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This time when I arrived in the 4th district, I wanted to catch Chu Yan and kill Chu Yan. They all made layouts. They could not bring a few horses. If it is not Bi Heavenly Beast is too scarce, it is estimated that the Zongjun can come over.

“Fellow Daoist, we have our own goals, but no matter what, we must first take Chu Yan first, and we must not fight first, let him take advantage!”

“His secret must be forced out, when the time comes and then handed over to those who need it, I suggest to make the Heavenly Might oath together!”

Liu Qingyi’s beautiful eyes flickered and sent forth consciousness, but spared the ghost digging and the Peerless Sect.


Mu Gujiang, Hai Tianyi and Qisha both absolutely agreed, all agreed.

The birth of the old city, the value of the 10000 ancient cliff alone, made the peerless genius present all very impressed.

The Antiquity Dao Venerable Treasure Artifact refined by the 100 demon lords might have hidden the inheritance and chance of the first gods of Antiquity. If they get it, it will definitely be heaven defying.

“Hurry, check it out!”

“This opportunity, only once, must not be missed!”

A large number of cultivators rushed towards the Shengcheng City, all with fiery eyes.

In the fourth district, a natural phenomenon occurred for the first time in 4 years, and the natural phenomenon born was so terrifying existence, and it instantly boiled.

Chu Yan has now arrived in the Shengsheng City.

Close to this city, Chu Yan can feel the magnificent aura in this city, especially that 10000 ancient cliff, the aura released is extremely horrible.

It can be said that if a cultivator of Heavenly Venerable Realm Peak did not step into the way of Fujian people, he could not get close to within 100 li, and even close to the city wall was extremely difficult.

After hundred breaths, Chu Yan ’s silhouette was on the city wall. When his feet landed, all around seemed to roar with 100 Celestial Demon.

Even if it was the power of his will, it shuddered suddenly, completely in a trance.

“The Dao Venerable Treasure Artifact created by the Antiquity gods first is really extraordinary. Whoever gets him, I am afraid that it will not be a problem to fight against Supreme 9!”

Chu Yan was shocked in his heart and turned slightly towards towards the city.

I saw that the imposing manner of buildings in the city is endless, all of them are divine light.

In addition, the mountains, rivers, woods, etc. made him feel like an independent small world.

So far, Chu Yan has seen a lot of Secret Realm and Little World, but there is almost nothing comparable to this old city.

His eyes swept across the city, and finally settled on a palace in the center of the city.

This is a 10,000 zhang main hall type building, with a total of ten 8 layers, 1st layer has a large number of Spirit Mark talisman seal, giving a very heavy feeling.

With aura, Chu Yan felt that the drop of blood essence was in the 8th layer.

Without any hesitation, Chu Yan stood up and moved towards the center of the city.

Through this road, divine light is everywhere in the city, various natural phenomena and treasures appear one after another, but Chu Yan ignores them all.

Bang bang bang !

There seems to be some kind of spirit wisdom in the main hall in this city. When Chu Yan is close to 100 li, a path of Spirit Seal flashes on the tenth 8th layer, then it cracks and falls off, breaking a path of gap.

Through these cracks, Chu Yan can clearly see the situation within the tenth 8th layer.

In these 8 layers, there are rows of wooden shelves, all of which are all kinds of classics, and some small bottles of spar, flashing a faint green ancient aura.

There is a wooden table in the middle, a pen and ink table, and so on, as well as a volume of classics and a jade box.

Chu Yan slightly startled….

Not far behind, Mu Gujiang, Haitian Yi and Liu Qingyi, and other peerless genius, also all chased them. Seeing this scene, they were all stunned there.

The classics and jade box on the desk released the aura that was extremely scary. Even their Divine Consciousness can be instantly judged. This aura definitely exceeds the Supreme Realm of 9 domains.

This horror is a piece … Supreme Supreme Treasure!

This value is more than several times higher than the 10000 ancient cliff above the city!

Chu Yan body flashed, but rushed in directly from the crack, raised his hand and grabbed.

“Hmph! Chu Yan, you still want to get treasure !?”

A thunderbolt-like drink sounded, and Mu Gujiang’s figure flashed suddenly, appearing in the sky in an instant, raising his hand and shooting it.

Palm gangs are like thunder, turning into gang gangs and sweeping everything.

“Divine Art!”

Chu Yan turned around, looked up and drew his sword directly.

Vault of Heaven Sword Art!

At the same time as this sword was cut out, Hai Tianyi, the ground was unmatched, and Liu Qingyi, 4 people, had taken the God King Realm powerhouses and killed Chu Yan all around.

4 All directions attacked like a tide, and Chu Yan suddenly fell into a siege.

This is 4 peerless genius, there is a group of God King Realm Peak, the battle strength is terrible, I am afraid that the Supreme can not resist.

“Chu Yan, neither we nor Guling want to kill you. As long as you let us catch and save our lives, we can also help you block Mu Gujiang and Hai Tianyi!

“You have to be clear, they have mobilized more than 30 God King Realm Peak in this time in order to kill you, prepared a lot of means, it is not something you can escape, and even Tianzong can do nothing!”

Liu Qingyi seized the opportunity and persuaded to descend.

Chu Yan’s figure flashed, his body was wrapped against the Divine flame, within the body 2 The outbreak of the law of the door asked, the Vault of Heaven Sword Art was constantly being displayed in his hand, and he fought against everyone!

He just turned his head and looked at Liu Qingyi….

I haven’t seen it during this time. This Spirit Race is the first peerless, but it is a lot more beautiful. It should be the reason for the cultivation base improvement.

But her personality has not changed, but she is more confident!

He came to threaten himself and persuade! ?

“Get lost!”

Chu Yan said coldly said, simply too lazy to talk nonsense with her.

7 peerless genius, groups of God King Realm Peak, so what! ?

After returning from the lower realm this time, he was already ready to do a heaven shaking earth shattering!


Liu Qingyi’s face was purple with anger.

This guy is getting more and more excessive, and he is kind and kind …

is it possible that, he really thought he could escape alive in such a situation! ?

The last time it was because he happened to be in young god king World, after breaking through the cultivation base, he had a chance, and this time impossible had another chance to break through.

“Since you … then don’t blame us for being welcome!”

Liu Qingyi’s small face is full of ice, this time she must suppress Chu Yan.


Immediately, the major peerless genius and God King Realm all shot together, all shot with all their strength.

Mu Gujiang’s method of asking the inside of the body also started to work, moving Dao Body to Peak.

The killing spell produced by Haitian Yi is even more formidable power.

The dual-strength Yin Array, which was played by Disha Shuangjue, picked up the sky-screaming ghost whistle, and Liu Qingyi directly urged Spirit Seal, and the monster body on the monster body qi soared to the sky …

Those God King Realm Peak powerhouses are all around, taking out Antiquity Taobao, completely blocking all around Heaven and Earth.

“Everyone, don’t …. At least take a breath!”

a abnormal sound sounded, and a full five silhouettes in blood robes came out of the sky and rushed directly to Chu Yan.

“Xuetian Ancient Sect !?”

The peerless genius present are all complexion sank.

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