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As soon as Haitian and Mu Gujiang came into contact, the eyes of two people flew in a flash, and there was obviously a tacit understanding.

However, the ancient tombs of the earth have already urged Baleful Qi in secret.

Gui Di felt these changes, and immediately looked at Huayang, and when he saw his hand pressed against the hilt, the smile on his face suddenly became thicker.

“The people of Blood Scient Ancient Sect are hiding, and it will be hilarious after a while!”

After 1000 breaths, a loud noise came, and everyone looked stunned and looked up anxiously.

The purple shield shattered!

Liang Tian’s imposing manner erupted in an instant, and the flames surged all over his body, and a fire wave shot directly at Chu Yan, completely wrapping it.

Liu Qingyi and the barbarian dragon waved an Antiquity Taobao at the same time, making a shocking blow!

“Liu Qingyi, do you want to block me !?”

Mu Gujiang seems to have been expected for a long time, while the inside of his body burst into light, the murderous aura rushed and swept all directions.

The unique devouring body of the bite family has started to work!

Hai Tianyi’s imposing manner, at the same time magnificent, and the nine blood-robe persons behind him, at the same time, laid a big shock, exhibited Taobao, and bombarded Liang Tian.


Di Sha Shuang Ju also shot, among the countless yin and ghost screams, a 100-step ghost cave appeared, and in the sky evolved the Yin Sha Ghost Domain, covering everything.

“Heaven and Earth Promise!”

Mu Gujiang long hair flying upwards, a big spear dancing in his hand, the whole person burst into a shocking speed, broke the seal of the ghost hole, and shot Chu Yan directly.

2 The distance between the two is less than 100 steps.


Mu Gujiang was loudly roared, and all his imposing manner and strength were concentrated on the spear tip.

Liu Qingyi’s face was as usual, and it seemed to have been prepared. After all, it was peerless genius, and he made full preparations for the results and probability of the battle.

After all, she knows the strength of other peerless genius.

So before the war, he and Liang Tian, ​​barbarian dragon, agreed on some plans, aimed at other peerless genius shots.

However, before she used her plan, Chu Yan above the altar suddenly opened her eyes!

The soul of War God, and a tall illusory shadow, also emerged at the same time …

Between Heaven and Earth, the mighty Heavenly Might swept away instantly.

Mu Gujiang’s body shuddered suddenly. In the face of such a powerful pressure, he couldn’t move forward any more, and his body began to fly backwards.

Chu Yan stood up, and the entire golden altar was buzzing and trembling under his coercion.

“Didn’t expect, so many acquaintances!”

Chu Yan’s gaze glanced from Mu Gujiang, Liu Qingyi and the others, and glanced at Hai Tianyi again. When he saw Huayang, the complexion changed suddenly, and his eyes instantly seemed like ice.

With his current cultivation base strength, it can be seen that the Divine Soul of Huayang is sealed, including the strength of his within the body and True Qi, which are not the original strength.

“Chu Yan, I came today to use your life to atone for War God of that year!”

Mu Gu landed coldly.

“Chu Yan, I am very optimistic about you, don’t let me down!”

Haitian’s face was full of excitement, and the tattoos on his skin were gleaming, directly hitting an attack, blasting Chu Yan.

“No time!”

Chu Yan’s tone was like ice, his figure disappeared in place, appeared directly over Celestial Immortal Soul Pond, and waved a drop of blood essence.

“What is he doing !?”

Liu Qingyi, Mu Gujiang and Haitian Peerless genius were all stunned.

Isn’t it a war? ?

Why didn’t you fight, go to bleed! ?

Chu Yan ignored everyone, took a deep breath, right hand seal, and directly pressed on the golden altar.

“Longevity City! When you are not born at this time, when will you stay!”

This sentence fell, Heaven and Earth suddenly sink.

Boom … Rumble!

The entire golden altar seemed to be hit by incomparably powerful forces, and the entire altar fell into the ground more than ten feet.

Seeing this, Chu Yan rose to the sky.

After that, a scene of terrifying terror happened. This altar, which no matter how many peerless genius and Divine King joined forces to attack, could not be shaken, started to crumble.

Aura of incomparable Green Ancient, gushed out from the shattered altar.

Invisible, there is a silhouette of Wei An, slowly opening a door of taboo that has been sealed for a long time.

“this is….”

Whether it was the peerless genius present or the ordinary cultivator, they were all stunned.


Heaven and Earth rang loudly, and in the beam of light, blood energy surged and instantly reached the sky.

An incomparably huge bloody city emerged at the end, completely occupying the whole sky.

Immediately, the huge city emerged completely from the sky, bursting into a shocking imposing manner that swept through the entire Zone 4.

咚dong dong!

a path of bell and drum sounds resounding through Heaven and Earth.

The endless vast sea of ​​clouds shattered completely.

Not only that, the cultivators in the 4th area looked up towards the sky and found that the whole sky was shattering.

A path of blood light emerges from the cracked sky dome, all of which are the huge rays of light of the “Living City”, darkening Heaven and Earth, across the Vault of Heaven.


All the cultivators in the 4th district are all psyched.

Even Chu Yan himself was shocked by Divine Soul, his heart shivering.

“Will this be recorded in historical materials … 10000 ancient Celestial Demon cliff !?”

Barbarian dragon looked at this scene, especially the statue of the demon statue above the city wall, his eyes were full of trance.

“No, ah! According to the top-secret historical material in the family, it should have been destroyed!”

Chu Yan heard the barbarian dragon and asked, “What is the 10000 ancient Celestial Demon cliff?”

barbarian dragon replied softly, “Dao Venerable Treasure Artifact of ranked top 10 in the era of the ten great gods! It is said that it was created by the first gods with their own hands, and is made up of 100 demon statues …”

Speaking of which, he glanced at Chu Yan but stopped talking.

However, he said that this had already shocked the peerless genius, such as Liu Qingyi, who was present.

Dao Venerable Treasure Artifact! ?

That’s more than the existence of Daobao. Among the current Great Influences, it is almost the existence of phoenix scales.

Not to mention, this was created by the first gods of Antiquity and ranked among the ten most powerful.

You know, such a Taobao venerable device, as long as it is born, will surely cause continent competition, even Dao Lord Realm powerhouse will get involved.

It was definitely a bloody storm that swept the continent!

However, it is such a piece …

It is now standing on the top of the city and used as part of the city wall! ?

How does this city exist! ?

Xiu xiu xiu !

When everyone was in amazement, 10000 divine light suddenly broke out, rising from the city, in this sky-blooding blood light, various natural phenomena have evolved.

Connaught University’s Longevity City has more than just an Antiquity Dao Venerable Treasure Artifact!

Chu Yan felt the faint aura fluctuations in the dying city, the flames suddenly ignited in his eyes, within the body 2 The law of the door asked to run simultaneously, stormed out, and flew into the city.

“Fast chase!”

Mu Gujiang, Hai Tianyi and the others saw Chu Yan ran away, and the peerless genius such as Liusha and Gui Di were all turned into streamers and chased away.

“You guys, go to Shengcheng immediately!”

“Send a few more people, report the matter to the clan in detail, and let the clan send forces to come!”

They all spread consciousness and ordered the practitioners of this force.

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