdom of the continent, the first mortal force in this world. If the plan is successful, then it is the absolute master of this continent.

Someone even confessed it! ?

Can a cultivator exist on such terms and mention on equal terms? Eligible to confess it! ?

Big joke!

“Everyone listens, give me kill this child!”

Immortal Palace ordered directly.

“Chu Yan, die for me!”

Lvchen and a group of powerhouse heard that, they roared all at once, all kinds of divine light exploded on their bodies, and raising their hands was an endless attack.


Not only the green dust and the others respect the powerhouse, including some giants who have just been asleep, but also awakened from the depths of the Tianyu Palace, issued a roaring sky, rushed from all four directions to attack Chu Yan.

In an instant, the sky above the Tianyu Palace was all murderous aura rushing.

All kinds of killing tricks and stunts all came in madness, covering the whole oracle palace.

At the same time, the Great Array of the Tengu Palace’s town palace was also opened to prevent the Tengu Palace from being impacted by the aftermath of this extremely powerful attack.

But at this time, Chu Yan, who was at the center of the attacking tide, was indifferent and standing tall.

Since these people cannot tell good from bad, then kill it!


Chu Yan’s figure flickered, moved momentarily, and disappeared at that moment. Those attacks were all released, and when he appeared again, he had arrived behind a Peak Powerhouse in a respected realm, and raised his hand to cut it off with a sword.

Sword Qi like dragon, might gang crazy!

This person respected the Peak powerhouse, and even the screams were too late to send out, and he was directly killed by a sword.

After Chu Yan’s sword, there was no stagnation. In his hand, Clear Sky swept through, a half-moon Sword Qi threw away, instantly slashing a row of Spirit Treasure into the powder, and at the same time, the people who displayed these Spirit Treasure’s respectable powerhouse were all chopped into flesh powder.

Bumper …

Various explosions sounded, and a path of silhouette was swallowed by sword light, blooming in the sky like fireworks.

“Longyan 9 must spear!”

Seeing this scene, Lu Chen’s eyes contracted, waving a large purple spear in the long howling, raising his hand with thorns to Chu Yan.

Spear glow, the flames are like dragons, has several points of might.

Chu Yan turned his head, the flames blazing in his eyes and looked up.

With this glance, the flaming dragon seemed to be hit by the sky, and was instantly swept into nothingness and disappeared by the reverse Divine flame.


Lu Chen’s eyes were full of surprise.

This is Life Source Long Yan who he cultivated for 1000 years!

Even if it is powerful existence, it is impossible, just glance at it, and it will collapse directly! ?

However, he didn’t know at all that Chu Yan was against the Divine flame in the realm, not to mention the small lowly me, even the Earth Venerable Realm, Heavenly Venerable Realm, God King Realm, and even the Supreme realm could not resist.

But the next scene shocked him even more.

Dozens of people form the Great Array and attack Chu Yan like a wave of waves, but no matter how powerful the attack, the unique skill can’t hurt Chu Yan.

Even he couldn’t get closer within 100 steps of his body, as if he had hit the existence of Supreme, and all collapsed outside that range.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Heaven’s shaking earth shattering’s blasting sound didn’t turn on. On the sky of Nuo Da, 3 extremely terrifying Great Arrays started to work in an instant.

The entire 100 palaces of the entire Tianyu Palace all rushed to a path of divine light, and turned into various Spirit Mark forces into the Great Array.

At this moment, it seemed to have fallen asleep for 10,000,000 years in the Temple of Heaven, and woke up completely.

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